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Mostly Blind

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About Mostly Blind

  • Birthday 05/01/1947

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Birthplace of Cowboys...south Texas brush country USA
  • Interests
    Space weather...Earth changes...general homesteading...Flight Sims.
  • Occupation
    Retired from stage work and entertainment industry.

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About Me

My user name says it all.   Visually impaired but with my device, I am able to see well to read, do detail work and play video games badlybut I must challenge myself and keep on trying to improve.  My device looks like a VR headset that allows me to read and play.  An amazing piece of technology made by "Iris Vision".  Ifyou or anyone you know suffers with visual impairment of any  type, I highly reccomendt his product.  It has restored my life.


I am a USN veteran and a flight sim pilot tyring my hand at arial combat sims which are way different than Microsoft's civilian type flight sims.  I found this site by researching profiles for "VoiceAttack" and I'm hoping that I will be able to master the"AVCS CORE" program that led me here and if anyone would like to tutor me with it, I would be most appreciative.

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