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VG Clan Member - Supporter-Lv2
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Posts posted by =VG= GRNANDGLD

  1. Well my friend...Its been 4 years.. Where TF has it gone?  O ya 2years of faking COVID.  Maybe the (lemonade) is that it has made VG stronger than ever..its been fun to watch it grow...You would proud of 'how she has grown'.

     Your Memorial Event is coming up soon, and I cant wait to smoke it up like we used to.  It was always fun standing at the rail wit ya....waiting for the end screen and trying to time the jump from the tower....O man ....just faking rolling.  I cant wait!!!...  He would always find a way to get ya going!  It always brings me peace when I get the chance to watch the old video clips of classic Vincent...sweet memories old friend!  My profile pic has a whole group of the OG's hangin out for and end screen shot.  GREAT STUFF.   Im hosting an event within an event again in your honor at the mosque tower and maybe we can all just base the tower for ya one time!  WE NEED CRATES>>LOL pilot kits aint free.   

    Hey...if ya could...would you blow the whistle for DOG!!  WE SEEM TO HAVE LOST HIM!  Thanks BRO..



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  2. 7 hours ago, Cherry said:

    Hi guys.  I'm CherryPug.
    I discovered PR in 2017 but started playing it only half a year ago. When I started playing I quickly realized that this game is a perfect place to practice and improve my English. Plus it has an awesome community. 

    My favorite classes are LAT, HAT. There is nothing more exciting than hitting a hostile vehicle (especially at long range) and seeing it go up in flames. :)

    Welcome CHERRY...We can always use some good AT!  Thanks for hanging

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  3. 1 hour ago, asko___ said:

    Hello, I'm Asko. I discovered PR like 5-6 years ago and I keep coming back because no other game scratches the itch that PR does.

    My favourite class is the medic because then I don't have to deal with shooting the enemy :) (and I like listening to people scream for medic while in agony)

    Welcome ASko... you have found an awesome community.  Thanks for scratching with us!!!  Do join us on Teamspeak and Discord!!



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  4. On 3/10/2022 at 3:14 PM, dogenamite said:

    Hello there!

    I'm dogenamite (doge or dog for short, whichever you prefer). I finally figured out the fact the forum and discord exists even though I think I first joined the PR COOP server somewhere around early 2021 (I genuinely can't remember when exactly). The server has been an amazing experience for me so far, and the community is great!

    I'm not really great at introductions so I think I'm gonna call it there,
    Nice to meet all of ya!

    Nice to see you at the Arma event man...WELCOME!!!

  5. 3 hours ago, =VG= Nyther said:

    Having Fobs need someone to shovel it would help a lot against bad fob placements

    Now let bots place down mines or pop smoke >:)

    If they deployed smoke and AT/AP mines....That would be SICK!!

    I like the shoveling aspect...Agree with giving trans some work and keeps the shitty placements down

  6. On 11/7/2021 at 12:13 AM, =VG= Kavelenko said:

    For me the Ramiel event was probably the best because it was quite a challenge to defend the Black Hawk crash sites with only a few infantry at times.

    The other three events were a bit too easy for the skill base we had on the night but ramping up the Bots would fix that issue.

    I dont see meloni or Death ..HEHE...so count 2 more in there but Great turn out guys!!


    Well done, I think....My eyes still hurt from the first map, but crank up the brightness

    I think everyone had a GOOD time..Very nice weekend get together 

    I would like to try insurgency maybe...Dont they get to arrest people??

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