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=VG= Fastjack

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= Fastjack

  1. I dont know where you came from or who you are but ..... your brilliant. In all this trouble i totally forgot about this defensive systems for AI. Here some possible answers: In BF2nilla, the bots are rigged to use the PIFlareFire (X-Button) for the countermeasures like flares for air vehicles or smoke for the bigger ground vehicles (APC,Tank). Those countermeasures are in Rerfractor technically weapons. This weapon is not selectable via ItemIndex. You can have 3 active weaponsystems that's get fired with PIFire (left mousebutton), PIAltFire (right mousebutton) and PIFlareFire (X Button) without switching/selecting any other kind of weapon. You have in BF2nilla only the main cannon, a coax gun and the smokelauncher but you never had zoom remember? All FireInput Commands are used. Also keep in mind the gunner was also the driver. PR-BF2 doing it in a different way. First, they using driver and gunner. The PIFlareFire is for zoom in most cases for ground vehicles in the gunner position. The DEVS added a fakeweapon (zoomweapon) with zoom that is designed to shoot AND zoom at the same time with the X-Button but the fakeweapon got also a commandline to IGNORE the PIFlareFire (X) fire command input so at the end you get only the zoom. So, the gunner was able to use the main cannon, the coax and the zoom. They gave the countermeasures to the driverposition (0.97) and later they removed it from the driver and gave it to the gunner but the gunner had to select the smokelauncher via ItemIndex because all FireInputs are already in use. The bots can use only the smokelauncher/flares when they are aware about it that someone use a weapon against them. The weaponsystem that aims at the botvehicle MUST send a warning signal to the bot so bot know what's going on. Bots doing it in choppers because they can hear the LockOn. No PR ground vehicle have this warning sound and i think the DEVs will not implement this for coop. It would be possible to give that to vehicles with an empty soundfile. Humans couldn't hear it ingame but a bot get the message secretly. I believe, this PIFlareFire command is hardcodded for the AI and the need it on the X-button. When not hardcodded, it needs atleast the right object.ai and weapon.ai to work properly - i mean the whole vehicle. As i said. We need pure bot factions with pure bot vehicles and pure bot weapons. The DEVs would giving a shit about how the _sp vehicles are tweaked because they never use it sofar i know and when they really using it in VehicleWarfare than lets make our own pure bot assets.
  2. The thing, why bots doesn't work well on maps (doesn't matter if ESAI used or not) is the basic temperatures of all stuff in the ai including SA temperatures. This is totally fucked up. About the wrong used ai.templates. Ok that can happen. Some modder modifying stuff without informing the PRSP team. Biggest problem is that some ai files are located in the vehicles folder and some using the generic templates from the weaponrange folder but this generics templates aren't synchron with the weapon loadout and itemindexes/Firecommand buttons of some vehicles. Here my 2cents : Coop AI need a complete overhaul starting from ai behaviour setup, weapons- and object.ai and temperatures. It would be better having the focus on pure bot factions vs human factions instead keeping the current system with hybrid faction. (human and bots using the same stuff).
