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Everything posted by Pilgrim59

  1. Sorry I've failed you, I can't draw muscles that good. I used many models but couldn't get it right!!! It's impossible for me :( but oh well, hopefully another person can right the wrong that I did here.
  2. I would contribute $10,000 if I have that much.
  3. for all you guys to see, pay close attention to the bare chest guy with the sword. His scars says ''V" "G"
  4. wow, I assume... Youtube never intended to ask us in the first place, they just want to use it as a mean for something and controls it themselves. Oh, just like the corruption in the Old Rome, this is a remarkably vital postulate to proof the theorem.
  5. sir yes sir, one order of male soldier sketch coming right up! :)
  6. Why would they be no more? Tornado Gr4 - a powerful beast that reigns the sky, littering burning steels as it encounters opposing strengths, it's wing armed with thunder and lightning while it's mouth spits fire. I have respect and admiration for this beast, for I have heard tales of it's bravery in battle - one of the most beautiful dragons of the modern sky.
  7. um no, I freehand most of the time, and left it in it's original form. Sorry for the bad graphics, if that's what you meant.
  8. Old = more authority over the youngsters (like me) and have a good nap!
  9. will you be my friend, dante? :D Thanks Blud, I'm just releasing these drops of works because my mind was set: ''Honor VG in every drawing'' While that is in effect, I can't stop T.T
  10. Oh, the valiant knights of the West and the brave defenders of the East stood in awe as the Western steel dragon spits fire at it's enemies. Burning the earth with the rage, while soaring among the enshrouding clouds, showing it's prestigious domination of the open sky, while hidden from the camera. Thus, history was made, with words praise from every knights on the ground, admiring the beauty of the steel-plated beast. -Praise of A-10 by: Argenteus Ookami
  11. the M-14 EBR is my most favorite aside from the AR-15 series.
  12. How much is this game? It looks awesome. Apologies, I have never play anything else besides BF2, BF1942, BF Vietnam, Total War series, Age of Empires Series.
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