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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. First impressions? Two words - Shock and Awe! I cannot believe how great the optimization is already, even at this early stage - reports are coming in from A2 players that they have better frame rates, and can dial in to perfectly playable graphics settings. To me, gunplay is now as I've always dreamed it! I feel like I am the one doing everything now, instead of instructing my digital avatar to carry out the various movements and actions I'd like to perform in any period of time. Finally, I feel I can react and act faster to the stimulus in the world, which most FPS Shooters are known for, in this Mil-Sim Shooter. I have not played with the stances enough yet, but I can see them looking at Mods like SMK and envisioning that kind of control in Arma 3. I can imagine the grenade throw options increasing, too. For now, we gotta play with what is there, keeping an eye on what is not yet modeled while looking for bugs or issues that may become problems. For those out there just looking to play, know that there will be problems, but these will be fixed thanks to the close relationship BI Studios enjoys with their audience. The final release is still scheduled after the coming BETA phase, somewhere in Q3 2013 (September - December), and that they have eluded to a desire to not release it until it is right and true to their vision. As a fan of Arma scripting, I am just happy as hell! There are functions not yet demonstrated even in this Alpha that I have read (after pretty much reading through most of BI's code that makes up the game) and found so many gems. !cheers
  2. A New Age Has Dawned!! The Alpha Has Landed! !fans
  3. Korneel van 't Land wrote ... Hi VETERANS-GAMING! Thanks for getting in touch. We'd love to answer some questions. Please just note that this week is incredibly busy for us - so it might take some time before we get back to you. All the best, Korneel van 't Land Brand & PR Manager !2cool
  4. VETERANS-GAMING would like your help! We are going to ask the Arma 3 Dev's some questions about Arma 3 - your questions! We would appreciate input and questions from gamers ranging from those who have played Arma 2 and it's DLC and Mods, to those who've never played Arma at all. We would like to select questions that are unique, those that may not have been covered already in what we have learned so far, and those that may address specific details relating to new features expected in Arma 3. This is a great chance as a gamer to get YOUR questions answered about Arma 3 - please post them up here, and if you think of another, post again. Play the Alpha (or Alpha Lite) and bend the ear of the very people who work on it - when we have a nice selection of questions, they will be submitted to our friends at BI Studios. We will post up the answers here! Keep in mind, Arma 3 is an Alpha, and not the best reflection of the final game, but you should still be able to get a great feel for what is to come, and if you are like many of us Armaholics, you'll want to know more about this new game. Also, if we get too many questions, we may have to thin it down a bit - either way, we can discuss it all here and learn a little more about the world's next best MMO military simulator! I'll start it off: I was reading through the Arma 3 scripting commands and noticed "humidity" - returning a value of the current humidity. Is this an element of detailed sniping simulation, or just more detail for dynamic weather and cloud formation on the islands?
  5. And when they're all done, it's time for PR 2 - built on the Cryengine 3: http://www.crydev.net/viewtopic.php?f=316&t=106034
  6. whiztler LAN_WROTE ... Hiya Semler, As you know, I am loving the MSO (event) map/server. I really appreciated all the work that has gone into the development so far. I noticed a few changes recently. resulting in de-spawning of the FOB's/MHQ. Since I prefer missions over building FOB's I have put together a few FOB's that can be used as a permanent FOB for the Reshmaan map. Please feel free to implement. Please note that the FOB's are 'filled-in' with 'sample' vehicles and MHQ. You might want to removed these upon going final. Also, no ammo boxes are included. Didn't want to screw up any scripts. Link: http://www23.zippyshare.com/v/11614886/file.html =W=
  7. Why 2PM Prague Time? Thought they said something about Steam sales going on at 6PM EST (US Time)... @Castor - Not sure that you will be able to simply jam everything up to max with that video card....