  3. We should make really a Rule how many asset per Infantry squad is allowed and how may people are required for using a asset. Rolling alone with a TOW humvee and only to park it on Muttrah docks and shoot all vehicles that using the coastelroad shouldn't be allowed. Last time i tried to play a Humvee squad with the TOW humvee on Muttrah. Another guy picked it before i was able to get it and told me boring story about TOW humvee not claimable. I wished him much fun and saw how his fucking squad rolling away with 1xTOW-Humvee, 2x50cal Humvees and a LogiTruck. I yelled at him and forced him to bring back one Humvee or else. 2nd Tow Humvee spawn got picked up by Solo Random guy. He used it only for transport and jumped everytime out to protect the humvee vs. botfire (bots don't shoot at unmanned vehicles). I yelled in the SL Channel who the fuck using the TOW as transport-only and took it away from the SoloGuy. I would suggest max 2 light assets for Infantry squads. Sorry to tell this but hording 4 vehicles is a NO-GO under my administration
  4. In my opinion - MECH INF goes for APC. Double mentioned already the Armored RUSH tactic at roundstart. We should focus more on teamplay. To much rounds are boring for 80% of the server population because of botfarming APC'S , TANKS and CAS assets.
  5. BF2 engine combined with stupidest gameplay meta mechanic ---- getting out of the vehicle to cut the engine
  6. The whole ai for bots and vehicles need an overhaul or better said better categorized with their strategicStrength values and temperatures but prioritizing camping targets isn't possible. The tank.ai should also be deadly as the one shot infantry bots.
  7. Song in this vid is awesome and after seeing this i should install my ARmA3 again.
  8. Motherboard and CPU is from 2010. But you pretty right Semler. New Motherboard and new PCU would be better. I did not invest more money last years for one reason. The variety of games i like. I'm strictly against the newer BF series (3+). No ModSuppoort - no money from me. All games that i play (except SQUAD) runs fine. ArmA2/3 runs finem League of Legends runs fine, PR runs fine ............ I still wait for my game that fits to me.
  9. On my machine it also runs not smooth. Is my machine so bad that it can run this game smooth? Or is it about my AMD Processors?
  10. @timestamp 14.20 the thingy with the compass and the deviation on top of the triangle ......... never noticed
  11. Hi DirtyDevil69, when SQUAD offers one day coop / bot support, i'm sure we will host one day a server for it. We couldn't fill up a PvP server because we haven't the community for it. There are also enough EMPTY PvP servers at the moment. Greetings, FJ
  12. Old Ramiel with one techie .... and the best part was the complains about getting tk'ed.
  13. Irl, the harrier would crash or not? What would happen with the turbines when water comes in? FYI a harrier is not a jetski or speedboat. About waterlevel and damagedelays. I dont know how it works. It works like the damage casued interval per ??? time. He was with the whole cockpit underwater. I'm sure that are atleast 0.5 meter. The deepwater level damage starts at 1.5 meter. The harrier can fly/vectorthrusting 0.49 meter underwater and get NO DAMAGE and at 0.5 meter - 1.49 meter only the lighter damage variant and after this 1.49m, so 1.5 meter, he get the hard damagevariant. What tell's your common sense bro Forgot to mention: I believe he got damage but maybe the repairicon bugged out. Known issue.
  14. http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f26-pr-bf2-bugs/146166-dolphin-diving-harriers.html Seems to me he didn't catch the point with the plane under water and closed the thread. He said: But i meant something completely different. ObjectTemplate.armor.hpLostWhileInWater 200 ObjectTemplate.armor.hpLostWhileInDeepWater 400 ObjectTemplate.armor.waterDamageDelay 1 ObjectTemplate.armor.deepWaterDamageDelay 30 ObjectTemplate.armor.waterLevel 0.5 ObjectTemplate.armor.deepWaterLevel 1.5
  15. I was so friendly and reported this dolphin diving harrier BUG to the Reality forums.
  16. Happy Birthday Bro - have a nice day :smiley-says-happy-birthday:

