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Pvt. Pirate

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Everything posted by Pvt. Pirate

  1. that sort of communism is corrupted and not how marx & engels imagined it - they wanted it to be a better kind of democracy. in (almost) all communist states thereis a handful of people who control everything and all people have to suffer that. but involving into that conflict would most likely be a second vietnam. but i still hope the north will have a revolution and then have democracy.
  2. havent they been one people before? isnt it possible to live peaceful besides eachother?
  3. i played that zombie mode on the PC of a flatmate and it was quite fun, but a little too much zombie rush - like those WC3 tower defense maps... but still a lot of fun playing it :)
  4. it worked fine for me by just changing these two registry entries :) but thanks for your help :)
  5. i installed the UK version of BF2 and it was english. after i installed the new version of PR it changed to german. now the game interfaces are german and also the written commands when i use the ingame command interface. this is sometimes confusing other players when i givfe orders or request a medic or call for a pickup. i havent foudn a solution for this via google yet. i tried changing the registry entries for language and location to "English" and "en-us". i'll try it now and hopefully it works. if not, can someone help me with this?
  6. well, BC isnt too bad, but its a little fast paced... therefore i love PR. i'll have a look ;)
  7. hopefully they improve it to be a full body suit and make it work silent. anyway its still quite expensive.
  8. quite stupid insurgent :D he might still have had a chance to stay almost unharmed... if it was an AT-grenade he lauchned.
  9. I double that, 777deepinyoo. although i knew a similiar style of teamplay, he taught me how to play it on PR. too bad, that i cant open PDF at the moment (software probs) i havent had too much experience in leading in PR yet... maybe even a lesson in squadleading would be great - some sort of officer school so to speak. i hope TS3 server is up soon again, so we can discuss about it there :)
  10. i absolutely like the idea :) there should be some training-event and a coop-event - maybe after some successfull events we could also have PVP events. the most important part is that someone takes the command and gives detailed orders so everyone knows his/her role even before they are ingame. like really dedicate people to pilots and others to infantry and again others as drivers/cavalry.
  11. well, maybe most players take that for granted and a thanks is quite right :)
  12. Pvt. Pirate

    Touch screen cockpit

    wow, looks nice :) but i would build me a complete cockpit room - for the real feeling :)
  13. i have turned everything to lowest already :( well, i have an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ and 1,5GB DDR RAM winXP SP2 (SP3 wont install)
  14. Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... someone please kick SONY's ass, cause they make all videos with their songs in them unavailable in germany :( well, but the first video loaded fine and was great :D
  15. someone please kick SONY's ass, cause they make all videos with their songs in them unavailable in germany :(
  16. i have the same problem, but its not upto 15 minutes, but rather 5 minutes to load a map. i hope someone can lend me an external HDD so i can backup some data to have 15% free space on my 500GB drive and be able to defrag then. it also was the same issue with BF2 without PR.
  17. i think i remember trying the first beta, which didnt work... anyway im not too much into cyberpunk if its FPS, but RPG is cool :)
  18. Pvt. Pirate


    its always hard to lose a loved family member. take your time for the mourning and get back up well after it ;)
  19. New military robot "Big Dog" [yt=width,height]cHJJQ0zNNOM[/yt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHJJQ0zNNOM its amazing how far they are yet... and for fun: Big Dog weaponized [yt=width,height]ptyV1cpE14o[/yt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptyV1cpE14o&feature=related
  20. well, the way they played it on the servers i was on, i had no chance to get any training, so i wont play it on a league. but they could use many of the game mechanics for improving "insurgency" for example...
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