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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Yeah it's server side - stuff has to be added to the actual mission files. So you create a few loadouts, PM them to me and every time you join the server you can select from your presets without having to rummage through the crates for your favorite weapons. We can make this a bonus for being a regular player or a VG member - your loadouts get added to both our Arma servers.. assuming we can make this work with Insurgency as well.
  2. Now working only on objects not when joining server (need to test again with another player) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEzK3C3hAso
  3. Test video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb-y9OlfhnI Strange bug... when I select my first loadout I cannot fire my weapon until I switch to pistol and back to primary. Not a big deal but nice to know before contact with the enemy :) Doesn't seem to affect my 2nd loadout though.. might be the specific weapon I've selected. Edit: only happens to me so not going to worry about it.. probably my specific loadout Tested with TortillaBoy and SemlerPDX - thanks guys A few issues - might be because we weren't using a dedicated server will have to test on our VG server *we can select our loadouts again when close to each other (10m) - fun to amaze your friends but should be removed *you can be up to 10m from ammo box (or whatever object) to select loadout - not a problem really *if the object (ammo box, truck) is destroyed you can no longer select your loadout from it after it respawns.. not a big deal for main base ammo crate but will affect an ammo truck or MHQ with this ability I assume the weapons in your loadout also have to be present in the mission but not 100% sure of this
  4. Ok so I have it working now with multiple loadouts (well.. two) on my PC. Few issues: Only works when you first join the server.. respawns behave normally (ie: what you had when you died) You need to select 'I'm ready' from the scroll menu after you select which loadout you are taking (this gets rid of the selection menu). Problem being if you do not select 'I'm ready' you can wander around and still swap between loadouts (handy I admit but not very realistic). Not a problem if we trust the players who will be able to do this (ie: VG members and regular players). There is a way to restrict the loadout menu to when you are close to an object (ie: ammo box or truck) but I haven't figured it out yet. Edit: works now when
  5. Download the demo misson file at the end of this post Unzip the .rar file Put the "make_my_weapon_selections.Desert_E" folder in your Missions folder at: Win7 - \ Documents \ ArmA 2 Other Profiles \ yourprofilename \ Missions WinXP - \My Documents \ ArmA 2 Other Profiles \ yourprofilename \ Missions (I am assuming this is the path for XP.. don't run it at home so can't check) Find the file called "ArmA2OA.rpt" In Win7 it is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ArmA2 OA\ArmA2OA.rpt WinXP it is probably C:\Documents & Settings\username\LocalSettings\ApplicationData\Arma2 OA or C:\Documents & Settings\username\ApplicationData\Arma2 OA just search your \Documents & Settings\username\ folder for "ArmA2OA.rpt" making sure all files/folders are visible Don't do anything with "ArmA2OA.rpt" yet we'll come back to it later Fire up Arma2 in Single Player editor (no ACE or other weapon mods... regular OA and CO) and load up the Desert map "make_my_weapon_selections" and Preview it Once in game go to the Ammo crate and choose your loadout.. you can fill backpacks as well. (Ammo box contains ALL weapons, ammo and items you currently have in your active addons/mods - please make sure you are choosing only weapons that are available in Arma2\OA\CO and not ACE/ACRE or other addon weapons... ACE I will work on later) When your loadout is complete and ready to save press 0, 0, 1 (Radio Alpha) and this will save the current loadout to that .rpt file mentioned above. Open the ArmA2OA.rpt file in Notepad and scroll to the bottom - there you should see something like this: "__________START of current weapon selection" [[["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio","Colt1911","G36A_camo","MAAWS","Binocular","Binocular_Vector","ItemGPS"]],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]],["7Rnd_45ACP_1911","30Rnd_556x45_G36","MAAWS_HEAT"],[4,6,2]]] "__________END of current weapon selection" Copy everything between the ___START and ___END lines (bright green text in the above example) and paste it into a new text file. Also add what you want the loadout to be called ie: G36A with MAAWS or myDefault Loadout - This text will show up ingame when selecting different loadouts. You can swap back into the demo mission and choose another loadout, save it (radio), and it will append to the .rpt file - you can do this for as many loadouts as you like (max 6 per player - it actually works with at LEAST 22 loadouts but I'm worried with that many it might cause issues). Last but not least I need your player_UID (not your BattleEye UID) which can be found in game - Main menu > Player Profile > yourProfile > Edit > Player ID (should be a 7 digit number) Send me a PM with your text file attached make_my_weapon_selections.desert_e_v144.rar
