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=VG= The_Polish_Guy

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= The_Polish_Guy

  1. I just wanna add one thing: Charlie's Point std - bots go to and stay on Point Lookout (the first cap) even after other objectives are secured by US forces.
  2. I don't know man. He's not complaining about the tank squad not doing their job.
  3. I think he figured it out, I saw him on the server today.
  4. @Plaintaxplease create a separate unban request. Fill out this form pls https://veterans-gaming.com/index.php?/unban-requests/project-reality/&do=form&d=7 Take some time and read the PR Manual and VG COOP server rules.
  5. I own BF3 with DLCs but don't know if I have time for that right know. If more people are interested then I'm in.
  6. I'll grab the tank gunner sit if LangMaster doesn't mind.
  7. Server is down after a crash at Bamyan std. Need someone to take a look.
  8. 07.07.2020 17:12 ZULU, Crash on Karbala std. Server is not restarting.
  9. Server down again. Need a restart. 1500 ZULU
  10. After a crash on the begining of the round on Shahadah, server is stuck on this map. Can somebody restart it? Server is still showing up in the list but I can't join it.
  11. Server needs a restart again. Dead screen, joining by IP doesn't work.
  12. PR COOP server appears to be down. Joining by IP doesn't work. Can somebody check it?
  13. I have just bought Squad but I would love to play. Sign me up as redfor heavy machine gunner please.
  14. This guy is a problem for a few days now. Lately he started insulting people. For example when I disagree with him he often says something insulting my nationality or accent. I would be happy if somebody could keep an eye on him.
  15. I think server is down at this time, can someone check it?
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