  8. TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ... what happens when you "pull" the trigger in Arma 3 http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/01/what-happens-in-arma-3-when-you-fire-a-gun/ the weapons (so far) in Arma 3 (don't click if you want it all to be a surprise until Tuesday) http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/ArmA_3 !fans
  9. Plans for Arma 3 in 2013 Prague, Czech Republic, Tuesday 26 February 2013 Bohemia Interactive today announced their plans for the upcoming PC-exclusive tactical military shooter game, Arma 3?. From next week onward, Tuesday March 5th, all are welcome to try out the authentic military gameplay and assist in the game?s development by participating in the Arma 3 Alpha. The Alpha will feature a limited amount of playable and sandbox content, receive regular updates and remain accessible until Arma 3?s Beta starts ? which is expected in the second quarter of this year. The full and final version of Arma 3 is scheduled for release in Q3 2013. Featured in the Arma 3 Alpha are four showcase missions (Infantry, Vehicles, SCUBA and Helicopter), a limited subset of weapons and vehicles, two multiplayer scenarios, the powerful scenario editor and modding support. The 20 km? island of Stratis, which is positioned right off the coast from Arma 3?s main destination ?Altis? (270 km?), will form the backdrop of the Arma 3 Alpha. Jay Crowe, Co-Creative Director on Arma 3, elaborates: "The Arma 3 Alpha is a big milestone in the project's development. Testing early and often puts us on the right track towards improving performance, stability and delivering on our goal of creating a robust final release. It's also a big opportunity to get the game in the hands of our passionate community, which enables them to start work on their own creations, tailored to the fourth generation of the Real Virtuality engine." To participate in the Alpha, people can purchase the Arma 3 Alpha (24.99 EUR/19.99 GBP/32.99 USD) or Arma 3 Digital Deluxe Edition (39.99 EUR/34.99 GBP/49.99 USD) on Steam. Extras in the Digital Deluxe Edition include a digital soundtrack*, digital maps*, digital tactical guide*, and a Steam Gift of Arma: Cold War Assault (formerly known as Operation Flashpoint?: Cold War Crisis). Both versions include access to the Arma 3 Beta plus a digital copy of the complete game upon release. The price of each edition will increase once the Arma 3 Beta and final game become available. Those who would like to sponsor development further, also have the option to purchase the Arma 3 Supporter Edition (69.99 EUR/59.99 GBP/91.99 USD) from Store.bistudio.com. Besides the additional Arma development support, this edition ships with all the extras from the digital deluxe edition, a Steam Gift of Arma X, all future Arma 3 DLCs, a special forums medal and the opportunity to have their names featured in the game?s credits. The full overview of editions, and their conditions, can be found on Arma 3?s new website. Last but not least, Bohemia Interactive also intends to release a free, limited version of the Alpha, named Arma 3 Alpha Lite. The Alpha Lite will be available one week after the initial Alpha release, on Thursday March 14th, and does not include a multiplayer component and modding support. Access to the Alpha Lite is invite-only and can be obtained from people who have purchased the Arma 3 Alpha. Invites will also be randomly distributed via the Arma 3 social channels and as giveaways by selected media outlets. The Arma 3 Alpha Lite expires on June 15, does not provide access to the Arma 3 Beta and does not include a copy of the final game. The Arma 3 Alpha will be available on Steam next Tuesday March 5th, 2013. For more information on the Alpha, be sure to visit the brand new Arma 3 website at www.arma3.com *These bundle extras will be available upon release of the full and final game. Operation Flashpoint? is a trademark of Codemasters.
  10. most everyone in =VG= who plays Arma is in the squad.xml - number is nearly exact
  11. When I loaded OA on his machine, I compared the version in the lower right to my own - they match. If it were a beta, then the versions wouldn't have matched... I'm a fan of manual things - not a fan of Steam, but it should be a non-issue, all opinions aside. Just frustrated at the different methods for Steam vs. DVD version. I'm sure a solution will present itself...or not.
  12. Okay - we have only been able to retrieve his RPT info, and I have zipped it up with the RPT and Server Console Log from the server - I think he has installed a beta patch that will not uninstall, also, I think steam may be backing up this info and reinstalling it with his attempted reinstalls, so making the effort pointless. Perhaps Savage can weigh in, being the local Arma Steam guru... rpt_of_job.rar
  13. If you only have Arma 2, you will not be able to join our server. You need to have both games: Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (or the 2in1 Arma 2: Combined Operations). If you have that, then move on to next step. I'd assume that Steam auto-patches the game with most recent updates, but it would be good to note what version your are running (shown in lower right corner at the main menu of the game). Also, mods and DLC are never put into the addons folder - that is the incorrect way to install mods. If you have been just dropping DayZ addons or other mods into your addon folder, you will need to delete all of it, and reinstall the game. If you still cannot get this working, come into our TeamSpeak 3 and find me - I'll join a TeamViewer session with you and can move your mouse around while you watch. I'll have it all sorted in less than 5 minutes.