  6. OK so I've been fiddling with preset weapon loadouts for human players and I have it working with our MP Domination mission on my own machine.. what I need is some help testing this to see if it works with JIP (Join In Progress), after a respawn, etc. Basically what this does is allow you to choose your custom preset weapon loadout when joining the server, instead of messing around in the ammo crates for 5 minutes. You can still change gear after the fact or cancel the preset selection and stick with the default weapons the mission has assigned you. It works by your Player ID and when you join the server a script sees if you are in the 'list' of IDs with a preset loadout and if so, allows you to select it. See my test video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb-y9OlfhnI The scripts to make this work were done by Demonized (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=116649) and in the file you download from the next post there will be a demo mission which allows you to select a preset loadout and save it to a text file which you can then PM to me. This makes it much easier for me to add your loadout to the mission files as it is already formatted correctly. I haven't tested this in Insurgency and did read that INS may be more difficult to make work with these scripts. Instructions on sending me your loadout in the next post. I'll add it to my test mission and we can give it a try when you are online.
  7. That's weird.. to remove the mod you need to also remove OA? sounds dangerous..lol
  8. Yeah I'm not pilot but it looks pretty damn sexy!!
  9. For those who enjoy flying choppers - it's basically a free Arma 2 mod that they plan on releasing as a stand-alone game. http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/arma_ii/take-on-helicopters-community-preview
  10. lol @ outlanders.. I'm guessing your the author of the #3 masterpiece?
  11. They are all good although I don't like the font in #1. #3 is KICK ASS but I voted for #4.
  12. hmm...that might be beyond my capabilities at the moment..still learning the basics!! I will look into the default loadout option for any VG members.
  13. ^ LOL.. he's right too.... we measured the exact flight distance... 74m
  14. Sounds good Semler... the changes I made are only to set the default parameters so they don't have to be re-done when the server resets. I've been reading up on how to restrict objects (choppers, tanks, whatever) to clan members only but it's far from simple. We could also do custom loadouts per user (by GUID) so that when you join the server you get your preferred weapon loadout, which is pretty cool. I wonder how it restricts assets to Teamspeak users?? I'll have to do some digging...
  15. Sorry man I downloaded the mission from the Arma 2 MPMissions section I thought it was the one we were using. I'll try and get it fixed up later today !dash Sent you the updated mission via PM
  16. Yeah it timed out first try uploading to the website.. I just PM'ed to you
  17. To the user uploads section...couldn't see how to put it in the Arma section co30_domination_2_54a2_west_r_oa.takistan.rar
  18. All done I've uploaded the file with the parameter defaults changed (thanks PITN!!) Just needs to be moved to the Arma MPMissions section
  19. So we need to edit the actual mission .pbo file and change the defaults, save the file, re-compile the mission, and save it to the server... there is no way to do this in the server .cfg files. I can do this however I don't know what the default parameters should be... is there a list somewhere? Edit: nvm found the list.. Curtis is on the case!!
  20. Ok so those settings are in the description.ext file within the mission .pbo Looks like I can change what the default is for each parameter but I'm not 100% sure that this is the right way to do it. So for view distance for example you can see below the various settings: class GVAR(MaxViewDistance) { title = "Maximum Viewdistance:"; values[] = {2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000}; default = 5000; texts[] = {"2000 m","3000 m","4000 m","5000 m","6000 m","7000 m","8000 m","9000 m","10000 m"}; I'd still wait for someone who actually knows what they are talking about to answer !senile
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