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=VG= m823us

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= m823us

  1. Hello Capitan Lopez, Can you please translate your post and post it in English? This is an english speaking server and our common language to communicate. ¿Puedes traducir tu publicación y publicarla en inglés? Este es un servidor de habla inglesa y nuestro lenguaje común para comunicarse.
  2. Hello Johnny, I apologize in the delay, however I'm just a bit confused. Your account already did an unban request here: I'm going through with the username that you provided you are banned again by an admin for tk. This account was banned on 3/10/18 by Nero for TK. The IP's and HASH are identical to SenorRhinoX, thus leading us to believe it is the same. Since you were already on banned once the ban shall stay in place due to you not following server rules again. Just because you make another account does not mean that you're able to get away from being on the banned list. Thank you and have a wonderful time and please play PR elsewhere. -m823us /locked
  3. I will check this Chicken in about 8 hours. I know high ticket count was an issue as well.
  4. Hello Mou, Can you send me a PM with your CD Hash please? I have multiple accounts with "Mou" on our server and none match your IP.
  5. Hello Ata, I looked through the logs for an individual named "ATA", and I received 177 hits. Can you send me your CD HASH or be specific with your username when you fill out the form please? Cheers, m8
  6. Please put any issues in the patch here. Thank you in advance.
  7. Here is the change log: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f604-pr-changelogs/147218-pr-bf2-v1-5-3-0-changelog.html
  8. =VG= m823us


