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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. that is a bit complex Charry - possible but would be a system in and of itself that would take quite some time to implement. I would suggest you assume you will have a large group of players and a play time of around 2 hours. In that you can fit around 2-4 objectives and if you have a respawn and transportation system, you can make them as difficult as needed for a good game. That means objectives that are independant - make them able to start one or any one and have completion triggers inside each area separate from the others. That should suffice. I'm kinda sick and am gonna go lay down again. I'll be back to gaming before too long...c ya soon
  2. Pigeon LAN_WROTE ... Just to clarify you state start time as 20.00 cet. Cet is not currently observed as some European states are in daylight saving whilst this is the case cset is observed as the European time. Anyone wanna tell me what time it starts in England. ZULU is England brah !lol so....1800
  3. Welcome to the site! Sent a message to Bel re. BMS server being down - should be back up asap. !cheers
  4. I would love to take a look at it and help if needed... can you zip or rar up your WIP and pass it to me?
  5. you don't need to post a guide on how to work the Nimitz addon... it's not an issue, and the addon also comes with instructions for mission makers already. Besides, the mission is made AFAIK; we're awaiting Charry's posts on needed scripts or utilities that he may not have been able to add yet...
  6. Hello all! If you recall, before our website issues of September, an event was slated for an Arma 2 Vietnam mission by our friend Charry. It was so derailed that it still sits awaiting just a few tweaks, scripts, and tests before becoming a reality. I would love to play in this event, and had previously signed up as many of you had. This scripting and editing thread will take this mission, mostly designed in the 2D Mission Editor by way of enemy groups with waypoints, event triggers and map markers, all the way to adding simple scripts and utilities needed to make it a full-fledged MP COOP Mission. I have talked with Charry already and he will post up here the things needed to be added (respawn system or respawn configuation?) or whatever needs to be tested before throwing a huge group into the shit. Here is a quote with a little info on the mission, the mods list desired, and a video showing the breaching idea he wanted to use: Pvt. Charry LAN_WROTE ... We are going to use an interesting breaching script which allows us to use c4 and shotguns to breach into buildings: After you get badly shot you will have a certain time until you are completely dead. You will respawn on the carrier and wait until severals others die. The team will be assigned a new callsign and they're going to fly (back) in as reinforcements. Helicopter can load ammo boxes into cargo and later drop them onto the battlefield. The TAC pilot should mess around a little bit with the F/A 18 to get known to that plane. If there are any questions please feel free to ask me! MODS @ACE @ACEX_RU @ACEX_USNavy @ACRE @bracer @GLT_MissleBox @JDG_Nimitz @ldl @mar_pilot @mar_2maw @mbg_buldings3 @MBG_KillHouses @st_interact @stmovement @tpwcas @zeus_ai @zeus_ai_ace optional @blastcore @jsrs @jsrs_ace Mission created by Pvt.Charry changes could be taken!
  7. Server is indeed running latest Update 1-6 !cheers *if you have any problems connecting, let us know and we can try to help
  8. I'll be there!! Tried flying a chopper - i used to be good. I failed so bad. I'll be on the ground! !fans
  9. I am not sure - I will look into this today [still awaiting reply - will update post at that time]
  10. Great Job posting! Works great! And nice vid! !cheers
  11. I am in. I've played tons of ACE/ACRE and would love to take a role in Wolf - preferably Squad Lead, if not available, RTO, and if that's not available, an Fire Team Lead position. And of course, if those are all filled, just make me a rifleman or DMR in Wolf. !cheers
  12. Polls cannot be edited. If you want, you can edit your post, copy all the text - I can delete the thread, then you can re-post this thread and paste your content back into the text field - and re-create the Poll. And then "preview" maybe before finally posting...
