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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Training Mission #10 GP Bombs (TR433_10_GPbombs) for unguided General Purpose bombs -- then maybe move up to the Guided Bomb Units? Please refer to the training manual located in your Docs folder! In CCIP mode, it's really just as simple as putting the circle at the end of the pole over the target, and pressing the Pickle button. It gets more complex from there, up to Dive Tossing GBU's at active SAM's
  2. If you want, you can try out this RAMP Start Trainer designed to familiarize a player with the F-16 Cockpit and view the many overwhelming control panels in sections - it's a short little app that will take you through the steps one-by-one to bring the F-16 to life from a cold slumber. If it's something you are interested in, it might inspire you to save up for a flight stick one day - I've used the Saitek X52 myself for over 5 years - something affordable and durable. Cheers! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ug7rl65nprbbkmh/sp3_ramp_start_trainer-FLASH.exe?dl=0
  3. lmao! One of these days, we'll get to BFM and FCR for A/A -- maybe even launch a weapon (or get some launched at us).
  4. Very cool! Thank you very much, TEDF! I'll be there!
  5. Our 2 Ship AI (Air Interdiction) got an impromptu escort from MeatServo on our way to pummel the 1st Tank Battalion in North Korea
  6. Took a picture of the debrief and Data Card from a flight I led on the Falcon BMS Server. We absolutely destroyed the 1st and 2nd Tank Battalions and the 1st Mech Battalion - they each literally had only one vehicle standing after we swept through. Mk-20D Rockeye cluster bombs for the win! Love this simulator!
  7. Oh yea! There are a few of those around - surprised me when I saw one first through my TGP.
  8. Maybe try it out on a server you don't mind getting banned from first? We won't unban for hax detection because it cannot be proven to be wrong, so we have to err on the side of caution. Shouldn't be a problem though, no one has ever posted up that it caused that problem.
  9. I'm still pulling my hair out trying to prove to myself that I know the F-16 -- might be a little while before I join you in the Harriers, but damn, you make them look so cool!
  10. I am going out of my mind with my current grow!! I like to think I run a tight, clean ship with proper air flow and humidity control, but seeing the dreaded Powdery Mildew on my leaves is just killing me!! I've upped the temps and lowered the humidity, and culled every plant that showed signs, but still I see it appearing on leaves.  Makes me want to burn the whole building down and start from scratch!  So impossible to deal with, and in later stages it is just unfeasible to treat.  I don't have the space for a Mother or to house a cloning machine, so I'm stuck with what the shops will sell, and I swear they just don't care about the quality of what comes in - it's all about quantity.  I thought I'd be good with Mike's Killer Clones way the hell out West, but they're just as janky as any place I've seen that sells clones.  I'm up shit creek without a paddle here, and I don't have the time to devote to daily PM treatment or removal - and I've seen how bad it can get in late stages like someone dusted the plants with a flour sifter.  UGH!!  Pro tips are welcome, but as they're supposed to be transplanted for flower cycle this week, I'm fairly certain I'm screwed and have lost over a month if I decide to Kill 'em All, sterilize, and start from scratch.

    1. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      So... I just killed 4 of the plants and removed them from the room.  The other 4 never showed signs of powdery mildew.  And the icing on the cake:  as I was doing this, I noticed a number of tiny flies fluttering around = I have fungus gnats!  Never a dull moment, I suppose!!  At least fungus gnats are easy to deal with, and I'll have them eradicated in short order.  I only wish powdery mildew was as easy to deal with, then I would not have had to sacrifice half my crop.  *sigh*

    2. =VG= SemlerPDX

      =VG= SemlerPDX

      Well, luckily I don't need to source any raw milk anytime soon.  The offending plants have been culled, and I've seen no signs on the remaining plants.  They are a different breed with different dominant genetics, and likely mold resistant.  I will save your method for future issues, in case it pops up or I get more plants that have the issue.  I very much prefer organic treatments in everything, and I've even purchased live predator insects from Amazon in the past.  Very effective.  Thanks man!

