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=VG= m823us

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= m823us

  1. We currently have the BOT AI set to 91-93 depending on the server group and the day. @=VG= TEDF is working diligently on having tweaks so that bot difficulty is slightly increased and customized to make it a challenge. I do not remember a lot of games that were difficult to play, but one of them happened today and I enjoyed it. It was Operation Soul Rebel and we had to run next map because the server pop just could not handle the map with the increase of foliage. What are some maps that are struggles at the moment for you?
  2. It is true that some periods of time during the day, no matter the maps we are able to push our way through. Hence this is one of the reasons why some map changes and coop changes are being done, @=VG= TEDF is currently working his way though the maps and twerking them so that there is a balance. But we have to remember that the server population as a whole is declining in numbers, I am not going to lie. We will always have some maps that are easy *cough Kashan, khamisiyah...* that are asset heavy and easy. One of the great jobs of admin is to gauge how the players are doing with the maps and adjust as accordingly. Something that I have tried lately is using a new kit or following someone else or changing a new path to see how the bots act. I know several players that have scripts on how to play the maps and what wins, it is a matter of changing these tactics to make something new. Maybe try a new asset that you are not proficient with or reduce the amount of times you die per round. Maybe don't have any kills at all. We do have some challenging maps out there, and unfortunately they are not played enough since we don't have the amount of people at times to win. You can not win Charlies Point with poor trans, or win Yamalia with poor APC squads. Something that I have always found for a difficult map is Iron Ridge. If you can pro this map, in less than a half hour you are a PR god.
  3. Hey Ranger, just to make sure I am reading this correct, you would like the bots to have limited AT kits? Not a bad idea, since we do limit kits on the player side. I wonder how many kits the AI have that are dedicated AT, I will do some digging and see what I can find.
  4. Those are tactical trees and I had hit every single one of them because the bots won't rpg me, Especially if they or I don't know where we're going. It also brings good luck.
  5. Greetings all, Some people have expressed interest in having certain workshops be held in our server and since we have the ability to do so why not? Here are some expressed interests so far and I would love to hear more: Kit training-What kits do what and how to maximize it's effectiveness, (such as how to use a HAT or how "effective" is a sniper kit) How to fly How to use heavy assets (Think mortars/steel rain) Vehicle warfare and maximized time in battle ( How does @=VG= TEDF last so long, how does @=VG= Double_13 do the things he does with Logi...) Map features unknow to players (hidden bunkers and rooms but can't access due to always fighting and not able to appreciate the DEVS work) Have a standoff between bots vs players, how long can you hold off the hordes?
  6. The admin who administered the ban has been notified, please wait for him to respond.
  7. I do not speak Russian so I had to do a very rough translation and I apologize if this is wrong. 2018-01-19_1648 Line 313: [18:24:32 TEAMKILL] benjoel [kni_kabar_wood] ENISEY-SIB-(RUS) Line 327: [18:26:44 GLOBAL] ENISEY-SIB-(RUS): rus rebyata k vam hochu) Line 342: [18:29:49 GLOBAL] ENISEY-SIB-(RUS): vy cho kak pidory? Line 356: [18:32:14 TEAM 2] ENISEY-SIB-(RUS): VODKA PIDOR))) russ guys to you how do you che like fagots? VODKA PIDOR
  8. @=VG= Double_13 said, take a look at resources that you are using on your PC, open up TASK MANAGER and see what processes/services are running. One of the other things is a known memory leak that happens in PR when it runs and causes people to crash to desktop for unexpected reasons. This has no permanent fix, all you can do is reload back into the game and play on.
  9. All I can suggest is seat time, with these games now they have built in a deviance that you must account for and even when "100% settled" you still have an opportunity to miss. Here are some questions that could help me help you: What is your stance when attempting a shot? How often do you get back on target between shots? Are they moving or stationary? The great thing about most of the modern games is they have the built in sights to account for all of this, for instance ACOG's have a built in picture sight for a person walking, a person running, and a stationary target. IRL some sights are calibrated for specific calibers and positions to account for this and video game DEVS have taken this into effect. If worse comes to worse, try taking them to a "rifle range map" and ID what your distance and factors are that impact your shot. I had to do this for learning the "NEW RUSSIAN SCOPES" and this helped a lot. Also going into a map with a "spotter" can help track shots if you can not properly ID where the round went.
  10. How many people could you still fit on that rope though? I guess there is no weight limit. Still a great snapshot though!
