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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Roger that. I've pulled Muttrah 64 from the starter maps list and placed it into the disabled maps list. We'll wanna remember this after it gets patched, it's a manual file edit of the VG PR Maplist Randomizer system Thanks Zeee
  2. Thank you for the report! Known issue, lots of reports, and will be patched as early as this weekend (fingers crossed) according to notes from devs
  3. They all kinda look like they're sitting on the toilet
  4. Changed Severity / Status to Resolved (please download new profile version)
  5. WOW! That's some pro gear right there! Rally always makes my eyes bulge - that part near the end where the wheels seemed to dip down towards the creek running under that deep turn made me think the car would just flip if it was just a few hairs off
  6. v1.41 Update has been released for BMS 4.36.1 (U1) All new JTAC and other radio commands have been added for the latest update of BMS 4.36 (U1). This new BMS update changed the layouts of a few common radio menu pages, and so all users flying in 4.36.1 will need this update for AVCS4 BMS for old and new radio commands to function. User Save File will be carried over, including all user settings or custom QCC commands. changes. This update has added commands, all users will need to download this new version... a simple "live update" patch won't be enough this time: Public Release AVCS4 BMS v1.41 Changelog Aug-9-2022 This is a Major Profile Update, and requires downloading and importing the latest AVCS4 BMS Radios (v1.41) profile for VoiceAttack: New Commands: -JTAC Radio Menu Page command "JTAC Say Again" -Combat Management 1 Page commands "Weapons Free AA/AG" -Combat Management 2 Page commands added "Go Shooter/Cover" formerly on Combat Management 1 page Fixes/Improvements: -Minimum VoiceAttack program version requirement updated to 1.10.3 -New JTAC Radio Commands introduced in BMS 4.36.0 will now function properly for users of non-QWERTY style keyboards -Former "Weapons Free" command will function same as "Weapons Free AA" -Added two ways to call the new Weapons Free for AA/Ground: "Air Weapons Free" or "Weapons Free Air", format accepted for either -NOTE: New "Say Again" and "Check In/Out" commands under JTAC Menu must be preceeded by the word "JTAC" Download: (Click Here)
  7. shit happens, it's just a video game - don't worry about it. Read our PR COOP Server Rules and follow the link in Condrad's reply above to request Unban if you were banned for those actions. /locked
  8. First of all, afaik, that site you linked is known to be operated by asshats who do not respect mod users or developers. (your link to that mod on that site has been removed from this post) Just go somewhere more official and used by more people... CurseForge comes to mind. The way you evaluate safety and integrity of a file/download would be first done by the developer providing a checksum - and then you would use a tool after downloading the file to verify that it matches that checksum. These minecraft modders do not seem too concerned about safety for their users, and seems rare to see a published checksum. Damn kids. Find more info on the topic of checksums and file hashing here: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/189000/how-to-verify-the-checksum-of-a-downloaded-file-pgp-sha-etc
  9. I got messed up a few times with TrackIR myself last time... forgot I had it on and I'd move all wonky instead of "forward" and my gun barrel would be like pointing at the constellation Orion or something
  10. It is being considered. I plan to discuss options with @=VG= SolarFlame1 this week, and we'll see what we can do as time permits. Last I had asked about COOP and running bots on one side and humans on the other, there was not a lot of information presented. We'll have to do our research. If anyone would like to help and assemble some helpful links to wiki's, downloads and their description, etc., it would be greatly appreciated and save us some time when we go to evaluate this idea and its feasibility of running on our dedi.
  11. I've just confirmed it was working perfectly by asking players in PRISM...
  12. Seems to have been fixed. @=VG= m823us did some maintenance and brought it all back online.
  13. lol @=VG= Sausag3 w/ the sexy man pose Great event! Had an awesome time, even tho this was 60% of my experience today: I had come around that street corner there in an MRAP, saw a BMP with a soldier outside of it carrying that Russian emplaced anti-tank weapon on the left, over the mini-map... I aimed straight for him and waxed him good. Unfortunately, it was ChickenJason there... pummelled him so badly it took around 5 minutes (or more) for our medic Spiers to put his organs back in his body and sew him back up again.
  14. I've updated the website calendar event here, this actually works out better for me... this weekend might have been iffy and I would have put off other things in order to be at the event - now I can take care of this shit on time, and be at the event on the 16th. Cheers!
  15. Get yourself a server to run your game(s), create a home base using Discord and/or a website, attract like minded individuals and grow from there. Typically, clans form out of existing groups of gamers who regularly play together online and want to make something of their own - so they solidify their group into a clan and do as I described above. The endeavor requires technical knowledge relating to computers and running servers, or the ability to learn these things to make it work, and of course organization and leadership skills are a must. It is not a matter of, "If you build it, they will come..." - it takes dedication and vision, as well as passion. I've been doing this with great friends here for over a decade, and I'm still learning new things every day.
