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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. I'm happy to help out with the scripting for you, Charry. I'm just a bit busy at the moment, but will be freeing up time soon.
  2. Nice landing! Any landing you can walk away from is a good one!
  3. Cool mission! I love the animated guy with the hand signals directing the blackhawk to land! !2cool
  4. As long as it's made by big name, think Diamond, Sapphire, MSI, XFX, just to name a few. As far as sub-versions, I went for the 6770 over the 6750 because it's profile looked like it could handle the temperatures with its larger GPU fan and heatsink - it was the difference between a double wide graphics card with huge fan/heatsink, and a very thin looking single PCI slot card with a crappy, dinky fan on it. Price difference was $20, way worth it! Also, note that "larger than stock" power supply unit is required for many gaming-level graphics cards. Many cards will ask for a 550-600 Watt PSU for a single graphics card.
  5. (2) The original BMS setup folder needs to have Update 1 already applied, as Update 2 is incremental only (like all BMS updates). (3) Next, RUN (do not unzip) the Update 2 installer. It will ask you where the BMS setup folder is. Select the folder that you have identified in the 1st step. I see where you are confused. Sure, the Update_2 is inside a zipped folder when you first download it. I don't know why the wording is that way, but you will need to extract the Update_2 installer from that zip file. Then, when you "Run" that, it will ask for the BMS installation folder. Don't know why it even says "don't unzip" at that stage in the instructions. Of course, you need it outside the zip file to execute it!! Good luck, and if you have any other problems with it, post up here and we'll get you running! !cheers
  6. Now that's the money shot! Great links, Savage! !cheers
  7. Well, OA is cheap, and worth it. Regarding Insurgency in "Afghan", I assume you mean the CLAghan map, this would be a crazy difficult, and long, task involving porting the mission over to that map, and I'm not sure it would work very well. CLAfghan is actually a map in a beta stage of development, with horrible coding problems. Our TFOR CLAfghan mission works around most issues that would be affected by them. Also, we may run an ACE/ACRE persistent Insurgency during periods between events. This would provide a constant place to learn the ACE and ACRE features in an active game. Plenty of Arma players are used to having to login to someones TS3 in order to play on their missions. We could require that, and other measures, to ensure we don't have problems with lack of cohesion or cooperation.
  8. Not sure. I've never tried to run a dedicated server of a home PC. Try googling some other pages, perhaps they won't come up blank on you. You may need to be able to have a static IP for that, but then again, it's all greek to me...
  9. Is AKM alright. Way cool! I love that thing, Oni! !2cool
  10. I wish I could attend and/or assist. Having a big Cinco de Mayo party on the 5th.
  11. Here is an instructional thread on how to use the ACRE radios: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15078 And some ACE tips by Calv: http://www.veterans-gaming.com/vg-plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?15005 !hi
  12. I was watching the videos to see if space is 3D in this Star Trek game. What I mean is, in the past, Star Trek games have had ships stuck on a plane, able to "turn" left and right, but there was no "up" or "down". It looks like they do have a bit of dimension now, but still a turning, shooting, turning thing. I like all the customization and such. I'm very happy the genre is still trying to make a cool game! !2cool
  13. It is a testament to the longivity and playability of the games we do play often, and a lack there of when it comes to these Source Engine games and other shiny new(old) titles.
  14. Yes. It is a Third =VG= Arma Server. I don't know why I'm stating this - it would be much more fun to see rumors and speculation for another 4 posts. !sarc
  15. Remember, you will not be able to ban anyone - you must post up in the website, or poke me in TS3 and I'll nab them.
  16. I can give you guys the login for restarting, and all, you simply won't be able to ban anyone as it works different. Do not restart the map "just because" and always warn the players in the server that it is happening. For some problems, a hard restart is required - you will still need to request that.
  17. Admining the Arma Insurgency server is different than others, not a mere "login" and go. I haven't heard of any problems, except for once - and I was on TS3 at the time. From the time I recieved the message to the time I banned the player, was less than 60 seconds. If you have a problem, grab me. If you have continued problems, I'd love a report of the players involved. Write down names, screen capture names, or better yet - open your chat and type: #beclient players Then, you press Page Up or Page Down to find the Player's name and GUID (used for Arma banning) - report it here, and it will be handled. Kind of in a transition and evaluation with the Arma servers at the moment, so just wait for a bit...
