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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. 15 hours ago, VictorJulietGolf said:

    BF6 has me worried. DICE never seems to be able to make up its mind about the focus of the game. I love Battlefield's destructible environments and dynamic sound system, plus the focus on vehicle and large scale gameplay. For some F*cking reason, DICE wants to compete with Call of Duty, which is glorified laser tag at this point, and their games constantly suffer from this competition. They alter weapon damage and ballistics like their tuning a legendary sword in a WOW patch. I'm hoping that they've taken enough hints from the MILSIM community to know where their strengths lay.

    We can hope!! 

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  2. I haven't played any of those I've never been a huge fan of WWII era games I like more modern era shit personally but I know a lot of guys here like those more vintage maps on PR especially. Wargame never stood out for me but I'll take another look. I'm pretty stuck on just a handful of games I still like or play. Can't seem to find one that I really just love but I'm still looking, BF6 has me hoping it might be something good. 

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  3. Sup warrior, welcome aboard! I'm glad you found us most of us are fairly active and play the games you're into. You should get Project Reality installed and give that a try if you haven't already. I'm Blud I founded the site 10 years ago and we're still here. I also play CoD but I'm stuck right now waiting for my new pc to get here next week, the one I'm on is having power issues. I look forward to gaming with you! You're also invited to post an intro in the introductions area of the forum. 



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  4. Hey guys,

    Read below you can now access site via the mobile app below. 

    Hi Scott Allen,

    Congratulations! Your community has been accepted into our mobile app directory. You and your members can now use the app to browse, post and receive notifications.
    ios.png android.png


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  5. Hey guys,

    while I'm playing sometimes I get a killstreak or something cool and GF saves it automatically and says "killstreak saved" or says whatever cool thing it's saving, but I can never find the location where it saves this shit, does anyone know where it get's saved? It's not with the rest of my screenshot or vids. 



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  6. Welcome to the "Veterans Club".

    I'm Blud. Former Marine, 1995-2008, MOS 0311, 0369, 8411. I work as a life agent and currently attend school working towards my AA in Phys Ed. Plus I love to game! I get it in when I can, but lately, hasn't been much. 

    Thanks for joining up! We'll see where this goes, but for now, we're just here for casual conversation and a place to hang out. Let us unite as veterans of our various services and share the comradery of our service together. 

    Please post who you are, what branch of service, how long did you serve, the job you had. Tell us who you are! 



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