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    Rock Bottom, USA.
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    Turbine Mechanic

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  1. In loving memory of Trans, cut down by a rogue Havok.
  2. Golden


    Massive CPU bottleneck to be sure. RAM is good though. SSD good. Definitely a PC worthy of PR and Arma 3. i5 probably suffers bad from Arma 3 though. Considering how CPU intensive it is. Even for my i9 extreme. 100 player servers I rarely see more than 50-60 FPS at 4K.
  3. The set up was server side by my understanding, not the devs, and it was indeed a pain in the ass from what I heard. Very tedious to have to convert every map layer over to OpFor.
  4. Golden

    So, today...

    Sporadic contrails. Ambient Air temperatures, wind velocity, barometric pressures, and several other factors contribute to this phenomenon. It's why they're spread out like morse. Used to see this a lot when I lived in San Diego. I was only 10 miles from MCAS Miramar. Huge Air Base. They flew training sorties daily, C-17's, Hornets, Blackhawks escorted by 4 Apaches, Ospreys, etc. This kind of trailing was a very common sight.
  5. Was playing Grozny STD last night, BMP-2 coax was doing no damage to enemy infantry. Marshmallow gun. Anyone else had this issue? I tested it several times, got out and back in to see if that fixed it, tried firing the whole box and reloading. Nothing. The only thing I didn't try was shooting coax after the BMP died and respawned, but I never died. Edit: Tried to recreate the issue last night on Grozny, wasn't able to, coax worked just fine and was shredding enemy inf.
  6. Golden

    PR game

    You're not the first, nor the last, to complain about a bot not dying when you're shooting them accurately, and you can even see the blood flying. A lot of us experience this, despite our connection quality. It's always fun to dump 50 rounds of .50 cal into a bot, turn them into a blood fountain, only for them to ignore it completely, whip around and RPG your vehicle. All I can say is to learn to compensate for it like the rest of us. Welcome to PR. We have Terminator bots!
  7. Maybe that's the case on Shahadah as well. Haven't tried to kill AA with the tank on Shahadah since a couple updates ago. But rockets and cannon from CAS definitely can't destroy the IGLA emplacements, hammered the shit out of them too to be sure I wasn't just really bad lol.. Was able to destroy the quad though.
  8. I can confirm Sahel crashes immediately upon finishing loading. Map randomizer doesn't seem to work correctly either. Not quite sure.
  9. Can't destroy IGLA emplacements on Hotel, or Gas Station on Shahadah.
  10. Inverted pitch for mouse and keyboard. Normal pitch when I'm using a stick and throttle. Wouldn't feel right if you pulled back on a stick and the nose went down lol
  11. AI will only engage fixed wing aircraft when in any form off AA and/or AAA. Pavlovsk is especially easy. Infantry will not engage fixed wings, nor will any of the armor. Once all the AAA guns are destroyed on Pavlovsk, Harriers can VTOL around the map undisputed. 1 tap inf as you fly around, 50 or so rounds to the top of a BMP for the kill. EZPZ
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