    1. WCCBadploy


      Thanks Matey. Much Obliged. I have cake and pastry waiting for tonight!!! LOL!!

  17. I'm also not a fan of these BALANCE changes from the past but you can still kill players with it at the edge of the viewdistance (Basrah as excample) without risking to get shot by RPG's or LAT's. About the start up speed. You so right. I cannot understand when i compare other APC's with it (M113 / Namer / Bradley, Puma, Boragh, BMP's; maybe all other APC's with tracks). @Inch Another WoW from me. Thumbs up !
  18. =VG= Fastjack

    Exile Mechs

    WTF.....!!!! That's really really n1ce
  19. Hey my dear Project Reality and Veterans-Gaming friends, today i will post some things about PRBF2 Modding, only to show you how i make things and how you could make things with some advices and help. Last day i'm spending much time in the BF2 Editor and try to create and modify PR content for coop. Sometimes i FAIL (ambush_pco's) and sometimes i'm successfully. Veterans-Gaming proudly presents the MK19 gunner for the abrams tank Dont ask how much times the Editor crashed because my inabilty of attention when renaming codelines or simple forgetting some. Works like a charm and dont looks shitty. I was forced to clone the us_tnk_m1a2_alt tank and the us_tnk_m1a2_alt_M2Cupola machinegun PCO to get this to work. You have to know some things about tanks. Tanks have a turret and the turret has also a Cupola (the M2 gunner seat). Part 1 : Create a folder with the new vehicle name. Go to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Project Reality\Project Reality BF2\mods\pr_edit\objects\vehicles\land\us_tnk_m1a2 and copy/paste the original us_tnk_m1a2_alt templates, into your new folder. We using this templates as base for our modifications. Copy also the us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola folder into the new folder. This is the 50cal weapon of the machinegunner You can see in the confile that the us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola codeline is called. We need later for our tank also a new cupola with the MK19 weaponsystem. Original us_tnk_m1a2_alt.con Original us_tnk_m1a2_alt.tweak Before we open the us_tnk_m1a2_alt.con and us_tnk_m1a2_alt.tweak file we rename it to our new name (us_tnk_m1a2_vg.con / us_tnk_m1a2_vg.tweak). Look at my pRo PaInT marks on the pic. Now we open the new us_tnk_m1a2_vg.con file with notepad and using the Search&Replace option (CTRL+H). We search all codelines with the original name us_tnk_m1a2_alt and replace it with the new name us_tnk_m1a2_vg Two codelines should never changed because they calling engine-wise the geometry and collisionmeshes of the vehicle. Our clone still use the same geometries and collision model from the original so dont touch it. ObjectTemplate.collisionMesh us_tnk_m1a2 ObjectTemplate.geometry us_tnk_m1a2 The us_tnk_m1a2_vg.con The us_tnk_m1a2_vg.tweak Everything that had the name us_tnk_m1a2_alt before is changed to us_tnk_m1a2_vg. As you can see, i already choose a name for the us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola (us_tnk_m1a2_mk19Cupola) the replacement for the M2 machinegunner. The Base at the end of the cupola codeline is a engine mechanic. Part 2 : Now lets make a clone of the us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola. Here we doing the same Search&Replace method to rename the old codelines that belonged to the name us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola to us_tnk_m1a2_mk19Cupola Original us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola.tweak Now we have to look for the part that defines the weapon from the cupola in this tweak. This coloured codelines defines the weaponsystem and the position on the cupola - The M2 This redlined codelines get removed, because the mk19 weaponsystem has already an ammobox attached to it The bluelined codelines get replaced with the right ammobelt and positions. The new weapon define for the cupola lool like this : ObjectTemplate.addTemplate us_agl_mk19 ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0.0769789/0.0750696/0.207385 ObjectTemplate.addTemplate agl_mk19_ammo ObjectTemplate.setPosition -0.270611/0.0785801/0.322726 ObjectTemplate.setRotation 90.9/0/-0.799999 Original us_tnk_m1a2_m2cupola.con Final tweak and con file of the us_tnk_m1a2_mk19cupola
  20. You should also know, the Devs currently working on better flightphysics for choppers and not all got an nice update. The low horizontal speed makes you always a perfect target for many things. You should also not feel bad when you got shotdown by a Stinger or other AA missile because the settings and damage output and explosionradius are to OP vs. airvehicles. Excluding the StarStreak's = they 're shitty / when you die through them you are an NOOB It makes not anymore fun to play airvehicles. Enemy manpad, rightclick, leftclick, BLACKSCREEN. Doesn't matter how good you will be one day.
  21. WOW. You have all, my respect sir. You should really make a BLOG with exactly such Entries. When i remember right you already made such a post about technical information about this kind of TOY's. I love the quality of this post. Including many pictures with variants, technical datas, WIKI infos and that all compact by Veterans-Gaming. With the BLOG option you would have everything together and not spreaded in the forums. Give iit such funny names like Almanach of Firepower or Toom of Tanks.
  22. Last 2 or 3 days he is busy writing PM's with me. Could take a while.
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