  14. Demon Squad =MRAP M2 Command= Demon1 SQL - SemlerPDX Demon 1 =MRAP M2 Prime= Demon1-1 (FTL) - Gaz Demon1-2 (MEDIC) - Ciro =MRAP M2 Sub= Demon1-3 - Ingo Demon1-4 - Sparky Demon 2 =MRAP M2 Prime= Demon2-1 (FTL) - Calv Demon2-2 (MEDIC) - StarchyDuke =MRAP M2 Sub= Demon2-3 - Harry Demon2-4 - Dumbfoundead Demon 3 =MRAP M2 Prime= Demon3-1 (FTL) - Speirs Demon3-2 (MEDIC) - Iffn =MRAP Mk19 Sub= Demon3-3 - Nvram Demon3-4 - reV ____________________________ Squad Lead Review I was the Demon Squad Leader, responsible for a 6 MRAP Transport Convoy for Fox and Echo Squads. I had each fire team split in two, with my FTL's and Medics in the Primary MRAP and their 3rd and 4th team members in Subordinate MRAPS, with the weapons cargo loaded into the Primary vehicles. These were instructed to keep in the center or rear of the convoy during transit, with Hold and Secure ROE. Due to some last minute technical updates, the Mission Briefing took place the morning of the operation, and we were issued our 6 MRAPS for the operation. Calv and I loaded two of the Primary MRAPS with weapons cargo, although during the confusion of the load, I neglected to load ordinance of any kind. At this point, I was not briefed as to the primary objective - either due to coms issues, or the confusion at the start - but I do load MSO vehicles often, and usually pack them for all possible scenarios. All apologies for the large delay due to lack of ordinance. When it became clear that supplies were needed, Vader 1 attempted to contact Outlaw but range became an issue. I took it upon myself to drive the command MRAP to a tall hill 600 meters east of the AO. Once there, I was able to contact Outlaw 1 (PITN) and order an ordinance supply drop - less than 5 minutes later, the Blackhawk landed and ordinance was added to the Command MRAP, and delivered to the troops. _________________ Gunners Review My gunners were having technical issues reloading their M2 mags and therefore, when players disconnected, we consolidated into remaining MRAPS. On that note, I'd like to add that more than once the call came through to warn Demon gunners to check fire - Mk19 launchers should never be fired once a friendly force has entered the AO. M2 gunners should never fire blindly in such cases, as well. At other times, it is important to lay down return fire, even if enemies are not spotted, in the direction from which we are being engaged. Suppressive fire should be done in short 10 round bursts around the area of fire, often only so long as to allow friendly forces to move up and engage. Never unload a belt in such a scenario - also, when enemies are sighted, try to take the time to range in the M2 so that you can get first rounds on target, in order to fire a minimum amount of ammunition. In skilled hands, the M2 can nearly become a one-shot one-kill weapon. _________________ Drivers Review My drivers were, in a sense, press-ganged into their roles and were indeed unaware that their coop duty in this operation would be vehicle borne. Regardless of this, I am proud of the speed at which these drivers were able to perform an unpracticed symphony of movement as well as they did. Our brief on formations consisted of less than a few sentences of instruction - Sub's in front, Prime's in center/rear; Herringbone Formation upon halt - but none of these players have trained or drilled in either of these concepts together like this. With one "HALT" order, over and over, they pulled off of the main road, Left/Right/Left/Right, etc. As we lost vehicles, we also lost players - this negated the need to go back for abandoned MRAPS at that time. Only on a couple of occasions did I need to repeat an order, and if I was short or curt with any of you, just know it was merely the pump of the game talking - I value each of you as good gaming friends! I did think it would not be hard to lead 6 vehicles, but I was proven wrong a few times - this proves that it does help to have one player or two dedicated to leading and coordinating, so that those players can just "play" within the confines of the COOP Common Goal that is the mission. _________________ Poff took a pic of one such Halt - here is the pic - be proud: Demon Squad MRAP Herringbone Final Review Next time, it has been suggested to take fewer vehicles, but to speak on this event: My Subordinate MRAPs could have benefited from also having an AN/PRC-148 Radio on Channel 2 so that I could directly assist in leading them at times. It would have allowed someone to tell me that Gaz had to disconnect during the Refuel at the local gas station. We waited for several minutes before I went up there and heard the news. Long, unknown breaks can be frustrating to the masses if they do not know the situation. When they do, it helps morale for them to know about how long they may have to "chill" - they may grab a drink, or hit the head to drain some. My team responded fast, as can be hoped, as orders propogated down the chain - with practice, this would be even faster. In the future, all disabled or abandonded vehicles should be noted for retrieval by post-event MSO players. JIP Markers, in game AAR's and even Notes on the sign board can facilitate this, so long as our database is up and running. This will become permanent one day very soon - consider that we could plan the night before, set up our vehicles, brief our team, and rally the next morning with all our gear waiting for us. This will curb the long setup times. We may not run events with this many people in the future, but MSO does have the ability to make for great events. I look forward to Poffadder and Savage's MSO when it is as they want it. _________________ I'd like to thank Demon Squad for doing what we had to do, and for doing it well! Special thanks to the Bantewagon Squad, and LAMBS, for joining us (and putting up with the occasional periods of waiting). And a big thanks to Poffadder for leading us, and to Savage for his hard work on the mission and design elements! !cheers As promised, here are some of the better group shots that Poffadder took: (originals available by request) ______ In the Land of Opportunity, "The American Dream" is up to the individual to define for themselves. My YouTube Channel | My Camping Photos The Art of War by Sun Tzu