  16. Good one Kav! Corridor is freaking hilarious!! Came across this one recently, too (not Corridor):
  17. Charlie Squad - Assault Rifleman (will also be fine filling any needed slot if we don't get enough players in Charlie)
  18. Sounds great - I'll be there, God willing and the creeks don't rise
  19. Solar turned it on earlier today. Will be online through the weekend.
  20. Version 0.95.0


    Profile for VoiceAttack by =VG= SemlerPDX Primary Question-and-Answer Features: Temperature - Humidity - Forecasts - Weather Alerts (coming soon!) -- "How hot is it outside?" (or) "What's the weather gonna be like on Friday?" Sensor Averages - Sensor Reports - Sensor Diagnostics -- "What is the CPU temperature?" (or) "Run a Level 3 Diagnostic" Time of Day - Day of Week - Month - Year - Date -- "Is today the 14th?" (or) "Is it Saturday tomorrow?" Included 'Utility' Command Features: "Clear the Log" === Clear the VoiceAttack Event Log text messages with this voice command "Be quiet" === Halt all currently active text-to-speech or any (long) sensor report/diagnostics readout "Stop all Sensor Commands" === Halt any active VoiceAttack commands currently executing "Check a variable value" === Input the name of any VoiceAttack variable to see its value in the Event Log "Count clipboard commands" === Count all derived commands in dynamic phrases such as "[Example;Examples] [Voice;Voices] [Command;Commands]" --To open the Quick Command Reference Guide, say, "Open the Sensor Command Reference" --To open the user options Profile Menu, say, "Open the Sensor Menu" NOTE: When Weather Monitoring (or Sensor Monitoring) is OFF, these commands will be unavailable. Please review each options page inside the Sensor Menu, including the User Guides pages. Learn more about VoiceAttack here: https://voiceattack.com/ DESCRIPTION: Voice Sensors & Weather is a question and answer profile that replies to our questions about PC sensors, the local weather outside, local weather forecasts, and even indoor weather when using an external temperature sensor connected over USB. This is my second AVCS utility voice command profile alongside the Voice Calculator & Conversions profile for VoiceAttack, and I'm very happy with how this project has turned out after nearly 4 months of work! Local outdoor weather voice commands are made available through connection to the Open Weather API, and this public AVCS SENS project has its own access key for all users of this profile. When Weather Monitoring is on, new weather information is checked periodically based on user settings, and set to text variables which VoiceAttack can return on command through text-to-speech replies. New 7-day weather forecast data is gathered once a day, with options to adjust this all the way down to hourly when users enter their own Open Weather API access key. Computer sensor voice commands are made available when running the AIDA64 Extreme sensor monitoring program, through the Shared Memory option for External Applications under the program preferences. This program is required in order to use any internal PC sensor commands, reports, or diagnostics. AVCS SENS reads individual sensor data directly from active memory every few seconds, without ever logging anything to file. These values are averaged out and read back through text-to-speech replies on command for individual sensors, or as part of a group of all sensors in a report or diagnostic command such as, all sensors, or all CPU sensors, or all Graphics card sensors. Indoor weather voice commands are only available when an external temperature & humidity sensor is connected by USB to the computer. This "AVCS-DHT1" Sensor is an Arduino powered device designed with a DHT11 sensor in a small enclosure that sticks to the side of a PC case magnetically. A DIY Build Guide is available for anyone wanting to make one of these devices for themselves, or users can also buy one designed & built according to that same guide on the VG Store. Another feature unlocked by the AVCS-DHT1 is computer sensor diagnostics. Diagnostics voice commands are unlocked when using both AIDA64 Extreme and an AVCS-DHT1 sensor. With these, all PC temperature sensor values in text-to-speech replies will be said in "degrees over ambient", or a "delta-T over ambient" as you may hear it called in analysis and testing videos. This is the true means to understand what computer sensors for temperature are reporting at any given time, by first accounting for the temperature of the room. Using a simple algorithm, this allows AVCS SENS to identify & flag atypical sensor values as compared to sensor baselines previously established and saved to file. I do plan to continue development of this profile, and appreciate any feedback, suggestions, ideas, or bug reports. I have some goals to add to the currently undocumented Sensor TTS Alerts feature and to explain usage examples in the AVCS SENS Wiki page, and of course, find a more graceful way to handle voltage, amperage, and wattage voice commands (currently not fully functional in the v0.95 Public Beta Test). FINAL NOTE: This profile is in an open Public Beta Test phase, after several weeks of testing, and is expected to work as designed. If any issues arise, I am happy to address them, and will release profile updates as often as able to address anything that pops up now that it's out in the wild. I don't anticipate any problems, but I can only truly evaluate that with help from outside eyes. I'm also open to feedback regarding the AVCS SENS Wiki Page, the DIY Build Guide page, and even the demonstration video for this project. Thank you for helping me to test this profile and put it through its paces - I'm sure this will be a fun and useful addition to my AVCS utility profiles along with AVCS CALC! Cheers! =============== OPTIONAL WAYS TO USE THIS PROFILE =============== OPTION 1: Switch to the AVCS Voice Sensors & Weather Profile and say, "Open the Sensor Menu" to use OPTION 2: Open Profile Options for any of your Profiles, select Include Commands from other profile: "AVCS Voice Sensors & Weather (latest version)" -or- OPTION 2b: Open VoiceAttack Options and select Global profiles, then Include Profile Commands from the profile: "AVCS Voice Sensors & Weather (latest version)" ========================================================= The main sensors and weather monitoring "function" commands are almost entirely made up of Inline Function in C# and VB.net - feel free to review these scripts here: AVCS SENS - Voice Sensors & Weather - Inline Functions in C#/VB.net for VoiceAttack on Pastebin file contents and checksum:
  21. IMHO we should run both regularly, but the PvPvE only on the weekend. Reason I feel that way is the population overall - we have a larger player base on the weekend, including more Admins, and on the flip side, during the week, it may stretch that thinner player base to a degree that the main COOP server would be hurting for players. Just my 2 cents, whatever is decided is fine with me so long as we make the decision for the right reasons and consider any knock-on effects.
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