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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Posts posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Definitely interested, man!
    I'd be glad to work certain maneuvers for film sake when possible, too. I can lead a squad on most maps* well.
    *mutrah, al basrah, jabal, (uhg,,,lashkar), kashan, rameil, op. baracuda, or karbala

    For reference sake, check the footage quality on my Stabbing SAM (youtube), if the quality is okay for your project, I can also take footage from different perspectives of the same action and send them to you somehow for your film.

    I get 30 FPS in footage when shot at half-size (original rez size is 1600x900) in FRAPS, but I suppose you have much better capabilities. Still, clever filtering of simultaneous shots can make for a good cut clip in an action sequence.

    Hit me up, bro!
  2. @Kirkland
    I have had great success in overclocking the i series processors. The heat issue is far less than previous intel installments as shown above with his 30°C buffer after overclocking to 3.36 and has plenty of room before he hits the critical 90-102°C mark.
    Was wondering what your experiences have been so far with overclocking the i series processors that differs.
  3. Of all the chips to ever come out lately, the minor increments in overclocking an i7 series seem to be most beneficial in an exponential sense almost entirely because of the number of cores. (except for Blacky's and the price vs. unlockable 4th core benefit, but for sheer power, i's rule, leaving AMD in the dust)
    This is based on plenty of building, research, and discussions with my friends at Fry's.

    You've already blown far past the stock speed of the 950, and that puppy screams at stock 3.06 on a Sabretooth X58 MB- wish I didn't have to sell that one, but I could never afford it how it was ordered.

    Your temps seem fine, and if you have a stable power supply, and as P95 is showing room for more OC, I would suggest you do go as high as you can with it.

    Though the chip is around $300, there is little need to be "safe";
    There is, and you can quote me on this, barely any chance you will override the safety mechanism that kills the processor before it fries*.

    *This is assuming you didn't use some kind of "spread" method for your Arctic Silver, and all your other ducks are in line. i.e. power regulation, dust control, and heat spike control.
    Side note, I've been building for around 5 years, and love the new i processors. They may even break my addiction to AMD Blacky's.

    Lastly, this advice is based on respect for computing bottlenecks. I'll just assume you know so, but just a disclaimer so others can reference the term/concept.

    Seriously, don't get me started on "spread" method.

    Good luck, bro
  4. I have an understanding of both sides of this argument.
    With regards to locked squads as a whole, I fully see why admins have this rule. It promotes team play, assists in removing the "7 one man squads" quagmire, and ensures mixed teamplay with all visitors.

    The point of being able to lock a squad would help keep too many players from joining a clearly limited squad, such as a recon/sniper team, or an attack heli team. The problem being, though a SL can kick a person from a squad, they can join back instantly it seems. If the squad is an airborne one, this can be quite cumbersome to deal with in a way which is not disruptive.

    Any rule or new rule can be hard to enforce, but clear communication regarding it is where you have the power.

    My opinion or suggestion would be something like changing the Green Rule from "no locked squads" to reflect the variant you want, such as "Only Fully Occupied Asset Squads May Be Locked" or perhaps, "Only Fully Manned Heavy Assets Squads May Lock"
    But these would negate the "sniper/recon" gripe.

    The ability to lock a squad for the first minute while SL requests certain members is another side of this argument I hear in game, but haven't seen posted here.
    This would allow an experienced SL to add a few regulars before allowing random public from rounding it out. This achieves a good mix of trained and trainees to better promote the body of knowledge in PR.

    I could envision two Green Rules for locked squads mixing the benefits of both sides of the argument. One allowing a Cobra Commander (lol) to lock his squad when filled, and one allowing squad locks for a short time after it's formation. Clarity in TEXT will alleviate the difficulty enforcing them.

    Art of War Ch. 9 V. 43-45
    43. Therefore soldiers must be treated in the first instance with humanity, but kept under control by means of iron discipline. This is a certain road to victory.
    44. If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced, the army will be well disciplined; if not, its discipline will be bad.
    45. If a general shows confidence in his men but always insists on his orders being obeyed, the gain will be mutual.
  5. Not one to question why, just too many smacktards make it hard to do or die. Glad the voting is back, as a late night player, I felt bad for TheDay having to leave his game so often, only to find the smacktard got bored after so many TK's he left before being able to be banned. Which I'm sure sucked even more for TheDay's effort.
    I bet there is a reason Mutrah is the starting map, just never knew why. Not that I care, if it is to be, it certainly ain't up to me.
    By randomize, that means it's not always the same map that comes up next every time, right?
    And does Fools Road come up only rarely because of chance/conicidence? Server certainly resets more at night (to mutrah), perhaps this map is seen more during the day?
    A humble suggestion, along the lines of "regulating the people on mortars" - perhaps a Green Rule with a statement liike:
    "Mortars Must Communicate via Text with Teams"
    Just a quick example, I'd hope you would put proper thought into the statement, if such may make Mortars on your server cooler/more like support.
    Thanks for listening.
  6. Check the bodies flying through the air on the left side of the screen when the bomb hits! Epic!
    In the spirit of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, I have remasterd the JDAM Bombing of Kashan with added special effects including: HD sound effects, True 720p HD video, a massive fireball, and a bass drop during the explosion.
    Of course, this is always how I pictured the scene, I just lacked the Sony Vegas HD Platinum 10 software to make it real. !tease

    Another 14 hours of editing, and I bet it would look even better...

    A front line view of continuous bombings from the perspective of a .50 cal HMG gunner emplacement. Many online CO-OP Vets mercilessly punish our digital AI enemies, with a perimeter set up outside the enemy main base at Kashan Desert.
    Against the unstoppable bot spawning that occurs at the end of every attack at Kashan, we pummel them with close air stikes from A-10's and AH-64's, 50-cal action from perimeter FOB's, TOW emplacements and Javelin missiles, mortar strikes, and finally, two and a half minutes in, a massive JDAM air strike.

  8. As I said, I am new at this. Perhaps they show to others, and not me? The "Welcome SemlerPDX" at the right side of the screen has a ? picture, as do my chatbox posts from my perspective. Forum Posts simply have the area blank.

    I included a screenshot. Thanks for your help, probably all fine, but as I said, I'm new and will have noob questions when I can't find it in the forum already.



  9. I get good shots with .png, at 1600x900...is it your computer or is the pic too large to be a quick view? New to posting pics.
    Those guys had me laughing to where I had to wipe my eyes to see! LMAO
    Watched each others backs, didn't run out past cover while in the shit, and hit `em hard. All around great bunch!
  10. Mutrah, late night.
    What a great group! Hard to keep focus with all the laughing. Got in position at many points & kept the armored vehicles at bay.
    We kept the squad deaths to 3, and all to the one player Pot-lol! Bullet magnets in his skull! I love it when a plan comes together. lmao
    Great teamwork when the squad survives so many hairy armor engagements.


  11. My favorite funny New Years quote, from Dick Solomon, 3rd Rock from the Sun, 1998:

    ?"As the old year draws to a close, one can't help but reflect on what hasn't been done and what can never be reclaimed. Say what you will about this year, it is lost, it is gone. And as I look around me, I can honestly say there is no group that I would rather be with, to face the grim specter of death, racing with blinding speed, so inexorably towards us."
    -Dick Solomon, 3rd RFTS, New Years 1998

    LMAO! No BS, I have great trigger time with all yall. Cheers!


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