  11. Wow, so bizarre it must be to never experience snow like this before. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Yes, but that is more of a "First Come, First Serve bases" for the logi. Something that I wish we had more of in the server communication was "Hey I am spawning at X, who is taking vehicles?" This would increase communication between all squads and players since it would trickle down the ranks, such as squad leaders informing squad of actions to be carried. I think some of our "better squad leaders" already do this, and some other people just jump in and go for the ride and see how the server plays out. This is another valid point. People do "tried and true" methods because they work. The camping only increases score but not only, making the ability to capture strategic points difficult because people want to be "RAMBO", or a lone wolf. This is a great point and I think needs to be addressed more with the server. People should not be using the assets like this, we could also modify the game play and are to include how a disadvantage this will become when the new AI is implemented. This becomes a double edge sword, so we must be careful on how we tread here. As mentioned in the rules, LOGI is not a claimable asset, but if the server game play is not impacted by it go for it. I have seen some maps where the only way to win is to have someone running constant supplies. I mean this is why TRANS exists. I do also wish we could give more props to TRANS for great crate runs and supply drops, making the boots on the ground more effective.
  13. Overall I am excited to see some of the changes, and a bit scared as well due to how different the gameplay mechanic will become. I am hoping that squads will increase their communication with each other and coronate has its appropriate way to deal with this new bot AI. These new mechanics will increase BOT difficulty for sure instead of pumping up the difficulty manually. As has been stated we can always go and make changes for this will be a learning curve for all of us. Please be patient and as mentioned multiple times let us know if we can do anything to help or what some constructive critiques are, meaning please say something specific that can be changed if possible. That goes for the DEV team as well, if we can do something, please let us know! See you all on the battlefield, or not dependent upon how much smoke is present!
  14. A no worries at all just stay safe and make sure you're not working to hard to enjoy life.
  15. You mentioned a very good topic on this frustration. Yes there was an auto ban and that did more harm than good and there was a voting option to kick "trolls". Which brought up the other side of this sword, People not utilizing resources provided. I have been playing this game for a few years and when I was a community member, we were not able to do so, meaning get people to vote. Or worse they would have large groups of people who would come on and troll and they could "control the server". If you had enough people participate in the vote the vote passed whether it's for the good of the server or for the good of the motivated individuals to carry out a task at hand. When I do a map vote even on a full server of 40 individuals, I have maybe 12 respond. This is a matter of educating the players to use this tool properly. Right now the single most important tool that we have is the !report player commands. That helps YOU, the players that are in the community can relay frustrations to people such as myself that read the logs daily. Yes it does not get that instant satisfaction or gratification, but justiceis served. I guarantee it. This server has been running for almost 8 years and yes we've always had this problem but we're one of the few longstanding servers that exist. And we plan on lasting a lifetime if possible!
  16. We have 3 to 4 solid adman on during this time of server reset and we account for that by setting the map to a very easy map and with the knowledge that the server is going to crash. We try to inform everyone before the round starts and one round before that that it will crash and people just come back on and play on. There is a need to have the server reset because it ensures a lot happens on the server side and that it is performing at peak for client side. Big picture, the Server is at the lowest population time durring this period. I do share your frustration and I wish there was another answer that could solve this. The only one that I could think of is having somebody do a manual restart whenever there's time but is best to have an automated system and account for it as much as possible. I've timed out map packs to correspond with this reset as much as possible and we do have the organic human element as well that can account for this and make changes on the fly if needed. Over all I do appreciate you joining our server and playing on PR. I wish you the best of luck and see you on the battlefield and enjoy your holiday! Cheers -m8
  17. I am currently facing another snowstorm at my fathers house , 2 hours from his place and snowed in with 3 feet of snow (around 1 m for reference) thus no access to my desktop. I can take care of this matter 24 hours from now if no one else gets to it before I do. Thank you for the reports though.
  18. Epi pens bringing a wounded person to life is an amazing feat. I think the best is having someone be able to fly with key board and mouse.
  19. Sometimes you have to give TANKS in life for everything.
  20. This is how I stay alive most of the round, and why you folks get a lot of points when you are in my squad. It does not work as well as a cardboard box though.
  21. =VG= m823us

    Night admin

    What time frame are you looking for and what time zone?
  22. We also do have 4 different map rotations that we utilize throughout the week. We are always open to map ideas and what other players want to run for next map. We were using the vote settings on the server, however, players were not fully utilzing this command. Meaning players were not voting enough to make a change. Do you have any maps you would like to see run more?
  23. Sorry for the delay this month has been super crazy for me. And I thought I responded but it did not save/transmit on my phone. As of right now we are not looking at hosting a squad server due to lack of interest. We were looking at our return of investment for having a dedicated squad server and noted that Although we do have several people that play, We don't have the capacity of hosting at the moment from an administratively point of view . This may change, But I feel like most of our efforts are in other games at the moment. Hope this helps, M8
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