    Think of the cardio that guy has.
  9. Hey man good to hear from you! Feel free to stop in anytime you want or can. We still know who you are! Take care and enjoy yourself! M8
  10. And may many more years of great community effort come from the fellowship that has been created. Cheers to all past, current, and future community and clan members.
  11. I will be present for the event, ho ha let the good times roll.
  12. So let me ask this what maps do we have that are a 100% working right now? What combination of maps do we have that work well together?
  13. @=VG= Fastjack, Thank you for the post and all that you and @=VG= TEDF do for the DEV side plus @=VG= Melon Muncher!. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get some more Intel as it is difficult to move off the first map in our maplist due to player count or population lately. Here is our current short-list of starters: mapList.append muttrah_city_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append kashan_desert gpm_coop 64 mapList.append op_barracuda gpm_coop 64 mapList.append black_gold gpm_coop 64 mapList.append khamisiyah gpm_coop 128 mapList.append gaza_2 gpm_coop 64 mapList.append operation_marlin gpm_coop 32 mapList.append bijar_canyons gpm_coop 64 mapList.append ramiel gpm_coop 128 mapList.append route gpm_coop 16 mapList.append fallujah_west gpm_coop 64 From my experience over the last 2X weeks, I switched over to the BOT side after we started Kashan and noticed that bots are dying outside commander tent and not re-spawning properly. When the map starts up, there is a mass BOT TK from a MIG and a TANK that is triggered every time and the bots do not re spawn (Or show up in the map info as being alive). I have dedicated a few hours this weekend to test and see differences between the solo vs COOP and it looks like the same results for a few maps. I have tried to change some maps in the rotation to have different starter factions but we need to have our "core seed starter maps" working properly to lure people back.
  14. Yeah I think trying it in local as well was a no go
  15. Hey man no need to apologize just good to hear from you. I hope that you're feeling better and you get things sorted out. Take care -m8
  16. Here are the logs: Line 42822: [2018-02-04 07:46] !BAN performed by ' SoldierOfMisfortune' on ' SenorRhinoX': You're bringing the game into disrepute. Be gone, foul demon! 42806: [2018-02-04 06:07] !KILL performed by ' asquirrel456' on ' SenorRhinoX': Hog Line 42807: [2018-02-04 06:30] !WARN performed by ' SoldierOfMisfortune' on ' SenorRhinoX': watch your flying Line 42808: [2018-02-04 06:48] !REPORT performed by ' Sgt.Geroy': senorrhinox stealing asset Line 42809: [2018-02-04 06:48] !KILL performed by ' crustysock' on ' SenorRhinoX': Asset stealing Line 42812: [2018-02-04 07:08] !REPORT performed by ' Sgt.Geroy': senorrhinox kick Line 42813: [2018-02-04 07:09] !WARN performed by ' SoldierOfMisfortune' on ' SenorRhinoX': Stop teamkilling! Line 42814: [2018-02-04 07:12] !KICK performed by ' SoldierOfMisfortune' on ' SenorRhinoX': Stop teamkilling! Line 42816: [2018-02-04 07:33] !REPORT performed by ' Sgt.Geroy': senorrhinox launching hydra rockets to essex Line 42817: [2018-02-04 07:33] !KICK performed by ' SoldierOfMisfortune' on ' SenorRhinoX': You're bringing the game into disrepute. Be gone, foul demon! Line 42819: [2018-02-04 07:38] !REPORT performed by ' Sgt.Geroy': senorrhinox intentionally team killing Line 42820: [2018-02-04 07:38] !REPORT performed by ' Sgt.Geroy': senorrhinox shot trans chopper with mg Line 42821: [2018-02-04 07:39] !KICK performed by ' crustysock' on ' SenorRhinoX': tk in main stop trolling Here are some interesting chat messages I have found: Line 98: [07:41:27 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: how many people of this squad are lost virginity Line 142: [07:27:10 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: why dnt u geta bitch Line 143: [07:27:12 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: instad of ornhub Line 144: [07:27:14 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: its better Line 147: [07:27:53 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: when did u lst jack off Line 148: [07:28:00 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: last Line 149: [07:28:01 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: last Line 153: [07:29:09 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: why dont you have a girlfriend Line 154: [07:29:12 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: and she can jack u off Line 156: [07:29:27 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: yes job hand Line 157: [07:29:41 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: u suck on toes? Line 159: [07:30:03 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: i'm 15 but im still a virin Line 160: [07:30:05 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: but im gonna loose it soon Line 161: [07:30:18 T2 SQUAD 4] SenorRhinoX: with an asian 40:32 TEAM 2] crustysock: i did, hes being a troll and TK'd in main. Read the rules everyone. Please wait for the admin who banned you to respond.
  17. Is this what you wanted? (=VG=) Yours:
  18. You know that now that we mention it ARMA 3 could use some love. We do have a lot of players in the VG community that own this game but I don't think we've been together as a collective group in a while. I could be wrong in this aspect as I am still deep in the bosoms of PR and it's very hard for me to lift my head up. I do like the idea of Maybe scheduling some dates for a get together and we can use server time As our base in order to establish accuracy when coordinating. I can reach out to some of our people in the community that don't read the forums as much and identify times if possible. When scheduling would try to set things up a few weeks in advance to give people enough prep and noticed time.
  19. Here are the logs: [09:16:46 TEAMKILL] =GER= SnakeDog89 [ruhgr_rgo] =S.F.G=Hibiki [09:16:46 TEAMKILL] =GER= SnakeDog89 [ruhgr_rgo] =GER= SnakeDog89 [09:16:46 TEAMKILL] =GER= SnakeDog89 [ruhgr_rgo] 45th DUCKUS [09:16:46 TEAMKILL] =GER= SnakeDog89 [ruhgr_rgo] .Gumball. [09:16:46 TEAMKILL] =GER= SnakeDog89 [ruhgr_rgo] Cst.Yang [09:16:46 TEAMKILL] =GER= SnakeDog89 [ruhgr_rgo] CN =WJ=*LZ*Jony [09:16:58 T2 SQUAD 4] crustysock: !ban snake mass tk From the admin side: Line 41315: [2018-01-26 09:16] !BAN performed by ' crustysock' on '=GER= SnakeDog89': mass tk Line 40273: [2018-01-20 21:32] !WARN performed by ' Double_13' on '=GER= SnakeDog89': Asset stealing 60: [2017-08-11 17:49] !KICK performed by ' Spartanish' on '=GER= SnakeDog89': Stop teamkilling! Line 17330: [2017-08-12 12:54] !WARN performed by '=VG= Ryan.TT' on '=GER= SnakeDog89': stop shooting trans with apc at main Line 28517: [2017-11-06 17:05] !WARN performed by '=VG= HaterOneActual' on '=GER= SnakeDog89': get off bot mortars Line 28518: [2017-11-06 17:06] !KICK performed by ' H8CrazyVet67' on '=GER= SnakeDog89': Asset waste Reading from the logs in the server, it looks like there was at least 20 minutes left in the round so I could not justify it being an end of round TK. As the admin who banned you spoke up, the ban will stay in place. However, I do note that you have over a year of time on our server, and have taken that into consideration. I shall lift the ban after 1 month from today. At this time you will be placed on a watch list, failure to follow any rules and the ban will stay permanent. As you have some down-time I recommend reading our server rules and getting familiar with them. /locked /Unbanned
  20. I'll be able to take a look at the logs in about 8 hours I just started work but at somebody beats me to it then Cheers. Please wait for the admin who banned you to reply.
  21. Hey folks, please let us not talk about what country did what or who is a better at what due to "x,Y,Z". Please let us bring the train back on track and discuss the current topic of the post. "Round length and Challenge". As @GRNANDGLD mentioned, we should just play the game. That is what we are really here for; to play video games and not discuss current politics or put other people/countries down. We are an INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, we we all come different places around the world. But our common cause is VIDEO GAMES. One of the reasons why we have Religious/political hostilities as a rule is to encourage all people from all creed, race, religion, or color to enjoy it as such. I feel like we are drifting towards this manner since we started from the topic of maps and asset use in PR to what countries do what and the thought behind it with some intent to cause spark. Please limit the conversation to acceptable terms in the VG Forums. To be clear: if people were to discuss "TANK TACTICS OF GERMANY VS US VS RUSSIA" or how people use tanks in different countries that is acceptable, or similar topics. Some countries do send the tank in first rather than the infantry because they have money to spend on the war and human lives are highest priority. Some countries use overwhelming numbers to defeat the foe instead.
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