  18. Benchmark 01 : 30fps E08 benchmark : 31fps Cpu : Phenom 2 X4 910 2.6GHz Gpu : XFX ATI Radeon HD 6770 SSD or HDD : HDD - 1TB 7200RPM, non-OS drive (separate SATA channel) RAM : 8GB Settings Resolution : 1600x900 3D Resolution : 1600x900 Texture : Very High Terrain : Very High Objects : Very High Shadow : Very High Anisotropic filtering : High Anti Aliasing : Very High HDR : Normal Video Memory : Default Post Process : Disabled View Distance : 5000 -------------------------------------- It is worth noting that depending on the map or game mode I am playing, I will adjust on the fly my view distance, terrain, and texture settings. For a slower paced, on foot gaming session that I will not be FRAPS'ing for pics or video, and where performance is more important than ambience, I reduce Texture and Terrain to "Normal" settings. At all times, no matter what the map, if I am going to spend a bit of time in a town, say after inserting via chopper, I will drop my view distance to 1500. Unless the town has high angles or hills at that range I need to worry about, this will give me at least an extra 10FPS, which in turn helps keep my FPS from dipping too low during explosions or other particle effects I may see in that AO. For a standard view of all things in a tactical range, I have found that 3500 is a very playable view distance, and it is my default when 5000 is too much on a map, but 1500 is too short. When flying, a view distance of 3500-5000 is mandatory, but as I have left the high textures of the ground far below, this setting does not change my standard avg. of 40FPS in game. If coming in for a landing felt like I was studdering, perhaps on a laggy server, I will throw it into Auto-Hover, and change video settings to 700 for the landing. Rarely have to do that, if ever. Again, anyone should feel free to drop that View Distance slider to minimum in any urban setting for a marked improvement. Unfortunately, as most Arma missions include their own View Distance dialogue, over-riding your own Settings, none of the "Dynamic View Distance Auto Adjuster" Mods available for download and use with Arma will work. You just have to do it manually. Remember, what is most important is that your FPS never dip so low that your crosshairs move like a slideshow. That should always be the goal with Arma. I could get 50-60 FPS with my system if I lowered all the settings. The game would look like mud, but it would be solid. I push high and very high so that the visual experience is as stunning as Arma can be, and that my FPS are just playable and don't dip too low.
  19. SemlerPDX =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I placed those red drop targets so that closer range sniper rifles, like TortiaBoy's baby - the M110, have something to practice on as it's max zeroing is 800m. More coffee? !coffee If you could see red drop targets (shape of human profile), they are the "sniper's drop targets", as stated above, for shorter range zeroed rifles. You were shooting at correct targets, if they are facing you at the sniper pit. Also, when checking the scoreboards (linked only to the large white target boards), or using any mouse scroll menu action on the items at the sniper's pit, you must be at the correct angle to get the action. Try going behind and looking directly at it, or try crouching.
  20. The first set of targets is actually 900m out. I placed those red drop targets so that closer range sniper rifles, like TortiaBoy's baby - the M110, have something to practice on as it's max zeroing is 800m. The actual targets of that range are 900m and 1600m, linked to the scoreboards behind the shooting positions. I designed the angles of the walls so that the snipers pit cannot possibly deliver a round (accidentaly or on purpose) to the training ranges below it.
