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=VG= Kavelenko

VG Clan Member
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Status Updates posted by =VG= Kavelenko

  1. Currently working on another AV-8B II+ Harrier skin in Falcon 4.0 BMS. This version is closer to the Sea Harrier FRS1 colour scheme used early in the Falklands War.

    Colours: Extra Dark Sea Grey (Humbrol 123) over Satin White (Humbrol 130).


    Reference : http://www.digitalforge.com.au/challenge/sea_harrier_colours.html


    Sea Harrier FRS1 Colour Schemes

    'Prior to the Falklands, RN Fleet Air Arm Sea Harriers carried a two-tone scheme of Humbrol 123 (Extra Dark Sea Grey) over Humbrol 130 (Satin White). During the campaign, these aircraft had the white portions over-painted to make an overall Humbrol 123 (Extra Dark Sea Grey) scheme. In operations, this scheme was deemed too dark at high level and replacement aircraft were given an Medium Sea Grey paint job. After the Falklands campaign, all Sea Harriers were repainted in an even lighter scheme of overall Humbrol 164 (Dark Sea Gray).'

    'Operationally this overall scheme was deemed too dark and replacement aircraft were painted with a lighter scheme of overall Medium Sea Grey. All aircraft were gradually repainted in the lighter scheme during and after the campaign'.


    1. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      A six part series of the Falklands War, quite interesting overall summary of the war. Not much footage of the Harriers unfortunately but without them the ground troops would have struggled and lost more soldiers.


  2. AV-8B Harrier II+ at Sunset, gotta love them formation lights.


  3. First one is the original Falklands War Extra Dark Sea Grey (Humbrol 123)
    #616e76 Hex Color Code - In this example its on the AV-8B II


    Second Variant AV-8B II + I've made it 25% darker.

  4. Spent most of today making a skin for the Harrier, still got a few bits to do but its coming along. I'm modeling it on the Falklands War colour scheme. Looks like a mean son of a bitch already.


  5. Bought the AV-8B Night Attack DLC for DCS (50% off), so been busy doing the ramp start tutorials and getting familiar with the systems and comparing them to Falcon BMS.

  6. Working on my keyfile profile for BMS 4.35, almost finished it but I still have a few slots on the shift layer I'm sure I could take advantage of. One thing that has been useful for adjusting my key file is the Falcon BMS Alternative Launcher. Be careful before you rush ahead and use this tool it has a nasty side effect of altering several files in your BMS setup so please read this page on the BMS site BEFORE you download and install it.

    I almost thought I would need to do a complete re-install but I persevered with it and now find that this program could be very useful for new players who are having issues setting up their joysticks in BMS. Its very easy to use and set the different call backs to the various keys on your stick and throttle. I've even added a bit more functionality to my rig since using it so I am recommending this great program. Just be warned the program will alter your current setup so please back up any important files before going ahead.

    Here is the page to get the installation files and instructions.


    Also here is a copy of my current setup for the HOTAS Warthog Stick and Throttle.


    DX HOTAS Warthog (Stick, Throttle & Panel) - BMS Print Layout _Version 1_0.pdf

    1. =VG= BLuDKLoT

      =VG= BLuDKLoT

      Looks nice man so many functions! 

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Very cool!  I gotta get one of those awesome TM Warhogs one day - tho they do cost a fair bit for that level of quality.

    3. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Cheers guys, yeah the Warthog is a nice beast, its heavy as with all that metal. Worth every cent if you ask me but I'm biased.

  7. This is where I'm at with the Harrier AV-8B+ II.

    If you think that's good check out the guys who do this for a living below!

    Awesome shit!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      I can S/VTOL off the carrier and normal runway just my VTOL landing is a bit dodgey at the moment but with practice who knows, jees I've only been flying the Harrier for a couple weeks or so. Its an beautiful aircraft to fly but damn noisy.

      If you have a full bomb load you'll never get the thing off the deck using VTOL that's why I'm using the catapult which is quite easy to use. Landing with the catching wire whatever they're called is not too bad too, just need to come in at a steady pace and hit that area where the wire traps are, you can get away with quite a bit of air speed, I normally give it 20-30 deg of nozzle which helps with the AOA. I also mapped the VTOL nozzles to my Trim switch which makes it easy to adjust the Harrier for accelerating/decelerating transitions.

