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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Hi nice to hear from you.. we should work together with regards to PR servers (and testing new COOP maps)
  2. Yes I read about that somewhere as well although I cannot find a link for it ATM
  3. Is this what you were looking for re: tasks? Making a Briefing: Make a file called 'briefing.sqf' and make sure this gets executed through the 'init.sqf'. Add the following to your init.sqf: execVM "briefing.sqf"; More info here along with a demo mission: http://www.ofpec.com//index.php?topic=33768.0 Edit: fixed link
  4. Check out the Domination thread as well - it lists the stuff we've added to the VG Domination mission. http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?17417.0
  5. Damnit wish I could have played yesterday.. I noticed a few days ago there were 8 people on the Domi server and none were VG members!! Glad people are liking it.. we'll have to get those problems fixed!!
  6. The post linked by BLuD is only for mission editing... I've never done any map editing before however there are some good links here: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=1576 http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=87920 http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=69878 http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&cid=9
  7. ^ What he said goto the install folder, right click on the arma2 exe (not the shortcut) and choose run as administrator. If that doesn't work, goto compatibility mode and chose windows xp sp2. If that fails as well, try starting the game with -window (or is it -windowed ??)
  8. Thanks for the report Winters... there were multiple players complaining about dasbrutismein and CORNO as well. CORNO disconnected before anyone could grab his GUID
  9. Try re-installing BattleEye.. as for the CBA error - are you running Combined Ops?
  10. =VG= SavageCDN

    GPU advice

    I am quite happy with my 570 and it runs under $400 USD over here
  11. 2 hard drives installed on different SATA channels helps a lot as well.. save the FRAPS files to the hard drive you are NOT using for Arma
  12. Multiplayer Scripting http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG Trigger Conditions: countdown delays the reaction of a trigger for a certain length of time, determined by the min, max and mid values. thus if the triggering unit walks into the area then leaves, the trigger will fire after the countdown is complete, regardless of whether the triggering unit is present or not. timeout requires that the condition of the trigger must be met for a certain length of time, determined by the min, max and mid values. thus if the triggering unit walks into the area then leaves before the timeout is complete, the trigger will not fire. EDITOR CODES: Creating a group name Grp1 = group this; Stops Radio messages: enemy tank 200m when you cant even see it! enableRadio false; Activating objective one in a trigger: Condition: !(alive unit1) On activ: "1" ObjStatus "Done"; ob1 = true Adding a Group to Cargo + making the group so they wont flee {_x moveincargo truck} ForEach units group this; {_x allowfleeing 0} foreach units group this; Start at a height: this setpos [getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1, 75]; unit will spawn at 75 m in the air Setting a Group Identity this setgroupId ["Juliet Four Six","groupcolor0"]; Placing a object flat to the ground this setvectorup [0,0,1]; Make Civilians Enemy Add this to the init. Civilian setFriend [west, 0]; Civilian setFriend [east, 1]; west setFriend [Civilian, 0]; east setFriend [Civilian, 1]; To make an Object facing a random 360 degrees e.g. a wreck this setDir (Random 360); Adding a Weapon to the cargo of a truck/ammo crate. _truck addWeaponCargo ["M16A4",5]; This will add 5 M16A4s to the cargo hold Triggers That Only Triggers if you are a ground unit! (Planes or helicopters wont trigger it) Condition: "Land" counttype thislist > 0; Flag On Flag Pole: FLAGPOLE setFlagTexture "Flagfilename"; Burning fire: OBJECT inFlame true/false; To make a unit stand up and stay up type: Unitname setUnitPos "UP"; To make a unit prone/laydown and stay down type: Unitname setUnitPos "Down"; To make a unit kneel and stay kneeling type: Unitname setUnitPos "Middle"; Hint message hint "blabla"; Radio Message Unitname sidechat "bla bla bla"; Make unit take no damage this allowDamage false OR unitname addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { 0 }] Unlimited Ammo unitname addEventHandler ["Fired", { (_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1 }] Only works if you do not assign other weapons to the unit (ie: removeAllWeapons, addWeapon, etc). Unlimited Fuel unitname addEventHandler ["Fuel", { (_this select 0) setFuel 1 }] Fuel will only refill when tank is completely empty Add weapons/items to unit this addWeapon "Binocular" this addWeapon "M9_SD" if you are adding weapons to a unit add the magazines first then weapon, otherwise you will start with an empty weapon and have to reload Shutting every door within a radius - needs to go in the init line of a Game Logic 0 = [getpos this,300] spawn { sleep 1; { private "_b"; _b = _x; for "_i" from 0 to 7 do { _b animate ["dvere" + str _i,1] }; } foreach ((_this select 0) nearobjects (_this select 1)) }
  13. Nice job man!! Glad you are enjoying the Domi server
  14. Yes thanks for the kind words Blud will sleep better at night now
  15. Yeah it sounds pretty flakey.. how old is the PC? Beg/borrow/steal a USB drive and backup your stuff to it!
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