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=VG= SavageCDN

VG Clan Administrators 2A (Inactive Duty)
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Everything posted by =VG= SavageCDN

  1. sounds great man!! so you need something that does an air extract for the players at the end of the mission?
  2. Some great features for mission makers with this mod.. good editor Modules like weather types, weapon resting, armor penetration and ballistics. The static defenses are also pretty cool with bunkers, MG42s, trenches, etc. Could not find a list of classnames for ver 2.6 but if you have 2.51 it comes with a classnames.txt file which lists everything. The stock missions that come with this mod are quite well done.. we could try a D-Day landing or something.
  3. it is all good.. and I'm OK with ACRE but I think there might be a few new Arma players joining us so we should probably keep it simple.
  4. Has anyone else tried this mod? I can't believe the level of quality here... similar to what FH2 did for BF2. Hans and the other FH2 regulars you guys need to pickup Arma and try this out!!!
  5. Invasion 1944 just released a huge update to version 2.6 For those unaware this is one of the best mods for Arma. They've added winter maps, a new Omaha map, and many new units/weapons. IT IS EXACTLY ONE TON OF FUN!!! Soldiers - United States - 1st & 29th Infantry Division, 5th Ranger Battalion, 82nd & 101st Parachute Infantry Regiment. - British - Infantry Airborne Division, British Commandos. - Germany - Heer, Heer-Camoflagued, Fallschirmj?ger, Schutzstaffel. With over 30 infantry weapons. Vehicles - 30+ German vehicles - including tanks, recon vehicles and troop carriers. - 20+ Allied vehicles - including tanks, recon vehicles, troop carriers and landing craft. Aircraft - Allied - B-17 Flying Fortress, Douglas C-47A Skytrain, Lockheed P-38 Lightning, P-51D Mustang, P-47 Thunderbolt, Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIa, Spitfire Mk.Ia., Hawker Typhoon - Axis - Bf-109E4, Bf-109F2, Bf-109G6, Ju-52/3mg5e, Ju-87, Me-262, Me-262A Maps - Omaha - Omaha V2 (Greatly enhanced and expanded) - Merderet - Merderet (Winter Version) - Battle of the Bulge map by prowler Missions - 33 MP Missions - 11 SP Missions Soundtrack - Over an hour of original music by SFG For those WW2 fans I highly recommend installing it. You will need Arma 2 Combined Operations. Forums http://ofp.gamepark.cz/invasion1944/public/ Download http://www.invasion-1944.com/download-i44/
  6. Yep all that is missing are the freakin' sharks with laser beams!! Lupago - I think the problems were with my mission and the buggy sci-fi units not you or the map :)
  7. Yeah that was fun.. nice vids. Testing some DAC stuff as well that will hopefully go into the Clafghan mission.. creating AI zones on the fly, etc.
  8. hmm..yesterday I must have fired 5 or 6 LAT rounds to the rear or turret rear of a tank on Fools Road... it was smoking but still alive.
  9. ^ You are correct Reaper the Insurgency server is 'locked down'.. you cannot use other mods. TotalBoffin LAN_WROTE ... The whole reason I got into Arma was due to the great play we used to have on the Veterans Insurgency server. I liked it so much I started to mess around the mission and have been slowly developing a replacement which is still being tested, it's called it Insurgency simulator as we have tried to make a more realistic atmosphere (civilians, ieds, car bombs etc). That sounds great TB.. let us know if you need help or want some testers.