      I've been holding off a bit until I could get myself to this level but for sure Static, we can hook up on the server sometime.

    3. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Cool FLIR and TFR are my next objectives, then on to A-A.

    4. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      I was lucky not to kill myself releasing bombs in a dive, not a good idea...lol. Hey Rotblut lets team up with Semler, Static and anyone else who wants to. Sem's been generous with his knowledge of the sim. We can all benefit from sharing information on how to do things.

  8. Harrier training in BMS, I managed my first landing on a carrier without bursting into flames, flying off the end of the runway, or smashing into to the rear of the ship.


    1. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Have you played BMS before, Rotblut we must team up and bungle our way through it as noobs!

    2. =VG= Inch

      =VG= Inch

      This is must be possible to do in PR :P with just a few improvisation and different approach :D

    3. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Hey that's cool footage RotBlut, I'm not quite up to A-A combat but it wont be too long! Did my first catapult launcher today, that was awesome!!

  9. Hey Soldier,
    Congrats on joining the admin group, great to have you aboard!


    1. SoldierOfMisfortune


      Thank you Kav! I have much to learn on that but I'll do my best not to disappoint! And thank you for the constant support !


  10. Hi Commander TEDF,

    I've read your battleplans for Lashkar Valley and Ramiel, and advised my squad to read it and commit to memory.

    If you have any more details to pass on to me, as per your post, I'd be grateful to receive that.

    I've done a bit of recon on all maps, and was wondering about how the Chinook is going to take off and land if the Lashkar FOB is under a major attack.

    Flying back to the FOB in the Chinook I felt a bit vulnerable coming into the FOB directly from the N - NW.

    I'm sure you've probably taken this into consideration but we may need to give the all clear before they come back to the English FOB.

    Otherwise I have nothing to add at the moment. Will brief the guys and pass on any relevant feedback.

    My email address if you wish to send an attachment is:  sea_eagle@chariot.net.au



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Best route in my opinion would be to go hard left from the FOB and up the valley, hug the left side of the map and shield themselves with the mountains.

    3. TEDF


      Area around the main is completely open so it's super easy for the Pilot to spot if the area is full of little moving dots when coming in. From what I can tell, the bots seem to be only interested in NE / E side of the base and don't go other ways, giving the pilot a perfect little mountain corridor from NW side to use for rapid take offs / landings. The idea is for the pilot to take- and fly off as quickly as possible. Going directly towards West means that he would have to climb the mountains over there and If he is to remain to gain altitude over the main, then there's a high chance that he'll get shot down since AI has around 99,9% accuracy against choppers that are less than 200m off the ground.

      At the beginning of the deployment we do not have the time / luxury to have defensive squad set up prior to take off. Deployment of Hater's and Double's squads must be done quickly and without any delay.

      Since there aren't any other vehicles on our team, we can use the AI mechanics to our advantace, meaning that the pilot has around 4-5 seconds to land / take off before any of the RPG guys become a threat. After the initial deployment, it is up to the Pilot to keep the bird safe using whatever means are neccecary. 

      There are many loopholes that are done / left on purpose in the plan to keep the map interesting. If we wanted to have a boring easy-win round then all we would have to do is to deploy everyone in the main, poke the guns out of the bunkers and pew-pew-pew for the next hour or so. My main idea was to set up different checkpoints and FOBs on / around other flags and then, depending on the situation, maybe simulate the evacuation of the FOB base so the bots can take it and progress on to other flags.


    4. =VG= Kavelenko

      =VG= Kavelenko

      Sorry TEDF I didn't mean to say turn left into the mountain but was looking at the valley corridor to the NW off the FOB, which is the same one your path uses on your map, the only difference is that I would be hugging the left side of the map once I got through that valley. So yes I agree the first few minutes should be safe but I was looking at the return journey and subsequent flights in and out of the FOB. Depending on how many bots are attacking the base at any time, it would be pertinent to keep the communications up as to whether it was safe enough to land. As  you say its going to be critical for Double and Hater to establish FOBS, and not lose the Chinook early. Looking forward to those maps, at least you have a battle plan which is excellent!

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