  21. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Awesome mod, really awesome, but it needs some objective system like claf man..... ... but in the end, after some towns, after going from "here" to "there" you dont really know what to do, it needs objectives like "recon this town" or "save this group of AI survivers and move them here"... I think you are missing the draw and the point of this mod. You started the game on the coastline with 2 day survivors talking you through an inland path to us. You never had to scrounge for days at the start just to get food, and items you will need to survive. You were just directed to us, seasoned players, and therefore to you survival is not anything difficult - rest assured, it is. You are alive because you were with us, and clearly you think this is pretty easy. I had to struggle, to orient myself for nearly a day using NO Compass, with no one talking me through my routes. You say you need objectives. Why can you not give them to yourself, or accept the ones we as a group have? "Recon this Town" - hell, we do that on every town we come to!!! Don't rely on "pinball popups" to tell you where to go and that you did a good job and completed a task. You know you completed it when you and your friends stay alive, walking out of the town with more items you need than when you came to the town. A player can set up a tent (hide them well!, remember where you put it!!) and start to build a cache of food, drink, medical supplies, ammunition and guns. This is the ultimate survivalist RPG inside the Arma 2 game. There is only one main objective - stay alive. This is truly a survival simulator, if that doesn't appeal to you, check out Insurgency or CLAfghan - they are much faster paced with less of a "patience demanding" gaming session.
  22. We have been testing the ALPHA Mod for Arma 2: Combined Operations called DayZ. Best way to describe it is as a nearly stand alone game. In DayZ, you will start your "life" on the coastline of Chernarus. You will have barely anything to live on, as the Zombie Apocolypse has been underway for some time. Other humans will kill you for your limited supplies or just for crazy sport. Best to get away from said coastline and start to survive inland. When you exit the game, or server, everything you have on you is saved, as is your position on the map. If you were to say, join another server (there are more than 8 now), you will load in and find yourself in the same spot on the map, with the same gear in your pack and on your person. In fact, if it's been quite a long time since your last login, say a day or two, you will find yourself very hungry and thirsty (never dead). Yes, you have to consume food and drink in this game. The medical system is also highly advanced. Bandages, Pain Killer Pills, Morphine, Epipens, and Blood Packs populate the world. Weapons and equipment are hard to find, particularly highly powerful items such as military style rifles and gear. After 2 days, and over 6km of travel on foot, I risked my neck to search the military airfield and found me an AKM with 3 mags. I treasure it, as I do my 1911 Colt .45 because the only weapon you begin with is a poor revolver only suited for headshots. This game is NOT about killing zombies, or players!!! This is about survival!! Longest human to survive yet lasted 25 hours...how long can you survive? Click Here to see Leaderboards Again, this is an ALPHA. Not even to the Beta stage, and updates/patches happen on a daily basis. It can be quite frustrating, especially if you have become hooked on this amazing RPG as Solarflame, Poffadder, Tortiaboy and I have. Problems include a host of frustrating events, such as being stuck at a loading screen, or worse. I personally had lost a lot of blood, was passing out every minute or so, and had to make my way to a larger city to find medical supplies. A zombie spawned in front of me in what seemed like a vacant town at the time. He heard me, and killed me. I had played for 2 days, had a lot of time invested in my character and had even found THE MOST RARE item in the game, Night Vision Goggles!!! I was upset to no end, and when I began life with a new character, I decided to run to the spot of my other characters death, and then the server crashed. Sure, everything saves - except the dead bodies with loot and flys buzzing around their rotting corpse. Those only stay as long as the server stays up. Play at your own risk - but it IS worth all or any headaches. They update DAILY! You will patch your mod manually on a daily basis, sometimes more than once per day. Then wait for the servers to come back up, and hope the new patch didn't mess things up. Still, I cannot convey how much this is worth it. You will learn to navigate by stars at night, and shadows by day. You will learn about the priorities of survival, and the penalties of impatience and foolish errands that will plague the end of days. Only for the strong, the patient, the willing... Official DayZ Website and Game Description Click Here for the Entire Set of the Current Version (pre-assembled for ease of use):Download Click Here for Just the Files Individually(for incremental updating):Download A Basic Map of Chernarus - You will start lost and alone with no map! "It is not so simply the strongest who survive, but those who are the most adaptive to change."
  23. Pvt. Pirate - Arma 2 is very old. Wayyyy old. Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead is the new, shiny thing that came out over a year and a half ago to breath new life into Arma 2. It fixed a lot of issues with the 1.60 patch, and includes what is know as BAF and PMC "Lite", allowing for Private Military Company player models and gear, and British Armed Forces. No one plays just Arma 2 anymore and this is not the first time you will run into this issue. Save up them pennies! Also, who said anything about mods? This is Vanilla Arma 2: Combined Operations Missions.
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