  11. /merged YES - your AMD Processor is ready to be melted down for the gold inside. In just over a month, there will be some great sales on PC parts (Cyber Monday in November) and you may be able to get yourself a new CPU/Motherboard/RAM combo that will be ready for the future! You do not need to go crazy and get the most powerful - even something like I have (2 years old) is still capable of running most modern games on High or Ultra High graphics settings. An Intel CPU from the 4600-4700 generation would be much, much faster than your current AMD, and can run modern games - and because it is a generation or more behind, it is more affordable than the current Intel generation of CPU's. This also means that Motherboards supporting that CPU will be affordable as they try to sell their remaining stock. And RAM should never be too expensive, just be sure you are upgrading to DDR3 and/or get the correct type for your new MoBo. Budget for a new CPU cooler, as well. When you can afford it, upgrade that GFX card to anything from the GTX 970 to modern cards based on what you can afford... Remember, they will last you many, many years. How long have you had your last PC? Expect your new parts to last that long. REMEMBER: You can re-use EVERYTHING! The case, power supply, drives, screws, cables, monitors.. everything except your current CPU cooler should transfer over for a huge $$ savings.
  12. Missed this one - wasn't ignoring you. Glad you bumped it. We had considered running a Squad Server, and many of us discussed it. It may happen one day, but we have no current plans to open a PvP Squad server at VG, besides that, it's still in Early Access and until it comes out (was supposed to be out in Q2 2017) we won't be hosting it. Those of us who will enjoy playing it will likely group up on other servers like we do now with PR Deployment mode. It's not easy to run a server - it requires people to populate it, and that won't happen if there aren't admins to admin it. Personally, I've been trying to grow the VG BMS Server, but I have a disability and managing it is a full time job. We also wanted to grow our Arma 3 server(s) which have some pretty solid and entertaining game modes running right now. Problem is, we don't have the admins - so we don't have the people. Sure, in a way it's a "chicken and egg" thing, whichever comes first is going to precede the next, but it requires sustained momentum and more than one or two dedicated people. It takes a small group. We'll support anyone who wants to do that, but I've seen it come and go here many times in my time -- Insurgency Standalone; ARK; Minecraft; SWAT; etc... when a server looks new and shiny and then falls off the radar. Dedication is key. Also, in my notes here on Squad, I have a few of the fairly strict license terms flagged for later and I'll post them here to help make my point (again, we'll host Squad and support anyone here who wants to put in the work, but they will need to be serious and stick with their "baby" until it has it's own legs under it) ^Applying for a license is like PR, it's very strict and licenses will be revoked if they don't follow this agreement - above are just 3 examples of where we might not be able to host a Squad server successfully.
  13. I'll be waiting to see how this one turns out. I've got my eye on a few others first, but I'm glad the Battlefront series is getting the space battles it needed!
  14. Server had crashed - it's been restarted. All is well.
  15. But i meant something completely different. ObjectTemplate.armor.hpLostWhileInWater 200 ObjectTemplate.armor.hpLostWhileInDeepWater 400 ObjectTemplate.armor.waterDamageDelay 1 ObjectTemplate.armor.deepWaterDamageDelay 30 ObjectTemplate.armor.waterLevel 0.5 ObjectTemplate.armor.deepWaterLevel 1.5 So does this mean that if we could see the health bar of the Harrier, it would be very damaged? We see red, and so the pilot got hurt in the maneuver, correct? Also, does this mean that he dipped into the water for less than the time needed to be "lost"? I timed it and he was under water for less than 2 seconds. Are those numbers above in milliseconds?
  16. Join today and get all the ammo you can shoot for FREE!
  17. Excellent guide! On the VG Server, we follow the default Players W/ AI channel numbers as it's what Weapons Delivery Planner automatically sets up for us, and because it rarely causes conflict (1=12Y;2=22Y;3=75Y;4=85Y). It's nice to see a guide that shows the full in-depth details behind the system, and options for Players W/ Players. Nice find, Static!
  18. I reset it to Day 1 yesterday - if you're referring to a time before that, it was past Day 20 and there ARE no OPFOR bandits (or they are so rare you won't see them) due to all the DPRK Airbases being bombed out and all their aircraft destroyed. It should be day 2 now - I flew yesterday with Jeffu and we did two seperate SWEEP missions, ran into scores of MiG-23's, Su-25's, and MiG-29A's. In the early days of the war, there is much more OPFOR Air activity. It takes less than a week for those DPRK Aircraft to be all destroyed by BLUFOR. In the Campaign, OPFOR frags itself, we don't create those flights from our end.
  19. Before this all gets too off base here, let me remind you that we are hosting a PvE 24/7 Korean War Campaign on the VG BMS Server, and we primarily fly Player vs. Environment and not Human vs Human. Not that we are opposed to trying a PvP Event in BMS - simply wanted you to know what we do here. I'd like to build up the number of e-Pilots that fly with VG, but I'd like to get them used to what we normally do, which is PvE - I think it would be counter productive to attempt to build an audience through PvP Events when our normal 24/7 is a PvE Server. @Blackburn Are you combat mission ready in BMS? Can you takeoff and/or land (not just optimal conditions, but dark/foul weather or with a damaged aircraft)? Are you trained in your BFM's and do you know when to "chuck your spears"? Because one thing I'd really like to do on a schedule would be Multiplayer Mission Training here covering all sorts of MP SOP's for everything from COMM's to Formation Takeoff, Fuel Conservation, Backup Radio usage, Alternate Landing scenarios, DataLink procedures, Buddy Lase procedures and much more. I'll be flying today, but I might be streaming so there will be no training today. Whoever is interested, let me know. My normal flying hours *(on days when I'm able to fly) are 1700-2300 GMT
  20. Well, we have CobaltUK, Jeffu, and myself as the most regular players. There are a few others we see now and then including Falco and Static. Cobalt has some good ideas on gathering some players to this server, but for now I do not think we have the player pool to draw from that would make a scheduled combat mission event feasible. We're still a bit in "casual game play mode" with the BMS Server, and though I'd like to do these events, as well as some regular training events, it's manpower we are lacking at this time.
  21. [2017-09-30 17:35] !BAN performed by '=ARES= chickenjason123' on 'TH RTA_Soldier': End of round TK Ban will be lifted on Friday, Oct. 6th (USA PST AM) Along with this ban, you have more than 8 entries by PR Admins in the past two weeks which is far too often. Take the week to read over our rules and make sure you know how to play the game. It's not your average FPS game, and if you are going to continue to play here, you need to go with the flow and play the same as everyone else. Also note that we are not a training server, and if you cannot properly operate a particular vehicle and are therefore occupying an asset that could be otherwise put to better use by trained players, you can be banned for asset abuse, or even asset waste if the vehicle is destroyed too frequently under your control. Enjoy the game, but please learn the game and get with the program! And practice offline if you want to operate heavy vehicles on our server! /locked UPDATED: unbanned
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