  13. good poll! and (early) thanks for the mission event! ( I voted modern - but I'll love whatever comes up)
  14. Criminal COOP Skills Payday 2 is one of the best small team COOP games I've ever played. The teamwork gameplay and the diversity of the skills available for the players as they level up make this game a truly unique experience on almost every mission. Up to 4 Online Players heist everything from cash and gold to jewlery and fine art. There are even more interesting jobs such as drug running, and manufacturing. Many heists allow for a degree of stealth, others start out guns blazing - and as you level up, new and different missions become available. Tortia, Starchyduke and I did the Bank heist on Overkill Difficulty (hardest available atm) and were so stealthy that we took over the entire rear of the bank, and drilled the main vault, while business carried on as usual in the main lobby. We stole nearly $10 million, and we picked the locks on each and every safe deposit box (130 total boxes!!). We found all kinds of loot - gold bars, stacks of cash, and even a slice of bread with cheese on it. Not one alarm was raised and that is all because of teamwork, careful planning, and communication! The Skills section has 4 paths: Mastermind, Enforcer, Technician, and Ghost Anyone can cross-class at anytime, and have any mix of skills in any path all active in game at the same time. I myself have a character who is a mix between a Mastermind and a Technician - basically a decent group leader with a very reliable, fast drill for Safes and Security Doors. =VG= ridDle has a very strong single classed character, nearly fully spec'd Enforcer - the badass of the bunch, serious knockdown power, and he looks tough as nails in his full body armor suit! Tortia is a bit cross-classed but is now strong into Ghost skills, pushing to become a Silent Killer who can lock pick Safes. (there are 75 total skills) With a maximum Character Level of 100, a character will never have enough points to fully max out all the paths - it's not even enough points to max out ONE SINGLE PATH! For this reason, characters become very unique, and we all have different preferences of skills and abilities based on our gameplay styles. Any of the 4 paths can be "RESPEC'd" so that you get all your skill points spent back, and can place them differently - in case you want to try something different - but you only get a portion of the money spent on those skills back. It does take Cash and Skill Points to progress through the paths. That is why this awesome Skill Info calculator that =VG= ridDle found is so helpful: http://www.pd2skills.info/ You can essentially play around and try different things with the points available at Level 100. Settings on the right can be adjusted, you can set it to any level to see what could be, and you can click the Share button to name your creation and get a link to share. Click Here to read about COOP Crew Building at VG!
  15. I'll start it out with mine... Style: Mastermind/Technician Preferred Primary(s): CAR-4 Assault Rifle Preferred Secondary(s): Para-Submachine Gun (Silenced) Description: My guy has the fully silent drill and (finally) has C4 Shape Charges. His Leadership points grant the entire crew extra XP, Stamina, and reduced recoil in pistols. He can answer multiple radio calls from downed guards, and is also an ACE Transporter (fast with carrying bags/throws bags far). My Current Skills Info Link: http://goo.gl/LyLOEV (optional)My Level 100 Link: http://www.pd2skills.info/profile/lv100wishlistsemlerpdx/
  16. VG PayDay 2 COOP Crew Building For those dedicated PayDay 2 players here at VG, I'd like to invite you to participate in an open Crew Building and Profile Sharing post that I think will help all of us players recognize each other's in-game strengths and skill sets. This may particularly benefit anyone leading a crew who wants to know a little more about the individual members they may be playing with. And who doesn't love a little show and tell? Maybe take a screen shot of you, or your gun rack from your Safe House, or some close ups of your favorite weapons or masks... You may also fill out a second Skill Info link if you want to share what you want to be at Level 100, but keep it below your actual current character description and skill info link. Here's how it will work: Using the Skills Info website that ridDle found, pd2skills.info , set your current in-game level and then fill out your current in-game skills as they are. Click the Share tab on the right, and name your profile as your in-game player name, and copy your link to clipboard. Post your PayDay 2 Player Profile and Skills Link here, and occasionally edit your post with an updated link of your current Skills spent. It will help to share the type of character he is, and a short description of his skills/strengths, prefered weapon(s), etc. Pics are always welcome, just make sure they are no wider than 800 pixels unless they are thumbnailed. If you want, you can just copy this and fill it out: Style: Preferred Primary(s): Preferred Secondary(s): Description: My Current Skills Info Link: (optional)My Level 100 Link:
  17. Sorry no one has gotten back to you on this yet - I haven't seen Bones in some time. Perhaps you could try to send him a PM on the matter. I know Iffn and Poffadder here play DCS, but other than that I do not know.
