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=VG= Gaz

VG Clan Alumni
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Posts posted by =VG= Gaz

  1. Good game over all..

    Talon squad moved slowly Had to wait for iffn to regorup then we moved into overwatch while calv was being engaged.
    We took out the 6-10 men guarding the AA then moved in, Secured and destroyed AA.

    We moved east down hill towards the generals camp as overwatch was tuff from the top of the hill..
    Got engaged several times We lost calv to a BMP just after he took aother one out.

    Called in murder to bomb a treeline where we were taking grenade lanucher fire. Murder responded within ruffly 4 seconds and the target was gone and half the damn forrest ;D.

    Used several mortar barrages taking out 3 apcs and 5+ Foot mobiles.

    Comms were TERRIBLE.
    There was no way we would ever have done that mission without Murder relaying all orders between squads and Mortar.
    We really need to learn this stuff too stand any chance in ACE.

    But over all good game just gota work on our coms a little.
    (just like to mention Murder is a great pilot with that damn bird ;-) he managed to lock on and destroy the enemy instantly.) And ofc Ingo as Always my special no fear no talk friend :D And clippys super SF hearing and iffns marksmanshi ;-)
  2. Well... We started off slow with all the problems that we carmly solved... When we eventualy loaded up it all went fine we roled into town and Dismounted... Ingo, I and eclips were a 3 man squad we ingaged an intial patrol and killed all four but sustained 1 death and two casualtys where calv turned up to fix us up..

    Ingo Then ran all the way back too us and we moved east to the edge of town and we gatherd sights on the Tanguska.. we were told not to fire as murder had a better shot..

    We moved into the second town and dismount was swift... we moved south and then the casualtys mounted up behind with about 5-6 dead in the inital strike... we then regrouped with calv to sort out the fire teams.
    we gained the remainder of fire team 3 that was Pirate and murder we cleard the town without any problems untill there was an acsident with the tanguska that ended with Ingo dead.

    We moved to the last town with the remainder 7 men left. When we arrived we saw the tanguska from the edge of town and then came under heavy small arms fire and took a Granade that took out our TL Calv. We then started to slowly crawl towards the Edge of town and cleard it all.

    Then pitn the Crazy guy he is Desided he wanted to have a pop at the tanguska and crawled under with a satchal.
    He didnt have the desired affect but it worked all the same. The tanguska was renderd disabled and we loaded into the truck and exfiled to the barn...

    Saddly the barn lacked the Party we were expecting :(
    Over all A really good mission and i really enjoyed
  3. I'd love too add He was great with acer and kim too, Great bloke always says hi to me every time we are online at the same time even if we are on compleatly diferent games he comes to say hi...

    He also Says hi to kim and acer all the time and is an allround outstanding bloke and we all think hes awsome! ;D

    martinius tryed to arange the team and most people didnt Agree and care.
    martinius started picking on one of them (Flimiotic)
    Filmiotic told him we shall do are own thing after martinius desided he wanted to replace Flimiotic.
    (martinius said i am not really for a big battle plan and theres no rules saying i have to abide his rules)
    martinies Started firing on one of there friends kortelainen.
    They (being Flimiotic, kortelainen and jouni.) desided in there best interests to fire back he took down one of there men (Kort) and (being the Film, kort and jouni)
    killed him and they left the scean.
    martinies then started abusing on the mic and filmiotic muted him to get rid of his offencive comments.
    They (film, kort and jouni) were at the ao he parachuted in and fired on them They hesitated to fire back because they thought it might of been a mestake
    They (Flim, kort and jouni) then also fired back because he started shooting them (film..etc.). Riddle conferms this as martinius asked riddle to
    Attack them with the A10 from the air riddle replyed "I'm not gonna team kill for you"
    Martinius attempted to kill them 2x as they are sure off. They dont know if there was any other times because of the bullets flying all the time.
    martinius also did take one of them out Kortelainen.

    Steam comunity name for Reach Filmiotic.

    Dallas- Started in zavarac and then martinius tryed to cordinate them and started talking to there team leader
    and dallas's team leader muted him and he desided to talk about it through dallas and then dallas politly said your braking up
    and then he turned to filmatic and Started Throwing all his cordination at him and then filmatic
    said I will just go with my squad (not exact words) filmatic said politly and then martinius started to
    Shout any abuse martinius could and every veriation of the f word and Homefobic words.
    It became clear martinius couldent quardinate anyone martinius became abusive, then he let out incredible abuse
    martinius was trying to be a forcive commander and couldent get control so he started abusing.
    then martinius was Muted by people and started Disruping the game by Team killing people.
    They (being dallas and his squad) found the cache Then they brought in a little bird he evacuated and then as they (dallas and squad) left the
    zone martinius Intetionaly Rammed them (Riddle also witnessed) martinius then cought up with them half a
    min latter and then Rammed them a second time and killed them.
    In dallas opinion martinius had a total melt down.

    TK. Abusive language. abusive sexual comments. Disruptive gameplay. Mild national racism
    (also very heavy towards his Army) Intentional Team killing Several times.

    My opinion This should be A permenant ban.

    Screenshots taken But i joined the game late so i didnt get much of what happend.

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