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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. PBAsydney, Jeffu, Kura and I went on a 4-ship anti-air sweep above the war in South Korea today. Here's the excellent debrief - well done guys!
  2. Thanks for the report. I found the server CTD. Restarted to last autosave, Day 1 - 15:20
  3. Take it easy! Don't work too hard See you around Xmas!
  4. Everyone knows that the human eye can only see 1 core, so anything more is overkill So, the PR COOP server is running on a single CPU core (1 of 8) and has been for about 7 months. This has not changed - ever.
  5. Thanks for the report! I've given the server a hard restart. Also, due to the many crashes, they're sick of today's rotation starting map, so I changed it to tomorrow's rotation early. Let's hope this fixes it.
  6. We will be updating to U4 as soon as possible. It's a holiday week here in America, and this updated just sneaked onto the scene - we'll get things sorted before Saturday. SERVER HAS BEEN UPDATED TO 4.33.4!
  7. Nice list of carrier channels. The only reason I did not include any of those tables, or airbases as well, is because it's more of a "how to" SOP for preset radio channel usage for the VG BMS Campaign, and for the carriers we only have the one (Vinson) on our server, and the same procedure applies unless you are taking off from a different airbase than the carrier you are landing on, which would be odd. You set your "home plate" frequency to Preset Channel 15 prior to launching into the mission. Great table link, though! Thank you!
  8. I'm glad you pointed this out. And Double_13 has a good point about using the Blog system to present different guides for a more easy to read list of them. I'll cover the Configuration setup in my next one, and this bit will be part of it. At least here, we can discuss things like this that I may have glossed over, so I'll likely post these first to the forums, make revisions and get input, and then copy them into the blog section where they can be pinned under Jeffu's blog. Regarding the concept of Loading DTC, etc.: There is only so much a person can be expected to simulate in BMS -- most users should uncheck No DTC for Ramp Start in the config. When it comes to communications, and for stability and simplicity in a multiplayer environment, it is extremely helpful to NOT suppress the automatic loading of the DTC cartridge by removing* this step from your RAMP start and allowing BMS to load it every time you climb into the cockpit. This way, no matter what happens, you have access to your Radio Presets, Target Presets, Custom EWS settings, and Custom MFD arrangements in the event of a software crash and subsequent re-join to the server and flight. You will not have to use your MFD to upload/load the DTC, *but doing so will not hurt anything (so the actions can still be simulated by you, even if redundant). We also suggest the config setting to allow AWACS requests at all times, to prevent potential friendly fire incidents. If you are a Pro flying here just for fun, but you need that challenge and higher realism, it's okay for you to disregard this, but most users should not to enjoy a level of consistency and to build a more stable situational awareness in a casual multiplayer environment such as the VG BMS Server. We recommend keeping this box UNCHECKED. As mentioned above, it is advisable to have AWACS Required UNCHECKED as well.
  9. Falcon BMS IVC Multiplayer Comms Setup SOP *Talk on VHF unless you have a radio failure! Always open IVC Client first -- Check Sound Device Assignments BEFORE EVERY FLIGHT: 1. Open Data Cartridge 2. Click COMMS tab at top 3. Change Preset to # 15 4. Click SET TOWER 5. Click SAVE During RAMP Start, ensure AUX COMM Control is set to UFC Set both Radio Mode knobs as shown; ensure COMM1 and COMM2 volumes are set above OFF: Use the ICP to move the Scratchpad Indicator to the VHF and UHF Fields Use the Control Rocker to change channels. We always set UHF to 15 prior to Takeoff -- We set VHF to 1* *(if other groups are online, we set VHF to Package Channel during RAMP) After takeoff and departure, we set both VHF and UHF to our Package Channel This number depends on how many other groups are flying on the server First Group would be 6, next 7, and so on -- See chart below explaining Preset Comms Channel usages Your Push to Talk buttons for VHF and UHF will depend on your control setup. These controls are part of a HAT Switch on the Throttle lever. Only one person can transmit at a time, and others will not be able to interrupt. Brevity is highly encouraged! Reference: Default Radio Frequency Presets Agency UHF Preset VHF Flight 1 297.50 1 138.05 Flight 2 381.30 2 138.10 Flight 3 275.80 3 138.20 Flight 4 294.70 4 126.20 Flight 5 279.60 5 134.25 Package 1 349.00 6 133.15 Package 2 377.10 7 132.35 Package 3 292.20 8 126.15 Package 4 264.60 9 132.875 Package 5 286.40 10 132.325 From Package 354.40 11 132.575 Proximity 269.10 12 121.20 Team** 307.30 13 119.50 Broadcast/Guard 377.20 14 120.10 Open 354.00 15 134.10 Open 318.10 16 126.80 Open 359.30 17 120.00 Open 324.50 18 141.80 Open 339.10 19 123.70 Open 280.50 20 121.70 Radios COM1 and COM2 (UHF and VHF) both have 20 presets available to them and each preset can be assigned a valid frequency within its respective band range. There are separate up-front and backup control sets for the UHF radio (ICP/DED-based and UHF control head respectively) and the backup radio has only 19 presets available. UHF The UHF band frequencies are from 225.000-399.975 MHz in 25 kHz stepping. Since 25 kHz stepping applies, the 5th digit of a 6-digit freq must end with 0, 2, 5, or 7 and the 6th digit must end in 5 or 0. Examples of valid freqs: 371.075, 377.10, 271.6. Examples of invalid freqs: 339.11, 271.14. It should be noted that the pilot may only input freqs using 5 digits and he will only see 5 digits in the Upfront Controls (UFC, i.e., the DED), but it is possible to assign preset freqs with 6 digits. Although this capability will rarely be used, it is possible by using the DTC and will always be required if entering frequencies direct into the IVC client applet. VHF The VHF band frequencies are from (AM mode) 116.000-151.975 MHz in 25 kHz stepping. The FM mode (30.000-87.975 MHz) is not implemented. The rules regarding digit input are the same as those which apply to the UHF band. **Setting the UI Radio Frequencies (For reference only! This is not an SOP at the VG BMS Server!) To change the team frequency (preset 13) to a non-default channel, open up the C:\Program Files\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\User\Config\falconbms.cfg file with a plain text editor like Notepad. Advanced Users participating in PvP Force on Force Servers can edit these lines: /////////////////// // Misc Settings // /////////////////// set g_bVoiceCom 1 // Enable Voice Communications set g_nF1TeamUiFreq xxxxxx // Frequency for F1 UI voice comms (for Force on Force type missions). set g_nF2TeamUiFreq xxxxxx // Frequency for F2 UI voice comms (for Force on Force type missions). (replacing xxxxxx with your team and squadrons pre-briefed frequencies.)
