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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. The mission is like a cross between Domination, Arma's very large maps, and Project Reality with it's squads, loadout kits, and playable Commander. Everything from the order of missions, enemy presence at AO's, enemy patrols, and even IED placement is dynamic - as in, it will be different every time. Squad Leaders request vehicles and fire support from the (player) Commander; Medics heal (MASH tent heals one fully); Engineers can diffuse IED's and repair vehicles (to a degree); And when server numbers drop, players can recruit BLUFOR AI units to assist and fill squad positions - even provide Air transport!!! It does require the addon map, CLAfghan, which you can download here: Armaholics: CLAfghan Only a few bugs and kinks to hunt down, but I cannot locate them on my own - we actually have to play the game. Technically, this will be my first time playing the mission through. This is a 20x20 kilometer map - 400 square kilometers! Here in the Korangal Valley, the mountain ridges force helicopters and certain air vehicles to make use of the valleys as thin air at extreme altitude makes rotary lift impossible. (yes, that is an MV-22 parked at that hangar in the distance! And those Chinooks can load ammo boxes and lift all vehicles but Tanks) s/f
  2. Time flies when you got your brain wrapped around a bunch of .sqf script files I guess.... !alcoh I have a BETA ready to test, and an ALPHA waiting for approval.\ One thing I need is a Teleport Flag at South Airbase and another at Camp Branca - only to teleport between those two flags, not parajump anywhere. I recall Poffadder installed one on Domi from Main to POFFOB....could someone (one of us scripters, that is) nab that for me? I'll throw it in tomorrow before we launch the Final BETA tests. If not, I'll hit up the forums again tomorrow. See you all in about 6 hours. [EDIT: I figured out the bugs in my Teleport script - much thanks to Poffadder and PITN for the tips! I've already adjusted it and now it works perfectly!) I'm so proud I could just poop! Here's my very own, and first (self made), script (now including someone elses randomization parameters so he spawns 2m from flagpole): // by SemlerPDX<br />// Allows players to teleport between South Airfield and Camp Branca by selecting the option on the flagpole at each base.<br />// The player appear 2 meters from the flagpole, so it's not sticking out of his back when he gets there.<br />// Flagpoles each need to be named NEFlag and SEFlag, and their init line should read, respective to each flag:<br />//    INIT: this addAction ("Relocate to Camp Branca","scripts\TeleportNE.sqf";);<br /><br />// Make the Teleport Scrit File called TeleportNE.sqf placed into scripts folder:<br />player globalChat "Relocating to Camp Branca...";<br />vehicle player setPos [(getpos NEFlag select 0)+3,(getpos NEFlag select 1)+3,(getpos NEFlag select 2)+0];<br /> !yahoo
  3. The port works, as far as we can tell so far. More testing tomorrow, and a few changes to do. This is one HUGE map!! I'm not missing the acradey feel that too many Arma missions have, but this one may need some playablilty additions. !alcoh I'm off for now...
  4. Thanks to much help from Poffadder and SavageCDN, I have been delving deep into Arma editing "training" and feel I now have a more than basic grasp of the concepts and things I can do. I am still studying AI mods like GL4 and DAC, and though I don't understand yet how to create scripts like those I work with, I at least know how to work with them and those I find online. !cheers So...I am (for the moment) benching my Vietnam "Mod" project as PITN has shown me a dynamic mission that I can adapt easily to be a great modern warfare mission on any map we wish. I am going to find a good Kunar Province (Korangal Valley) map today, port it over, and should have public tests up by this evening/tomorrow at the latest. I hear CLAfghan is about the best, but EBanks made one as well. The big goal is to find something that will draw more players and be a more "dynamic" experience - as in, it will be different every time. A mission that on startup randomizes everything from roadside IED's, enemy vehicles and aircraft presence, loadscreen texts and loadscreen pictures, etc. This guy really knew what he was doing when he made this mission, and encourages it's use and modification by the community. (he only asks that his name and version number be removed from it, and credits attributed) At the moment, it starts off with NO armor or Aircraft/Heli. I am going to review that in testing, though as this is supposed to be an infrantry "rapid response" operation, I understand why - but I may add one or two light armor and aircraft if it's needed to help gameplay at the start of the mission(s). As the mission starts off more like an online SinglePlayer campaign, with no squads for online players to group up in, it will take some vision and modification to be a true teamplay/cooperation mission. I must add that, left and right, I see elements in this mission that remind me of BF2: Project Reality and the elements that make it such a great multi-player wargame. This may turn out to be a good starting-off point for PR players to get into the Arma experience.
  5. You have good instincts, Murderface...(as in, best not to. nuff said anyway) So do I.
  6. it refers to something I cannot find. I'll run the old one and the new VG one through that Beyond Compare 3 program when I get done with what I'm doing. AFAIK, the chopper service worked on my first test, but need to upload to server for final testing for the jet service.
  7. =VG= SavageCDN LAN_WROTE ... is this just for VBS or all their titles? spYder wrote ... "The questions are about military games, including VBS2..." I take this to mean it is not just about VBS2.
  8. VETERANS-GAMING thanks you all for your continued support! Again this month, we have many arcade games to compete in for awesome prizes including a copy of ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead, and even the complete Company of Heroes pack! Have a wonderful holiday season! !cheers
  9. The CEO of BI, "snYper", posted a request to players of BI games to help evaulate development efforts in their many games. He has posted a short 5-10 minute survey which will help them direct their team towards what the players want so as to deliver more desireable games. This is our chance as players to tell this company what we think and how best to improve new games and game updates we receive from them. Let's take advantage of this excellent opportunity to let the dev's know how we feel about their products. spYder wrote ... Hi, as most of you are already aware, Bohemia Interactive creates both games for entertainment (e.g. ArmA2, Take On: Helicopters) and also for serious uses (e.g. VBS2). To shape our serious game development efforts we are asking people to complete a short survey. The questions are about military games, including VBS2 http://www.bisimulations.com/products/vbs2 which is our military tactical training and mission rehearsal game. The survey is at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MRHRZQ5 and anyone is welcome to answer, even if you have never seen or used VBS2. We thank you for your assistance!
