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Everything posted by instant

  1. Looks like the Stratis Police Department, could be a nice scenario I suppose. What starts off as a 'typical' bank robbery goes sour and they'll eventually have to call in army assistance or something :) Would have to be a PVP mission for obvious reasons, unless the ARMA3 AI suddenly becomes self-aware and useful ;)
  2. Got a BlackBerry Z10 to replace my Motorola Razr (Android)
  3. Good news :) I'm sure people will come up with a workaround for the 1-instance per server, unless it is a steam restriction (I guess there are workarounds for this as well). Thanks for your hard work guys ;)
  4. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-branch-changelog -- change log for dev Branch. 30-04-2013 EXE rev. 04711 Dedicated Server files added to the root of the game (arma3server.exe and supporting libraries) Attenuation of dynamic lights can now be influenced by a new parameter in asset configuration - maximum distance of light On steep surfaces, players now crouch instead of fully standing up Various types of lights on the Ka 60 improved (placement, parameters) Improved Ka 60 fire geometry Fixed: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1219 (wrong Ka 60 horizon indication)
  5. Wth? I suppose this wont be a problem once they go dedicated.. unless they are mad. That said; Using VMs shouldn't affect the performance by much if you have that option.
  6. I believe an Admin should be able to change the mission parameters if you find one on TeamSpeak. I believe the public servers are set to Normal/Veteran mode to make it a bit more accessible. Should also remember that "in the future"? battlefield intelligence will be shared through the squad and upwards more easily than it was in in the old days, with more real-time data sources such as personal drones, so it is probably more realistic to actually have enemies appear on the map as they are spotted by yourself or friendly units. ^^
  7. 3: Think that depends on difficulty setting?
  8. Does not fix the issue, or breaks the game?
  9. Suppose you can do a "Search in all files" for the function name; Only got hits in one mission in my "mpmissions" folder but not sure if that will be enough. (Scite should let you search in files... a free text editor) Its worth a shot at least. Without having the hack there is no way of seeing if it works however, unless you visit a lot of servers until you find an infected one, then go back to one of the VG servers to see if it works or not :)
  10. Might be worth a shot to break the BIS_fnc_MP_packet function in 'functions_f.pbo' to see if that solves things. Not sure how mods will react though. I see "Chopper_Practive 1 Stratis' uses it at least. If players get the ""hacked"" message on a server they need to know that they have to RESTART the game before they connect anywhere else, or it will spread.
  11. As CAS, since I wasn't tasked once it was a bit boring, but since the mission hardly had any threats that infantry would need help on there really wasn't any need for CAS. For future missions I think we should stick to vehicles only, and also drop the KA60 transport chopper which was only used a few times. At least when we are on Stratis which isn't that big any more. The mission itself had a few minor issues: - Not possible to rearm/refuel in airfield for choppers - Destroyed choppers do not respawn, and there is no wreck chopper that can be used to pick them up ArmA issue: - Sometimes chopper explode mid air... Thanks for organizing the event, hope to see another one :) I think a different mission might do better, with more threat/combat for every sector on the island. Having some urban combat in Marina is always nice as well.
  12. Tried a bit with the X-45, couldn't bind all the functions in game -- Guess I'll have to get the software again. Dont really have the space on my desk to use HOTAS I realized, so guess its M/K+JP for now :) Biggest issue was that the "pedals" are very poorly placed, being able to twist the flightstick would be prefferable and without TrackIR getting area-awareness is difficult since I didn't have a spare hotkey for outside view either. Suppose I could try voice-macros with shoot v1.6 if that still works; worked very nicely in Americas Army v1.x ages ago. Hopefully I could hook up my http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/1955/488878-steel_battalion_controller.jpg some time ;)
  13. Time to check if HOTAS works better than PAD for flying, need the extra buttons for TS - unless ARMA has patched pad controls.. time to test, need a push-to-talk button for TS. So, SL using VON Command channel and Squad on TS/Direct?
  14. Bobbus: http://www.2ndbn5thmar.com/ has some materials you can study ;) http://library.enlisted.info/field-manuals/series-1/FM24_19/CH5.PDF
  15. Good point Murderface, some variation is always nice. Once some good servertools are out, perchance its possible to have a server rotate different modes or setups based on a vote on the forum or something.
  16. I like CAS, but I also like being on the ground- so either works.
  17. Bobbus LAN_WROTE ... PITN LAN_WROTE ... BTW the mortars are still there. ;( The mortars just suffer from the same issue as having a CAS chopper (ie, people throwing explosions wherever they want). They were really useful when used in a limited manner with a forward observer because the AI on Domination is brutal. The other problem is that when you dismantle them you cannot pick up the bags so they are left sitting on the ground for the rest of the mission. There is also no way to rearm the mortar so once it's dry you have to build another. I felt we had good use of the mortars last night when we drove to a area outside the AO and deployed two mortars in our little hunter. Using the UAV for spotting, sending coordinates, then watching splashes was nice -- just a shame the map couldn't be opened whilst in the UAV screen.
  18. BUG: The vehicle repair pad at Stratis Airfield does not work on the Co30 AW Domination map. The Chopper Repair pad only refuel/repair but no way to re-arm the hunters. WTF: So, I am on CO30 Domination (Pub 3) server in my hunter, parked next to a ifrit that is abandoned, all of a sudden two friendlies somewhere else die and I am logged as TK -- so I am stuck staring at the black screen. Some time later We are assaulting Camp Tempest, I am in a Hunter Turret, watching for enemies -- unbeknownst to me, friendlies have decided to put up a firing line next to my vehicle -- that blows up (from what I do not know) and I am logged as TK for that as well, now having to restart the game.
  19. Couldn't it be tied to/optionally locked so only vader 1 (or whomever) has access to it, to prevent that?
  20. Removing the battlefield stuff from the mission would be nice, and yes, Agree that it is a high contender -- still would be nice to have 1 insurgency running though. Preferably the squad sizes should be able to fit in 1 KA60 with pilot/copilot already taking up spots -- so that means what, 7? Perhaps even have both 4 and 7 man teams. 4 man team can easily fit into a MH-9 whereas the rest would be driving or transported via KA60. I liked having the MHQ there, more so than having the "weird" squad flags -- even if they help squad up after the untimely demise it kind of is more 'immersion breaking' than being able to teleport from a port-a-potty to a vehicle deployed. It would be nice if you were able to lock vehicles, or even have 2 vehicles (1 Armed + 1 non-armed = 7 people) tasked per squad so only those could use them + also have 'free' vehicles, be it Blue, Green or Red available around. The mission start at 0600(Think it is?) is a bit early since it takes a long time for it to get dark, perchance starting at 1200 or 1400 hours so you get a chance to fight some night missions as well? (Talking about the PUB3 server running Domination-32 Veteran last night... ) As long as #vote restart and #vote mission work I dont see any need for admin. Maybe there needs to be a anti-TK script that locks the player at a execution spot in the base so you are actually allowed to gun down those bastards instead of just hoping they get banned/kicked at one point :)
  21. New Domination mode on Veteran server is quite nice ^^ even though the AI might be aimbotting a wee bit too much at times. :) night missions are the best: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/577859044773755502/9E9337A2694E3F2536778367E3438F96FEA78D5C/
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