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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Something is wrong with the maplist. It won't allow me to edit, rather it won't keep my changes. After I reboot the server it reverts to it's default maplist...wtf?
  2. From Branzone regarding the purge we experienced yesterday: Hi Scott, BF2 still have exploits that allow servers to get flooded or crashed. I checked the logs and it looks like a player was kicked and 10 seconds later everyone else disconnected: [08.22.2012 14:56:59] Kick Command Issued (MD5Tool Mismatch: dbghelp.dll (len=2048)) for (slot#6) cd98e855c1c24e9de2470 (Fin)samsppa [08.22.2012 14:56:59] Lost Connection (slot #6) cd98e855c1c24e9de247(-) (Fin)samsppa [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #10) 2de752edebefc7efc06d(-) aarongooding [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #13) df089391f52a7bff6ae2(-) =VG= BLuDKLoT [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #14) e47089245633db7fd6706c(-) Born2Kill(Airborne) [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #16) 7cc8ba22849e75671e4c(-) =HOG= NaturalBornTarget [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #12) 992eff9f0bc0a102db66e41f7d(-) =]H[= De4dByD4wn [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #7) 46c70f4f3d5147c56056d8a810(-) [GER] NordwaII [08.22.2012 14:57:09] Lost Connection (slot #8) 8ffcae1d477dd01a95e22a7c06(-) Oskar1582[PL] [08.22.2012 14:58:52] Lost Connection (slot #4) f92012cca4d38cdfca8553dede(-) RafiPol Perhaps that user triggered the disconnects. We have other busy BF2 servers that get crashed several times a day because they are ranked high on server tracking websites. There's no preventative measure that we can take to prevent these types of exploits from happening. I wouldn't say that every instance is caused by this but this one looks like that's probably what happened. -- Brandon M. GUID's edited
  3. PR is unstable, horribly coded, full of bugs and unreliable! I tried again to play and quickly remembered why I stopped playing it. Server crashed twice, 2 different maps, it's just frustrating and impossible to have fun while enduring that nonsense.
  4. The server is dead because we don't play there. We wer e what brought people there. It was out style of play and fairness that made us popular, but when we got bored with it, we lost our base of regular players to the other servers. Moving to this new host didn't help and having none of us ever there is why it's flat. I'll make a point to play more often. I plan to be on more and gaming when I can. Once we're back playing again you'll quickly remember why you loved it. WE need to get the server back to how it was prior to the move or let it go and take our patronage to another server. If we can make our server better then let's get it done. Fasjack, as for all the stuff you mentioned. I was confused by most of it. Is there something we can do to fix it?
  5. This is sad to read. You all can leave if you don't want to be here, but Dman I haven't seen you for months in PR. Even when I was active in PR you were never playing with us, you were always playing other games, doing your own thing and I even questioned it then that you seemed not to want to be a part of VG anymore. It shouldn't be one game or the other that keeps you here, it should be the fact we're a community and play all sorts of things. Instead of trying to organize something, or lead by example, you decide to just walk away from us? We've all be scattered lately due to real life, other issues, etc. but in the end, I don't see your contribution or commitment to VG in anything other than gaming so maybe that's part of the problem. I think you're making an emotionally charged decision and the best of VG is yet to come. If you don't want to help us develop into a better community and help fix the things you see wrong, then I wish you all the best. Sorry we couldn't live up to your expectations.
  6. We have a server so I can show you, are you sure you installed it right? Next time you see us flying drop in.
  7. Hey Bill, glad to hear you're doing well. Thanks for checking in man, we'll be here when you're saddled again. Good luck! Blud
  8. Hamachi blows! I could never get it working and they clearly DO NOT support gamers or the use of this for gaming. Fuck Hamachi, that's what I think about them!
  9. I wish I could, my kids visiting and so I've been off and on. Sounds really awesome, hope to get some soon!
  10. Is the Gunner #2 slot open? I'll take it. And where did you get this date format? The USMC uses Year, month, day if you care. Just wondering cuz it's weird to me, lol. Blud
  11. (copied from BMS update 3 release notes at http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?11272-Falcon-BMS-4-32-Update-3&p=148710#post148710) Please make sure that you read and understand the following installation instructions (they will be displayed by the installer as well): Update 3 installs in the same way like Update 1 and Update 2 did, so if you understood the Update 1 / Update 2 instructions, there is NOTHING NEW for you here: DESTINATION FOLDER: Update 3 must be targeted at the original Falcon BMS 4.32 Setup folder, NOT into your Falcon BMS installation location! After the update installer has been finished, you need to run the Falcon BMS Setup program to either apply the update to an existing BMS 4.32 plus Update 1 plus Update 2 installation (choose 'Check the internet for product updates'), or perform a fresh 4.32 plus Update 1 plus Update 2 plus Update 3 installation from scratch. CONFIG FILE: If you update an existing installation, your config file (falcon bms.cfg) will be replaced with new default values. Do NOT backup your old file to restore it after the update, because you will loose all new config values! Instead, please do your configuration again after the update. Step-by-step details: (1) The pre-requirement for installing the update is to have the original BMS setup folder available. That is the one with the red colored Setup.exe. Take a note on the folder name where this exe is. This folder is NOT your actual game folder that you use to start BMS itself. It's the folder wherever you downloaded and extracted the original BMS 4.32 base installer. (2) The original BMS setup folder needs to have Update 1 and Update 2 already applied, as Update 3 is incremental only (like all BMS updates). (3) Next, RUN (do not unzip) the Update 3 installer. It will ask you where the BMS setup folder is. Select the folder that you have identified in the 1st step. (4) After the Update 3 installer has finished, run the red colored Setup.exe that you have identified in the 1st step. Either perform a fresh new installation, or check for updates (if you check for online updates, the Update 1 and 2 and 3 will now be shown in addition to the 4.32 base install) and let the Setup update your existing installation. DOWNLOAD: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/download.php?view.186 (Thanks to the guys at Benchmark Sims for allowing us to host their files!)
