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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. Great news and I like that they are using Win2k3 server instead of 2008 piece of crap server. Where is this located?
  2. Seriously you should place the call it might be something that is easily fixed.. if not tell them to (*@#$*(@# off!!
  3. ^ wow that's pretty bad. .are those the speeds that you are supposed to get from your provider?
  4. Gloucester England 119ms New York 38ms Chicago 34ms Dallas 121ms For reference; Ping to Toronto (500km away) 12ms Ping to University of Ottawa (about a 10 minute walk from me) 48ms
  5. Yeah I really should buy CoH... I had a cracked version when it first came out and liked it
  6. ^ so you should be ready to play by next week? lol
  7. Griff LAN_WROTE ... Good choice. I have been happy with mine. Oh and by the way, I don't know if it matters or not but I prefer the "old" avatar. Much easier on the eyes and I never knew I loved the Canadian flag so much !lolol Well now you're the 4th person to tell me this.. I may have to reconsider my avatar change. I do miss that flag... !rose
  8. Your best bet is probably BludKlot or Ram22. Also Tyox, Khronik, Thumper.. that's all I can remember at the moment (not a pilot myself.. and I'm stuck in ArmaLand). Hop on the teamspeak server this weekend and you'll find someone... I believe it's not I see you in there now so you must have figured it out :)
  9. Just wanted to thank posters again for their help.. I ended up going with the Asus Sabretooth X58... very sexy mobo!!
  10. yeah true.. the largest PBO mission file I've seen is 25MB or so.. and that's probably too big
  11. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Vanilla version cannot support such file size, so it will be part of the addon version. I did not know there was a limit.. do you know what the max size is?
  12. I would think any client-side mods like JSRS or Blastcore wouldn't have any effect.. maybe some AI behavior mods as well like ASR-AI. Any mod that adds content like vehicles/weapons you would have to edit the campaigns to add them. Perhaps a 'replacement pack' would work though... not sure.
  13. Yep I waste at least 30 minutes a day at work using Stumble.
  14. Excellent install guide for I44 using Six-Updater and Arma Launcher: http://12pz.enjin.com/install
  15. He hopped on yesterday but disconnected before I could switch channels.. have you bumped into him yet?
  16. Nice!! This mod also has DAC (Dynamic AI Creator) built in which makes it fairly easy to create missions with a lot of random elements in it (# of AI groups depends on # of human players, dynamic skill levels, etc). DAC is completely customizable from defining which weapons the AI spawn with to how they call for reinforcements. It's a bit daunting at first but once you get the hang of it you can create totally dynamic missions very quickly without placing a single enemy AI unit in the editor. If anyone wants more info or help with trying this out just let me know.
  17. More Stuff: ---- With a construction module placed, all players with a 'Shovel' item in their inventory can build certain objects according to their class. All units can build a 'Foxhole' object. Engineers, Pioneers and Mechanic's are able to build the large 'Sandbag' and 'Hedgehog' objects. Construction of an object uses up the shovel item,to build more you need another shovel, only one can be carried inyour main inventory at one time, however you can carry more in a backpack. ---- The M1919A4 and MG42 machine guns and the M2 and GrW34 Mortars can now be properly deployed with their tripods as well as functioning as standard infantry weapons. An assistant gunner unit carries the folded tripod as a backpack, using the 'Deploy Item' the tripod can be setup ready for use with a machinegun. Mortars are constructed, maintained, and dismantled in the same way, except both items (Base Plate, and Mortar Tube) are backpack items. ---- Also has a cargo system, custom wounding/healing system, weapon resting and hand signals.
  18. I'd love to try the INS server with i44 mod.... not too many players in INS these days anyway. I guess if i44 is popular it would make sense
  19. yeah probably dedi server vs player machine as server.. that causes a lot of headaches i'll be home later this aft.. not sure about evening though
  20. Hmmm.... some info here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?84395-ejecting-from-a-c130 And here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?76545-AI-Paradrop-from-C130J&highlight= I think you have to create a trigger that the plane flies over, which on activation runs some code which ejects the players. You'll need to give the group and plane a name (squad1, plane1) and use that name in the ejection script. In the leader init field: squad1 = group this; {_x moveInCargo plane1} foreach units this; This should start the group inside the plane. In the trigger activation field: _xhandle=[squad1,plane1] execVM  "jump.sqf"; jump.sqf if (isServer) then {<br />_group =  _this select 0;<br />_vehicle = _this select 1;<br /><br />sleep 2;<br /><br />{<br />    unassignvehicle _x;<br />    _x action ["EJECT", _vehicle];<br />    sleep 0.5<br />} foreach units _group;<br />};
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