  15. Nvram =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Server FPS were pretty low around 15 fps or even less the most time On that note, it was still surprisingly playable - "Arma" playable, I call it - and of course such frame rates would not be playable in other games, say Planetside 2 or even a fighter plane game such as War Thunder. My AAR will come later today, along with Group Photos for the players. Still on first cup of coffee.... !coffee
  16. Servers are back up. Thank you all for your patience and thanks to our event hosts for the amazing Arma event today! /locked
  17. I like the 3 FT Squad, 4 men in each FT. Also, I like the attachment team idea, being ambiguous and adaptable depending on PL's direction. It allows for that "few extra" joining players, too, when the squad is already full. Doesn't always come up, but still...
  18. NVram - brother - seriously, the very first line at the top of that webpage says this: "US Army Rangers amories are stocked with a number of weapons systems, including:" to emphasize my point: "a number of weapons systems, including:" I would only take that to mean that, in addition to a number of weapons systems, that particular regiment of Rangers also uses the weapons on that list - it is not limited to the items on that list. And, as it's been said many times, name of the game is not Ranger Ops, but MSO and the coolest soldier models we've found to date happen to be the Rangers models. I intend to make a few specific missions based on a few different forces, the one I am still editing features USMC as the soldiers, and they have models far better than the original Arma 2 Marines. It does indeed force players to use the weapons that on average are most prevalent in a Marine Platoon. Perhaps one day, we'll modify it for many different groups - Rangers could be one of them, and we could have them "limited" to only the specialized weapons you may find in, say, that 75th Ranger Regiment. That would be cool! But, MSO is MSO - VG started experimenting with it in August 2012, with a mind to play it with some proper structure and in some ways, a role based teamplay world that persists no matter what, until we manually pull the plug on the operation (and reset the database). Hell, all this testing without a database is a large part of the desire for a faster way to loadout, or perform tasks that seem like fine systems already to some of us. All the "rapid" role switching seems odd to me, not very MSO, though I like the idea of making anything easier on players. My point is, when we get this thing "alive" I will log in, set up my gear for the first time - I likes my Mk17 EGLM RCO, but can use any Rifle really - key point being, then next time I rearm, I'll probably just refill consumables like ammo, smoke, medical gear. Depending on the level of action I saw, I may not need to take but a few more to "top off" or I may really stock up. If I need to become a "Light Machine Gunner" then I can simply drop my primary weapon and rounds, and grab me a SAW and some ammo. If I'm gonna switch up to be a FAC or spotter, DMR, etc. I may also grab a rangefinder and some batteries, a DAGR, and if needed, a larger radio. These things do not take that much time, and if they do, I'd suggest using the "filter" buttons on the gearbox menu to find key items that much faster. Once you are at a level of "modifying" your current loadout, only a handful of items may change. It's certainly an RPG-ish game, this MSO. I'd love it if more people started to recognize that, perhaps it will become more apparent when the database is fully working on the main server, with the ability to service the database more easily. *EDIT: Final note: IMO, the Primary Weapon is the least important part of the loadout system - by which I mean, each role may have a few different recievers that perform the same task (M4 203 vs. Mk16 EGLM) or the M249 and M27s. It is the different little stuff that really makes the loadout system powerful.
  19. Does the Yardage 450 link with the DAGR? If not - use the Vector 21B. Map Tools can get in the way on the actual map, and cause graphical issues with the player's STHUD - not recommended for everyone, or at very least, put it in the backpack and not in their current inventory. Also, Grunt is not a role. Each member of a fireteam or squad plays a valuable part in the mission. Let's focus on other roles as Calv has layed out. *Can't see that as a neccessary kit to choose from - it is way too ambiguous. Radio Operators on a squad/fire team level should not be needed, or really used as a role in MSO, as the Command Radio is required for the Leader to access those Command Actions on the ACE Interaction Menu.
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