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Everything posted by lazlohollyfeld

  1. We tend to bounce around a lot. No one owns a server, nor have we laid claim to vehicles or tents so we're nomadic at the moment. We try not to play on overly populated servers, and on daytime maps. Either way we're up north so if you make your way up towards gorka and devils castle thats where we are. Are you running the latest 94444 ARMA beta? If not we can instruct you where to find it and how to download it.
  2. Look in houses, churches, and supermarkets and you'll find a pistol or rifle eventually. If the server has 40+ people on it, it might be picked over.
  3. Reniann: I've got 5 mags of G17 that are yours. Stein: First off, Join up with us on the teamspeak channel and we can help you out. But everywhere is the middle of some woods near some town, So when you first log in you'll need to look on the lower right corner and see where it tells you that you are. It will say Day 0, Some town for a few seconds. After that, look on a map and follow the topography to figure out your exact location. From there you'll need to find supplies; Food, water, guns, medical supplies, and survival gear. Best places to find supplies are towns, deer stands, farms, and airfields. Rule of thumb is run north and avoid the bean coast wars, but spawning near the larger towns of Cherno, Electro, and Berizino offer the most densely packed areas that spawn the most loot. All spawns are random and the better the item the less chance it will spawn, but if you're just starting you'll have the best chance of getting most all you need in the biggest towns. I could type for a long time covering things, but there is just too much to talk about. Check out the [blockquote]loot map linked below to find your bearings and the goods. Join our survivors camp on teamspeak and we can really help you out. http://dayzdb.com/map
  4. I ended up celebrating my minor victory too soon. I was gallivanting around enjoying my new found mobility, when I dove under a tree and went to crawl and snapped my legs again. I laid dazed in the utter darkness of night until I came to when I heard the voice of Pig off in the distance coming to my rescue once again. I guided him across through the darkness like a bad game of marco polo and finally was able to walk once more. Thanks again friend.
  5. Who's got two broken legs and happened to find morphine in the tree stand on the first server he got on.... !verycool this guy! I feel like Greg Jennings now. Ready to roll when you guys are ready to crew up.
  6. I was taken as a hostage yesterday. I tried my best to escape but my captor kept me enslaved and forced me to entertain the travelers who passed through her castle. I managed to escape this morning but fell victim to the most foul trap of all... work. I've figured out how to escape but the guards keep a close watch on my movements. I hope to make my move when they change shifts in a few hours. I'll meet up with any survivors where we last parted ways. Hopefully I can sneak in undetected and not alert my former captor and be subjected to mental reprogramming by reality television.
  7. Geeze, good thing I went to bed or I would have been up until 5 am. PIG, check on the chicago server and see if the MP5 is still in the tent, if so grab that.
  8. I finally found a bag to replace my alice pack http://youtu.be/FrAIFP2pfew
  9. I was gonna do a little write up but PITN beat me to it. Thanks much for the upgraded gun pig, I'll try not to glitch out and lose it. I'm not sure if I have any AS50 ammo, unless someone dropped it in my pack. Also, I have no pistol like you said, haven't seen any guns besides AK variants. Anyone finds any pistols, please snag one for me.
  10. Logged in yesterday to try out the new patch and to get back on my feet. I logged in near Kozlovka (even though I thought I was much farther west when I logged out.) I creeped through town but didn't find anything of use so I kept pushing west. Hit 4 deer stands on the way up to Zelengorsk but didn't find much of anything besides some ammo for my AK. I trucked into Zelengorsk to hit up the market and had some good finds. Stocked up on beans and water and found 2 maps, 3 watches, 2 compasses, a box of matches, and a hatchet. Grabbed what I could carry and then hit the woods to the west and logged for the day. I'll try to push north and rally with the rest of the group tonight. I need to find a pistol and a knife, and I have an extra map and compass for someone if they need it.
  11. How to evade zombies by running into pine trees. Enjoy this before they patch it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy4ZrefLvk4
  12. Man. I've had some fun times playing but it has been very trying. After finally getting decently set up and meeting up with the group, I attempted some solo raids on a few deer stands. After about the 10th server hop I ended up in the debug plains 22k off the map. After rotating through 30+ servers I finally found one that bumped me off the plains and into the debug woods thats only 1.5k west of pavolvo. I did a premature happy dance and got about 5 steps before someone shot me in the head. I spawned back in near balota and hit up the air field and found an AKS-74u but not much else. I booked up to zelengorsk but couldn't find much of anything usefull. Logged out there and hope to gear up a little so I don't die from thirst and hunger. Going to try and meet the group up near our usual rally point sometime today.
  13. About time they put the smack down on the script kiddies.
  14. lazlohollyfeld

    New Computor?

    So you've decided to pool the middle school graduation money together to get yourself a new computer? Congratulations. My recommendation to you would be three words; S.S.D. A solid state hard drive is like a blow job, in that even if it is not great it is still pretty good. The 320gb HD you selected is pretty paltry, and your load times for PR will be pretty negligible from your current setup. A SSD will load programs and games 2-3 times as fast as your current setup. Budget an additional 100-150 more and get a SSD, then send me a thank you card for showing you the light.
  15. Is there a way to change the donation options to not have a recurring monthly charge on the account. I'd love to contribute, but I don't know if I could do it on a monthly basis. Maybe I'll just stick a stamp on a 20 and snail mail it to blud, i'm sure it will get there.
  16. I live outside of Chicago. When they transitioned to the new server I had relatively the same ping as I did before, and for the most part I have no issues playing. Every so often though I get on and can't stay on for more than 5 mins, seems to happen mostly during the late night in the hours before the auto restart. Not trying to bitch, just wanted to bring up the issue even if it was a known problem.
  17. I know it isn't polite of me to speak out since I have never donated to the server upkeep (would but cant handle the recurring donations) But the new host of the Co-Op server isn't that great. The server has been laggy and rubberbanding since the migration to the new host. I've been kicked routinely for packet loss which I've never had an issue with in the past. I know I'm not the only one with issues with the new host, and for the health of the community these issues should be addressed. Thoughts?
  18. Thats basically what I did, except I unpacked the files into their respectively named directories. I'll try to just do a straight unpack and then move them manually.
  19. Is there a tutorial for installing the maps? I tried to unpack the folders into the PR maps folders but I guess I didn't get the process right. I just copied the default folder names, but I probably put them in the wrong place.
  20. I was on yesterday and it crashed archer twice while trying to cap the village. If the map pack is removed then the rotation will be pretty short. There still seems to be a good amount of people playing on the server, there are nights when it is full. I would imagine that the vast majority of people that play on the server do not donate, so I understand the hesitation to keep things running if the support is only going to be marginalized in the long run. I'd hate to see it go though, I'd rather not play on the RW server. Maybe I'll just have to dl ARMAII and see what all the rage is there.
  21. Your problem might be with the steam overlay and punkbuster. When I first installed and started playing I would get booted from games because pb doesn't allow the steam overlay. Go into the game properties for BF2 in the steam game library and disable the steam overlay and see if that does the trick.
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