  10. Thank you for your interest! We have internal discussions regarding players we feel would be a good fit for admin on the server. It's good to know this is something you would be available for. In the meantime, it's helpful to report players when no admins are online. Thanks for helping with the new players, too!
  11. Fred Maillochaud shared this picture of his amazing home cockpit setup for Falcon BMS. This thing is absolutely beautiful! Those who fall in love with the best F-16 sim in the world know that you could fly Falcon BMS with a mouse and keyboard, but there is nothing cooler than never having to touch either one during a flight!
  12. Yea, seems like certain Human-only squadrons are getting fragged by HQ again for some reason, which is likely a game bug to err on the side of caution.
  13. @Sarge55 Here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9oux3j3f8t75en/Acdata.zip?dl=0 Delete the folder "Acdata" and unzip the above folder to the same location. (Program Files)\Falcon BMS 4.33 U1\Data\Sim
  14. =VG= SemlerPDX


    Wow!! Nice construction! That's a decent sized smelter, too!
  15. Very impressive! Now I'm gonna feel bad if I make any jokes... It seems that chinstrap is fucking up the one thing that a chinstrap is supposed to do. And I'm surprised that they take personal care of their Q-tips - you'd think given the history of the Soldier and Officer classes in the British Military, they'd have a designated Bearskin waif to clean them all while the men drink bitters and play billiards.. (ba dum - tiss) (I said I'd feel bad, didn't say I wasn't gonna make any jokes!) aw, now I feel bad cuz those guys are really cool
  16. *request runway* ^using that as a command for "When I say..." will make it so that any sentence that CONTAINS those words will fire the desired command. Note the asterisks on either side of the entire sentence. Very similar to the example I posted before. It's also worth noting that the developer of Voice Attack states that wildcards using asterisks like I've shown are "somewhat unsupported" and therefore can be problematic - care should be taken whenever using them. The actual quote from the guide:
  17. You'll obviously have no trouble finding the comms hotkeys and/or create simple macros for these commands, so there will be keypresses and you'll need to know those keys. Then there's the actual "call" commands for each action - of course you can make it a full sentence(s) "Request Landing Clearance" and that will work just great. But if you want a wee bit more variety and options to how you say that, you can add a few dynamic choices for VA to recognize, and also a few recognition inclusions for words that "sound like" words in your command so you don't find yourself repeating your command over and over. Here's my request landing command -- the asterisk* at the beginning means that ANYTHING I say that ends with this bit will register like, "Osan Tower this is Cowboy 1-1, requesting landing clearance" **BE SURE TO USE PAUSES BETWEEN KEYPRESSES! At least 0.050 and sometimes as long as 0.50 depending on the game -- some games can run super fast macros, some are old and need longer pauses. Explanation of Symbols and Structure of a Dynamic Command such as the one above: ; <- a semicolon is a separator meaning "or" so that you can have more than one choice for command word(s) or sentence(s). Note that either of those dynamic statements will call the command. ^ABOVE IT IS HIGHLIGHTED IN RED! [word1;word2] <- either word can be used, but at least ONE of them must be spoken [word1;word2;] <- either word can be used, or neither at all *request landing <- any sentence ending with "request landing" will execute this command request landing* <- any sentence beginning with "request landing" will execute this command So, there's much depth in Voice Attack, and I hope this little bit prepares you for the few things you'll like to do for your Falcon BMS voice commands. Any questions, feel free to ask! Good luck!
  18. Yes - you want to use Voice Attack which uses Windows Voice Recognition. Pick up Voice Attack here: https://www.voiceattack.com/
  19. Thank you for hosting the event TEDF! What a great turnout!
  20. He's a legit player as far as I can tell, plays off and on since July 2017, first seen in June. Not too many Admin warnings, minimal teamkilling (and apologizes afterwards), and generally seems like just another regular player. His most frequent times seem to be 1600 ZULU through 2000, I didn't note the days of week/etc. but I believe you should just talk to him. Maybe try chat first, not sure if his mic is working or if there is a large language barrier, but he does appear to speak English and he is in Indonesia. Just ask him kindly - maybe it was a mistake, or maybe he pushed the button to see what it did and it claimed the name to his profile. Pretty sure you can just "claim" the name back to you on the Gametracker website. But I doubt it was anything malicious. Feel free to report back.
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