  10. As requested by Selmer: Joining with Operation Arrowhead ONLY I get: Missing addons detected: caweapons_ammoboxes I'm not sure if Arma lists all the missing addons in the RPT file or just the first one it finds? Attached is my RPT file rpt.rar Just some notes/suggestions from other players or things I've noticed: Feb 17 - smaller map marker text? - 7Cav Aspire.D reported his humvee was 'warping' ahead when he went to stop (like 1m).. only noticed on the humvee and only since update yesterday (maybe just low server FPS?) - sign text needs updating (relocation info, edit dates, etc) - OPFOR patrols no NVG googles - Training area - Independents cannot relocate (ie: Go to Rifle Range)..nothing happens - Debug FLclear is True text in top right - what is this? - Relocate to Camp Branca - teleports player to south part of camp..can this be changed to more in the middle of the camp - Teleport truck stuck in middle of road in camp
  11. ah ok...if we were using server keys then it would be a problem, correct?
  12. Ok Clafghan v1.1 map has been uploaded here it should show up in the Downloads section shortly (@Clafghan_v1_1.7z). This is the full version of the update which includes all necessary files for the map (note that the mission also requires CBA mod). (You can also download just the updated clafghan.pbo file from Armaholics if you know what you are doing.) THE SERVER IS STILL RUNNING V1.0 OF THE MAP SO DO NOT INSTALL THIS UNTIL SEMLER SAYS IT IS OK!!!
  13. If you own Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, but not Arma 2, you may have problems joining servers or playing certain missions. This may be because the server or mission requires you to have Arma 2 in addition to Operation Arrowhead (this is essentially what Combined Operations is - both Arma 2 and OA combined into one). To fix this problem you can either buy Arma 2 or download Arma 2 Free and 'combine' it with your copy of Operation Arrowhead... giving you Arma 2 Combined Operations. Sound confusing? Well it is!! The easiest way to do this is to use Six-Updater mod manager it will download and install Arma 2 free for you. See this post for further instructions and documentation for Six-Updater. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129082-ARMA-2-Free-For-Combined-Ops-Lite
  14. Yes for the updated map the only change is to the clafghan.pbo file itself. Armaholic has a link to just that file (135MB instead of 550MB for the whole thing). Perhaps I should upload that one as well so that people that know what they are doing can download it and replace the original?
  15. OK uploading the v1.1 of Clafghan with all required map files now.. should be done about 2 hours. v1 is still available for download as well. File is called @Clafghan_v1_1.7z. ***Note that the server is still running v1 of Clafghan so until that is updated do not use this new version***
  16. Yeah if I see him I'll let him know you are stalking him :)
  17. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I would really appreciate the help if one of you could package up the updated CLAfghan Map and replace the one in our download section. I'd love to but every time I try and upload a file to VG > 100MB my browser times out and the upload fails. It's probably my shitty ISP throttling my connection... do we have FTP access to our website? Edit: Oops sorry forgot we hate them !yes
  18. Here's the changes with v1.1.. looks like ALICE module works now (civs) and the mapgrids are fixed (arty will be accurate now!!!) Clafghan Beta Version 1.1 Just a minor update before our Alpha release: FIXED - Grid system REMOVED - Medical tent at Camp Branca, so mission makers can setup their own ADDED - Airport taxiways by Bushlurker - SILVIE & ALICE (expansion) - OA Mountain Horizon & Overcast - Scene Intro by Tupolov To install you just need to download the updated clafghan.pbo and replace.. other .pbo files were not changed
  19. Updated to v1.1.38 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15766 {MODERATOR: Main post updated, thanks SavageCDN!]
  20. heheh...ammo prizes!! I think Steam games are a great idea and easy to do.... can't think of anything else really.. maybe Site donation made on winner's behalf (I could 'donate' my monthly donation for example).
  21. ^ what he said plus an SSD drive if you are playing Arma
  22. ^ Wow man that is awesome. Quick question... how is the frame rate on the server with all this stuff in the mission? Does it still run smooth? Things I will look at: - Tire fix scripts - IR strobes disappearing - I've seen this before with respawn scripts that collect the players weapons/items on death and puts them back with the player when they respawn.. so what might be happening is the loadout part of the respawn script is actually moving the IR strobe (or more likely deleting it and respawning it) from it's location back to the player. Not sure if there is a way around this that won't be a pain-in-the-ass to implement.
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