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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. If we can fix it so that regular users can see who is in all channels I think that is the best option. Yes it will be a pain for the first while but once all the regulars are given the 'Friend' status it will be much better IMO. That being said I have not been on much lately... is it a real pain in the ass to deal with?
  2. it's funny how the nick stays around eh? I've had this one since playing Unreal Tournament way back when.. it was actually Reggie Savage (a hockey player) but it got shortened to just Savage. The CDN thing came about from the first clan I joined playing Strike Force (uT mod)
  3. Yeah I guess Friends cannot see other users outside of their channel..not sure if there is a permission for this? Also - wonder if they need to re-subscribe to all channels after all the changes?
  4. Fox that looks great.... I tried my hand a bit with this stuff but it's not my cup of tea.. however I can appreciate the amount of work that is involved.
  5. Yeah I thought so.. otherwise most of the missions wouldn't work at all. I'll try and hit you up on TS3 later today to see what you've tried already. Edit: I'm able to get civilians and civ vehicles into Clafghan by using a work-around (game logics for city centers).. I'd like to add a few of the bigger towns with civs and see how that runs on the server so that we don't kill FPS
  6. Also Texview can open .tga files so if you already have something you can convert it to .tga then open with Texview and save as .paa Irfanview is a good tool for saving to .tga format (well.. it's the one I've used before)
  7. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Wishlist Incorporation Status Report: I wish to have Civilians. Just this standard BIS Module is fine, I got the animals to work,but.... ANYONE! PLEASE! HELP! DL the mission, get the damn civi's to work! From what I hear, something must be done for each "MAP", as in CLAfghan. I hit a wall, moved on to more important things. If I'm not mistaken cities need to be defined on custom maps for the civilians to work.. but I'm pretty sure they are already with Clafghan. I'll do some more digging and see what I can come up with. ..and yes excellent work on this Semler.. just wish I had more time to help out
  8. Very nice.. I think we need to do more of this - reach out to other Arma 'communities' and mix it up.
  9. If you are still having problems try removing the PR mod (you can re-install later) to see if that helps. Also make sure you are running Arma COMBINED OPERATIONS, not just Arma 2 or Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. To do this in Steam, make sure you have launched regular Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA at least once, then go into your Steam Library, right-click on Arma 2 OA, and select Launch Combined Operations.
  10. Actually the original teleport was tied to a flagpole (it can be attached to any object). I think Semler's idea was to have it be more 'realistic' in that you don't just warp to another location.. the chopper 'takes' you there. I assume the chopper had moved due to someone crashing into it or hitting it with another vehicle perhaps?
  11. Nice pics... Semler you may want to see a doctor about those ankles...
  12. Semler is correct - if you can, save up for an SSD drive.. it makes a world of difference with games like Arma. I have a regular SATA as my O/S drive and an SSD for games and it has cut loading times by about a third!!
  13. @ Griff.. hmmm perhaps I should try with the Diablo/Baldur's gate style games since she loves that type of movie. They used to sell Barbie and Hot Wheels PCs years ago don't know if you can still find them.. Barbie one was hot pink with flower stickers (even the CRT case was pink..lol) and came with a bunch of Barbie software. http://www.google.ca/search?q=hello+kitty+computer&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=mRT&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=r78RT6WkMOXl0QGws5ixAw&ved=0CGIQsAQ&biw=1788&bih=971 @ Semler good idea I will try that @ Jager thanks I will check those out
  14. Just checked mine is OK (667 hours in Arma?? I need a life..lol)
  15. Agreed a vid card upgrade would be easy and not too much $$$
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