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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. The server is showing as active, can anyone get in?
  2. one of the last 15 that are flying today just crashed in a Illinois field, everyone lived but the plane was a total loss. Think it happened yesterday or the day before.
  3. !@#$@#%#$&^&*(! working on it................
  4. Can someone with ACE installed check the server plz.
  5. ok new server is up Port 2312 I don't have the mod installed yet so let me know if you need anything. I just added the Insurgency map I got from dman to the map list. s/f
  6. I'm going to set up a new Arma2 OA Server I was thinking of making it Arma2/OA ACE/ACRE what do you guys think?
  7. Thanks man! Stop the bleeding, start the breathing, protect the wound, treat for shock...Got it. :) Or is it Start the breathing and stop the bleeding....Ah hell.
  8. All I can say is wow. This will be the best shit ever released.
  9. wow that was close, but must have been fun to roll out like that
  10. Hey man I'm patching now was going to join you, I try to catch you next time. There are a few guys here that fly later in the evening, you might want to check in then as well. Chaz, Bones, Griff, PITN, Iffn, Tyox, Me and others all have it we just need to get into it more. I think I'm saving myself for F/A-18 ;) but I'll do my best in the A-10 until then. s/f
  11. 5.5.5 Slideshow http://www.flickr.com/photos/scotteallen/sets/72157626741001067/show/
  12. Some Shots from the Balkans Theater at Dusk
  13. My plan was to install XP on the new drive I bought, but nothing ever goes that simple for me. I was thinking about hiring someone to come do it just in case. I always get issues with something like this not installing properly, so I'm sure I will run into some sort of issue. Thanks for the info.
  14. There will be but they will probably be on our other arcade site. Still trying to sort it out. The scores are supposed to reset here monthly, if they do not, then it will have to be the other arcade until we get this one fixed.
  15. Hello, Just wanted to send an SOS to those of you that have VG as a friend on FB and a Thumbs Up, or "Like" for our Page. Both of them are in need some serious TLC from peeps other than me. If those of you with FB could drop by from time to time and post a comment, share something, like something, etc.. It would go along way towards helping us build a presence there. Thanks to all that answer the call! Regards, Blud
  16. Thanks for the words! What server was it exactly? Thanks again!
  17. where does it say win7/32? I run win7/64
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