  18. Okay, recently a good friend, Tankmaster, asked me if it was possible make his own Arma 2 server on his machine, and if he could then log into it as it's Admin. This is a good question, the answer is YES, and it is very easy to do. First of all, our reference for this will be the server.cfg page of the BI Studios A2 Wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg *editors should build a list of bookmarks to pages such as this, and refer to them often when needed. Step 1: Create your own Dedicated Server on your (any) PC - Navigate to your Arma 2 Program Folder and find "Arma2OAserver" - For simplicity, I will have you Right-Click on it and "Send To -> Desktop" - Now, Right-Click on the new Desktop Shortcut of "Arma2OAserver" and select "Properties" - Under the Shortcut Tab at the top, look for Target ending in \arma2oaserver.exe" - Place Cursor (Left-Click) just after the " in target, to write more things after it - You will now write: -server.cfg (this merely tells the program that when it loads, we want it to create its server based on a file called server.cfg, which we will place into the Arma 2 Program folder) - Now you can make your file based on this example, the VG server config file template, or make one from scratch using notepad or Notepad++ (just saveAs the file as server.cfg) Usable Sample: servercfg.rar -Open the server.cfg file and note the lines you can edit - Name, Password, Admin Password, etc. I have added some notations in the sample, NOVICE EDITORS - it will point out some stuff that is important and stuff that won't matter for your in a private, non-public passworded server includes anti-cheat settings, mission rotation, etc. -Set a server password if desired, but be sure to set Admin Password - it is case sensitive! -When done editing your cfg, save and exit. The file should be placed in the Arma 2 Program Folder (same folder that contains the arma2oaserver.exe that we made a shortcut out of) -Now, return to the desktop and double-click (launch) your arma2oaserver - Shortcut icon to start the server up **You may need to configure your home network devices (Modem/router) to have the default server port open for your friends to see this new server in the Multiplayer list. Default port is 2302 - in Router/Modem you would select Port Forwarding, and forward the UDP Port 2302 to the IP of your Server PC on your home network. If this is your same gaming PC, that is just fine, too. Step 2: Launch your "Client" Arma 2 - Go back to Desktop and Load the game like normal - When you go to MultiPlayer, look for the name of your server in the list, or use Filters to find it faster - Join your server. Step 3: Select Missions and Select "Login" or open chat and type: #login ExamplePasswordToBecomeAdmin - Now you can select a mission (missions that show up on Multiplayer list are found under MPMissions folder in Arma 2 Programs folder) - Once loaded, you can set parameters as long as you are logged in as Admin - As admin, there will be no countdown timer to launch, and if you as Admin launch, all others will be forced to launch from the main menu Step 4: Use any of the Server Console Commands from the BI Studios A2 Wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_Server_Commands - A good one for system monitoring: #Monitor 5 - It shows FPS data. The number is how often it refreshes - zero is off. To turn it off, #Monitor 0 *another good link to bookmark Have fun and good luck! Feel free to contact me or Savage with any questions! !hi !hi
  19. BTW - go for liquid cooling for noise reduction rather than better cooling - all my talks with Poff and others led me to that conclusion. And different CPU's heat differently, in different physical locations on the chip itself. You can overclock or not, but heat can be handled just fine with a good air cooler as well as it can be handled with some kind of liquid cooler as I understand it.
  20. I like the MSI MoBo's - the IVY Bridge's: MPower has less SATA connections, but the Z77A-GD65 has 8, 4 of them are SATA3. Good for lots of drives... you may not need so many yourself. I intend to get one soon, and an i5 - it will take either, the i5 3570k or the i7 2600k, cost being the difference. I suppose that you bought RAM that will be compatible with your proposed MoBo. What kind did you settle on?
  21. Thanks for the profile! We'll toss this into the DL section! !cp
  22. Please - now that there are no TCAdmin issues (mid-month) please Melon or someone savvy, set this up. Admin-Lite would be perfect, and I can't imagine it would take more than an hour or two to get it all sorted? (not my area or I'd help out. someone please do this)
  23. Thanks to all our donators! Help keep the dream alive! !cheers
  24. Dr_Cyanide LAN_WROTE ... ...I don't see what the problem is about having a FOB up there is, and don't agree with RobotFungus. I would like BludKlot or someone to make a formal ruling as to wether or not camping mains is allowed on the server and have it stated in the server rules if is. -Thanks in advance. To be formal and official, the rule has been set in stone for years and reads: NO RAPING MAINS UNTIL LAST FLAG!! (COOP MAINLY, BUT THIS APPLIES TO ALL, JUST DON'T DO IT.) *the only shred of this rule that may have been different than this incident was "500 meters", as stated Kashan is massive compared to all the rest. Still, there is no way this incident could not be in violation of the entire spirit of the rule - to not affect the path of the bots from their Main to the Game. Getting to set up a FOB outside the Kashan OPFOR Main Base is the end reward to a hard fought battle on Kashan - after all the flags are capped. If I were to roll out of BLUFOR Main with a group of friends in Tanks - I would desire to run into those enemy tanks that stream up the South Bunkers - if I found out that the reason I never saw any Tank on Tank action was the result of someone exploiting a position (particularly one that defies the VG PR COOP Rules as written) it would bother me and I would ask for an admin if I weren't one. New players may not know to ask, and not all exploited positions get noticed by admins, so it would persist unless someone brought it to their attention. Robot may have not noticed you doing this before, Cyanide, but he did this time while wondering why his Avenger had no joy - I find Robot to be quite wise with regards to the how's and why's of PR, and he supported the rule properly by issuing a warning, and to direct the conversation/debate here to the forums. Camping MEC Main takes away targets from other players, who's to say that they want to fight just infantry and never shoot a single tank or APC - I feel bad for someone who humped in an HAT Kit only to find out that one small group is taking all the armor out before it even gets fielded.... Camping the MEC Main is the pudding - taking all the flags is the meat. "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!?!" This is what it's supposed to look like after all the flags are capped - the entire server camps the MEC Main and bombs the shit out of it with a JDAM (in this video, JDAM is called in by Dr. Cyanide in January 2011): !2cool
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