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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


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Everything posted by |*|>>RESCUE<<|*|

  1. There is probably no one who is dealing with the logistics task as much as I do, if not, someone who knows the job should hand over the logistics task when it comes to the server.
  2. İm focus more logistic and helping. if you authorize me to do the logistics task while I'm in the game.
  3. Guys do you know left down side pics problem ? Tunnel vision drive any fixes please or wait new fix update ?
  4. after the upgrade my screen has become this. If anyone knows a solution please help.Drive tank,apc or cas gunner rigt and left side black in tunnel vision.
  5. SAMSUNG is PROFESSIONAL. other brands use exaggerated features to sell themselves. Since Samsung is a television manufacturer, it is a company with more experience in display.
  6. Dovre Winter very teamwork play and have a ''old memories '' JDAM support . in PR
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