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Pvt. Pirate

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Everything posted by Pvt. Pirate

  1. please make it most like in 28 days later :)
  2. i have insurgency and had ZP but zpmbie master is much better then ZP. if you have a good team and a good zombie master the game is pure fun horror survival almost like in 28 days later.
  3. well... no matter how fast you PC is - steam wil lslow it down so all games are below 30 FPS :(
  4. :( cant watch it... its like a dia-slideshow with a soundtrack
  5. voted yes, as i also suggested to put the "smoke restriction for signal issues only" in the server messages... restriction to officers/SL ... hmmm i'd say restricted to officers or when ordered by an officer.
  6. [WCC LAN_WROTE ... B0zZz3] theday728 LAN_WROTE ... what about nonkicking for wasting assets , bcuz it's atraining server kinda , so if you had and "accident" you won't be kicked - If you waste assets on the COOP server you really deserve a kick/ban. People can go to the veterans-gaming training if they wanna crash stuff. i think he meant the training server... didnt he?
  7. can you add a line to the servermessages that forbids the abusive use of smokegrenades? many people dont seem to know about it. "The Bots can see through smoke, so only use it for marking your location for pickup or CAS!" maybe then some people will stop smoking the hot areas ;)
  8. vacations are a necessity! be safe and haFe Vun :D
  9. sure i know this is a fake and doesnt fit on the french army today... you know its just a joke about them retreating in WW1 and WW2 and in French Indochina/Vietnam and all those times they called the US for help :D
  10. :O wow, havent seen such a big butterfly before :)
  11. :D its just a funny way to tell about a 404-error ocurring :D
  12. yes, honor to those who left thier lifes for our freedom. i also honor those of their enemies who had no choice as many were forced to either fight or get shot by the draftsmen. those who had to kill and die although they never wanted their countries to begin war. i hope their deaths havent been useless.
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