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About whiztler

  • Birthday 07/29/1968

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    The Hague

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  1. Sun 19 Oct, PerfTest2, we continue with our mission from where we left off last Sunday. WARNO: http://shape-arma.com/2014/10/warno-19oct/ Hope to see lots of =VG= there!
  2. Actually you can use both for BIS maps. It seems to work most of the time. Obviously on unsigned/no-verify servers only.
  3. Splendid! Looking forward to see you guys this Sunday!
  4. I look forward to read some feedback re psycho's A3 Wounding script. Seems the most promising med script out of the 20+ med scripts out there...
  5. The Whole Lotta series is the pref mission on the official BIS test servers. The missions themselves are very stable. SaOK is quite active re keeping them up to date. There are several versions (no of slots). They are fun. Mix of side missions and RPG elements.
  6. If it is just increasing your fanbase (numbers) you want then I reckon you put up one of the many RPG type gameplay missions such as Life, Wasteland, Whole Lotta Altis, etc. Patrol Ops is probably the best mission for domination-type gameplay. Although it seems to slow down the server after a while (not sure if 86 fixed this in the latest version)
  7. Sixupdater is basically end of life. Once you get the hang of PWS, you'll never switch back.
  8. Last Sunday we did a AI Mod test on LAMBS. During the 2 hour test, we ran 4 scenarios with Bluefor vs. Opfor in different situations. The mods we tested were TPW and bCombat. Both mods are still WIP. Even though both mods officially do not support MP as of yet, they do function in a MP environment. Currenly our preference is bCombat. Units seem to be more switched on when engaged. With bCombat they use cover better, are more agressive and seem more intelligent in general. The main difference betweeon the mods imho is that units seem to be more defensive with TPW and more offensive with bCombat. Drop me a line If you are interested in the test mission we used.
  9. Thank God we have our own framework :)
  10. Not a big fan of XMedSys myself. Current contender is actuallly a A2OA candidate (script): A3 Wounding System (link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24088)
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