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=VG= Murderface0151

VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by =VG= Murderface0151

  1. sorry for posting like a dick head, ive had a bad bout of influenza lately and its messing my shit up. i really appreciate all the hard work you put into this stuff Savage, you don't get enough praise. again, sorry.
  2. yeah can we get the auto-ban shit off of the passworded server? im banned now due to blue on blue incidents (by accident of course) and i shot Ricky to try give him an impromptu heal in the field. why is this on our secure server? and can i please know the admin details also? frustrating waiting for 1 of what seems 4 people in the world to come online.
  3. we have a lot still to give. just trying to get everyone sorted so far
  4. leave us your steam ID and someone will take care of you, Eclipse perhaps you will send Lynx a copy when he provides his ID?
  5. yeah there's no set schedule, if there's people on the server then that's when we're playing lol
  6. who has sent a game? who has received a game? i've sent a FR to the people who requested a copy. just waiting to hear back from them
  7. If we have any people visiting the site, new members, or people who can not purchase the alpha, we have a number of Arma 3 Lite copies going to anyone who needs them, though they are limited so get your name in. Simply leave a post here indicating your wish to receive a copy. i think you might need Steam installed in order to receive it, as that is the program it will be sent through. *** Please post your steam names/account ids in your replies *** to people providing Arma 3 Lite copies, please post if you are taking care of someone as we don't want multiple copies sending to one person. THIS IS A CHANCE TO TRY THE SINGLEPLAYER HALF OF THE GAME FOR FREE UP UNTIL THE BETA RELEASE LATER THIS YEAR, IT IS AWESOME. *NAMES* - admins edit this post to show who has been sent one and who has not. Falstar - RECEIVED Bandit3344 - Sowens0074 - Neilvegas - RECEIVED Sirjaxxy - Aurkayne - RECEIVED Ricky - RECEIVED Syntax - RECEIVED Snow_Lynx - HyperionCC - Pvt. Charry - Beemonator4321 - RECEIVED
  8. yeah, thanks for playing with us and being taxi lol. hope to see you around more
  9. well, after a few more days of playing. i gotta say i'm really loving this game after getting used to how it plays. been playing a lot late night games with Outlanders lately, and even with 2 guys we can accomplish a lot on foot. the graphics, animations, effects etc all roll it into a very enthralling game. looking forward to a patch perhaps i think the Hunter has gotta be lifted, someone should try modify it lol :P
  10. how did you approach this games development, knowing what you do after the first two installments of the Arma series? what did you do differently this time around during the early stages of the games design to set this apart from the rest?
  11. some of us try to look good whilst fighting, what's wrong with that? if you're not gonna make the effort to look good then others have to make up for it! joke.
  12. TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ... is the CQB Spawn thing set for ALL the towns or just individual towns? because 20% might be good for the main town but perhaps to much for the smaller one? if that makes sense at all... saying that, is 100% the same number allocated to all towns no matter the size? or do they scale up/down depending on how much squares there are?
  13. the new animations are so cool, very smooth - they needed this kind of refinement. it makes movement in mutliplayer with your buddies look BADASS. the choppers don't fly like they useto, you need to use a lot more yaw as they don't seem to stabilize themselves with forward momentum - even with a fairly steep attitude. perhaps this is something they are developing further though
  14. Hey all, Wondering what everyone is thinking to the Alpha? disappointed with anything? what are you happy with? personally, i'm really enjoying it. though it's like trying to re-learn something i somehow feel i should already know with the slightly tweaked controls as default. the new editor layout (if it stays the same) is really clean, don't know if it's more simple or not though haha. don't know what i think to the underwater bullets n shit.. but i think that the whole new environment of the water will be a really good for mission making, stealthy shit indeed. graphics, what can i say? STUNNING. really really nice, flying around at night time seeing the corona of that lighthouse beam. if this is just alpha i can't wait to see the finished product. so please guys, give us your two cents and tell us what you like or maybe even hate :)
  15. in like the process of reproduction. been too long since battle. LETS RAPE AND PILLAGE THE AI
  16. can't wait to squad up with all you guys and rock this shit day and night
  17. thanks for signing up man, enjoy the stay. thanks for the heads up too :)
  18. would have loved to join in with this, miss playing with you guys a lot. good to see lambs guys here, may i extend my warmest welcome
  19. nah man fully bombed out on that, can't join either. i stay for 30 seconds in game then get booted. what the fuck could have changed that would now kick us down under players off. hmmm...
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