  12. Sorry to hear man, at least he went out doing what he loved. s/f
  13. Hey guys PR server is up. Melon just needs to add the sound mod and the map pack maps (and the fixed maps), VOIP needs to be reset (I'm working on that) and all that's left is adding admins. Let me know how it runs, hope to see you in there for a few games. Cheers! @Bottom hope all goes well too!
  14. I got mine working too guys, played for a while last night but had to leave, no team work, impatient, no comms, was lame, lol. I'll wait to play with you!
  15. Servers are going back to LA nobody complained about Pings, so that is where they are going, unless I move them to Chicago, lol. UPDATE: Servers are ordered and being set up
  16. Should we move the PR and FH2 servers back to the USA, or leave them where they are? nobody's playing in them much anymore anyway, so please vote on your thoughts. Yes vote means you'll also help with donations and more time playing in the server! No means they are fine where they are because you've moved on to other games and don't really care either way. Thanks for voting.
  17. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    We're going to talk about it and see what we can do but I'm no longer carrying all this financially. So we either lose servers and play in others or we get enough money every month to pay for what we have. We were hoping to do our own thing so that's why we got the Germany Dedi, but I don't think much thought went into how it would affect pings. Be patient we're talking things over. And thanks for the donations guys, every penny goes towards VG expenses. Cheers. PS - I never got any $200 money order!
  18. Acer, congrats to you. Remember to move the fastest, be the loudest and volunteer for everything. Never quit no matter how bad the pain is and at the end of it you'll be a new man. We'll still be here (hopefully) when all that's through and I look forward to meeting the new you! Thanks for all your love and support! If you want us to write you in boot camp post your address here! Blud
  19. No offense yoda, but I don't approve of this. We can't even populate our own server these days, now we're going to have two? Please don't use any VG branding on any server you purchase it's just going to rob us of even fewer players until we get unfucked.
  20. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    Well if you donated on a more dependable basis we would still have it. Just saying. It cost me money to keep all this going and it's grown into something I don't want to pay for anymore. I made that clear and still nobody donates. Sorry but I just don't have the cash to carry all this anymore so we had to make some changes. I wasn't a fan of Germany either but that is what other's selected. I really think we should be US based because that is where we are. When I'm able to have the money for that, then I'll get it done. until then this is what we have. Sorry guys.
  21. I received this email. I have yet been able to try any of these things to confirm if they actually work or not, but I thought maybe some of you might have so maybe you can confirm some or all of these things? It sounded legit to me, what do you guys think? 5 Things You Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do For all the folks with cell phones. (This should be printed and kept in your car, purse, and wallet Good information to have with you.) There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: FIRST (Emergency) The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an Emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly, this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out. SECOND (Locked Keys in Car) Have you locked your keys in the car? Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys In the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other 'remote' for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk). (Unfortunately in my case the cell phone would be locked in the car.) Ed itor's Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!' THIRD (Hidden Battery Power) Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell phone next time. FOURTH (How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?) To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following Digits on your phone: *#06#. A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. If your phone is stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones. And Finally.... FIFTH (Free Directory Service for Cells) Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don't have to. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial: (800) FREE411 or (800) 373-3411 without incurring any charge at all. Program this into your cell phone now. This is sponsored by McDonalds.
  22. Solar told me FH2 was up and running yesterday?? Is it still down as of now?
  23. Hey guys I know someone from Twitter that is trying to get us introduced to the people from the Clancey series of games. Here is what she sent: Scott: Thom is a new client of mine. He's the son of the author - has a background in games testing and was responsible for helping his Dad through some hoops during the Ubisoft deal for Ghost Recon. Think you guys should be connected. I've sent your profile to him - so you'll likely get an invite from him. What do you think about an interview or something?since his Dad's novels and subsequent games were often centered around military themes, it could be fun for you to do something w/Thom on the site. He's a big fan of MMOs. He's starting his consultancy - writing, some media things, advising devs. Kinda leaving it with you to see if you could find a creative way to utilize him in a way that could be a draw for both of you. M. What are your thoughts guys?? Post your ideas!!! Thanks.
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