  10. Here's a cool teleport I found when I couldn't find Savage to get his. This is great for editing in 2D map, as when you go to preview the map, you can move anywhere without reloading the preview. This allows you to click on the map while in preview and teleport anywhere. The file is an .rar containing an init.sqf and the script file teleport.sqf, and a text file with the Initialization line that you must copy and paste into your unit's init field. Contact me if you have any questions! Make a script file in notepad called "init.sqf" that has this line: execVM "Teleport.sqf"; Make a script file in notepad called "Teleport.sqf" that has these lines: if!(local player) exitWith{};<br />hintSilent "Click anywhere on the Map you wanna Teleport to";<br />openMap [true, true];<br />onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos _pos;openMap [false, false];true;"; <br />sleep 1;<br />hintSilent ""; Then, open editor, load your map, and bring up the "Edit Unit" menu for your primary player unit on the map. Write this into his Initialization field: this addAction["Teleport","Teleport.sqf"]; editors_teleport.rar
  11. Yea, yea Suomi - and for the Aussie's, 1800 till 2200 GMT-8 for them is 2pm next Wednesday! !rofl
  12. This isn't meant to be a shameless promotion, but it is no matter how I/we write it. I am motivated by a desire to get the word out to the great cooperative teamplayers in the PC gaming world who may not know about the =VG= community and how we run servers. Heck, half the Falon 4 flyer's come here and say, "In all these years, I didn't know people played this online!" Bones had me thinking about this "why" a few months back. What can I say? I'm a "fanboy", or man, as it be. This was something I was writing for my Steam profile page so's people could understand that, like many online PC game players, I wear clan tags - but for us at =VG=, it means so much more. I thought I'd copy it to a thread here, and us gamers could have a chance to pitch in as to why they also choose this community and these servers for their PC gaming time. For those of us who also play PvP PC games, why also do you choose to play COOP with us at =VG=? Please feel free to submit a testimonial, if you wish, as to why you play at VETERANS-GAMING and with players like this. Few can argue that this is something different, and unique; not just a clan, but a gaming community. A fair one, at that. Hell, I'm more interested in the posts here than on my own facebook, but then again, I'm a PC wargamer... I started playing with VETERANS-GAMING Clan almost a year ago because they focus on open, public servers specializing in many different Player vs. AI PC games. This immediately removed the nasty "smack-talking, base camping, and disproportionate skill-levels" that plague the Player vs. Player online wargame experience. A few games, and a few servers run PvP right; I don't knock that - I've probably logged many hours there. Simply put, in VETERANS-GAMING COOP servers, I get to focus on more of the different aspects that make up a particular game, be it a modern warfare game, or older era wargames, focusing on an AI enemy that is consistantly acting in a "military like" sense. For harder AI, I turn to ArmA 2 and it's AI mod's and addons - but I play against them with my =VG= brothers. Here you will find a very welcoming group of PC gamers who take the time, and patience, to include others; new players and veterans alike. When I think VETERANS-GAMING, I don't just think of real life military veterans, though we have many, but veterans of gaming. A great mix of people proficient in so many different multi-player online games, running so many online COOP servers - like I said, more than your standard "gaming clan". If I wasn't in =VG=, though, they'd welcome me the same, and I'd enjoy playing with them just the same. I'm proud to be part of such a group! !2cool
  13. I'm happy to join, busy on Saturday, but I'll try to be on in the evening. Count me in as a medic for a squad, that's all I feel best at - or anything dedicated in a air/land vehicle. I suck as a pointman/infantry in PR thanks to Arma... !2cool
  14. Try setting an exception for your AV - or turn it off (assuming you're using an official download mirror, same as everyone). Perhaps try another download mirror and see if you get that error.
  15. I've played with Dslyecxi before, he's a cool dude. Actually, those ShackTac guys are all great - brothers in Arms (I mean Arma). A little over the top with realism, but that's what their all about. They make some of the coolest mods that we use, too. FYI, this video can benefit a Cobra crew in more than just Arma - he talks about communication and tactics that can apply to any (cobra) game. Nice find, Clippy!! !cheers
  16. Awesome cave, BLuD! Is that a whip-style vaporizor? I love an excuse to throw up some gun pics! !gundown Let me introduce you all to Mr. Saturday Night Special He's a Llama XVI .22 LR mini replica of the Colt 1911 Fully plated in sterling silver, with a polished wood hand grip overlaid with mother of pearl, the weapon weighs about as much as a fully loaded Glock 19c (25oz.), and shoots just as accurately! This baby is a melon popper, accurate, and good at it's job - probably wouldn't want to try to drop an assailant with center mass shots anyway with a close range pistol like this:
  17. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a guy with flaming hot feet! It's gotta be JETMAN!!! !lol
  18. Way cool! I love the idea of huge servers. Good luck, I'll send any interested parties your way! !fans
  19. Welcome to the site/forums. Yea, big mix of games here. Feel free to post some MW3 screenshots in the forum. I don't have it, but it looks cool.
  20. Yea. I'd say the killer for your speed is your net connection, combined with the distances you are trying to connect to (across the Pacific, then across the US, then across the Atlantic). Here's some info about your router. Not the best in the modem world, but probably isn't the problem. http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc/hardware/?action=h_view&model_id=228 ADLS may just not cut it for the way we use the internet for gaming over such distance. Maybe we should try to see if you can connect to Arma if I host a mission from West US.
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