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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. I've been playing so much CoD. Realism mode on ground war maps is really fun but all the snipers and stupid shit still persists, but I'm enjoying the fast pace gameplay and people usually play 4 man teams so there's some team play too. I like Modern Warfare most of all, glad too see we kicked your ass, haha!! Blud
  2. Hey i just got my TIR about to install BMS you around if I need some help? 

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Yea, I'm online.  Hiding out in one of the TS3 Arma channels  :hi: 

  3. Aori you're not the only one saying this it's starting to bother me. WTF is going on in the PR server !!
  4. Thats how we started. I agree with that and we do need to let people get trained while playing when the server isn't full and definitely agree cas doesn't get utilized properly. Good post. Noted. Blud.
  5. I've been playing a lot of mw lately but don't ever have anyone to play with.
  6. Hey guys if you're on Blizzard add me: BLuDKLoT Blud
  7. Thanks for all the replies guys. I am no closer to deciding than I was before, thank you. I think I may just finish out my associates with business administration and then figure out my next moves. I was trying to get into diagnostic medical sonography and was going to be done with my prerequisites this semester, but they just added two new pre reqs math 105 and 140. I'm in math 96 right now and hate it more than anything I've ever experienced before. I can't do any more math. It's so frustrating especially since I've been doing this for 1.5 years already and I was just about to be finished and apply for the program. Ugh. Blud
  8. Who's talking shit teddy? I'll make a voodoo doll and fuck their world to hell. I just need a name and a some of their hair, or even a personal item. Lemme know. Blud.
  9. Ya I'm not sold on it either Connor. Just curious to see what others think because I know some are currently doing it. I'm still looking at other stuff too.
  10. I thought programming required stupid math skills. I'm taking math 96 right now and it sucks balls. I'm not doing anything that requires math, calculators, or counting fingers. Thanks Connor.
  11. Hey guys, if you didn't know anything about computer information systems (CIS) but had to choose one what would it be and why? (or another suggestion maybe?) 1. Internet Authoring 2. Networking 3. Programming https://catalog.msjc.edu/instructional-programs/computer-information-systems/computer-information-systems-associates-degree/#requirementstext I'm having a mid-life crisis. I'm getting tired of what I'm doing and trying to find something more interesting, but not completely daunting either. Something that pays good and that I can get done in 2 years and not need any math skills!! I hate math!! Thoughts? Blud.
  12. That was super rad Sciddles thank you!!
  13. I wish we had an A3 domination server like our old one. I still have it for OA if you can migrate it somehow that would be epic.
  14. OORAH! Happy Veterans Day to our warriors!
  15. Was awesome teddy thanks! https://www.twitch.tv/videos/788073823
  16. trying to join but update taking longer than I thought.
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