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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Here you go, bros: VG Logos and Imgs.RAR Note that some are old, like with ts3 addresses that give a port number - that would need to be removed or edited. Have fun!
  2. That ALiVE War Room is amazing! Savage - you should use the Globe/Wings for our Group Avatar... (application sent to join VG Alive group, btw) !2cool
  3. So.... I knew I was going off the deep end awhile ago when I mounted USB controllers that look like aircraft MFD's to an old VGA monitor.. Then I find this Helios software that takes gauges, switches, and panels, and lets you put them on different monitors, so I made a mouse-clickable UFC (Up Front Controller) to sit above my MFD's on the unused part of the old VGA Monitor, over the MFD's. Then it got a little crazy... Helios software works over LAN, so I set my laptop on it's side with another old VGA monitor attached to it, then built a fuel and engine gauges panel and a caution indicator lights panel in Helios, connected it to my PC and DCS via LAN, and: (L: Airport Charts PDF & Indicator Lights, C: HUD/GUI, R: Fuel/Engine Gauges, Bottom: MFCD's, UFC, AAP Panel Switches; Keyboard is CDU Input) *my 3 cheat sheets show controls functions and a joystick buttons key So then I figured I might as well customize my A-10C exterior, too... I spent most of today working with that GIMP image editor painting decompressed images of A-10 skins from the game. I settled on a forest camo base with teeth, and added my pilot name to the skin, and a bunch of VG logos. (CPTN A. SEMLER - oooooh sweet ego!) It still could use some work, maybe tweak some positioning, and I'd like to have a forest camo, desert camo, night/black, and standard grey variant each with my logos...or maybe I should just go drop some more JDAM's. Seriously heavy payload - just threw on some hell for a good pic, barely got off the runway. DCS Warthog is way too much fun! !cp
  4. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I can't for the life of me figure out the water start problem - if I move the editor placed units away from their current location it breaks the random spawning of the base, units, etc. Check different layers (triggers, markers, etc) - when you move editor units, check that the markers layer doesn't also have important items to move with them (or that they are moved to an area with markers that interfere). Not all things show on the map under Units tab... Hope that helps - could be something else entirely...
  5. for starters, you could reuse your case, power supply, disk drive(s), and just spend your money on a good MB, CPU + good cooler, and RAM - might want to also get at least one SATA3 storage drive (SSD or HDD/Hybrid) as you wouldn't want to pass up a next-gen performance enhancement like that... I think the MB/CPU/RAM that Poff has would be around $300 US, maybe a little more - and those are Intel IVY bridge I believe... He'd have to tell you the brands, tho...
  6. Really looking forward to this one.... Was in channel when Poff found an issue with a few red squares where they shouldn't be.
  7. Not sure what your schedule is like, weekends and evenings only, I imagine? I was just landing a damaged A-10C when you messaged me in TS3 last night (@8 PST) but after I wrestled the bird back down to earth on only one engine, parked and shut it down, you had left TS3. Feel free to join my channel if I am flying alone/single player, I can always pause it. Are you starting out brand new to flight sims or BMS? Or have you flown a sim before, and if so, which one(s)? If you are starting fresh, it's no big deal, just a longer learning curve - same with gear: a simple flight stick is just fine, but one with multiple HAT-Switches will make combat flight sims a breeze. Even so, keyboard/mouse is still viable (just not ideal). So what you got? Where you starting at? Did you play any previous Falcon titles? !hi
  8. Hey there! Welcome to the site and servers! I've been wanting to do some BMS team building - so many here are more into DCS and IL but none of those simulate the entire Korean peninsula or a full war scenario on that scope. I'll see you around - maybe we can craft a regular group that will fly on some kind of regular basis. !cheers
  9. I'll help you train in BMS - see you in TS3 sometime soon! !cp
  10. If you are referring to @brg_africa, @chn_crocodile, @csj_snake, @ibr_lcivilians, @ibr_plants, or @MBG_Buildings2, many map makers use these to improve their map with packs of models and scripts - so they aren't just used by this map - some of these were needed for other maps, too. Other mods are made separate because though they might be specific seeming to this map, they are actually stand alone mods or packs that can be combined to give the map it's distinct look and feel - but not required by the map. I've used the snake and crocodile ones before in a VTE/Unsung (Vietnam Mod) mission...pretty cool getting thrashed around by a hungry croc!! This mission seems pretty cool!
  11. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... @Pigeon - yeah definitely a vanilla A3 server as well As for a real version of Insurgency ask me again on Friday (I can say no more...wink wink) !yahoo
  12. ^what he said They got a working A3 Vanilla Insurgency mission yet? Cuz that would be perfect...
  13. I am in love with that crazy badass motherboard! I love overkill and I think that one nails it. I think you would instantly have the best gaming rig in Estonia with that one... Their press release has a missing date, though - "Maximus VI Formula will be available worldwide from DATE. Please contact your local ASUS representative for further information." !lol So, after DATE, you'll be able to get one I guess....
  14. @Ssg - Forums are being fixed, unfortunately there are serious e107 errors since we migrated the site to a new server, and it is unknown whether they will be resolved before Ciro gets our brand new site/forums working. Our tech has a full time job, and his time is limited - compounded by the fact that we just lost a drive on our Game Server and for some reason, when replaced, the Mirror did not rebuild it - crashing the RAID and forcing a full reinstall of all game servers, and some missing backup files as well. With any luck, and a bit of help from the community, all previous game servers should be back up before the start of next month. As for the website, I have found threads I remembered by googling them - "VETERANS-GAMING PR COOP RULES" will bring up that thread even if it doesn't appear on our own forum list. Same with many topics - at least google crawls us enough that you can find most any thread that way. !hi
  15. Probable location and filename varient: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.armaprofile#Location I really hope we have those files....and the other configs, too... SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... On that particular topic... does anyone know of a good free backup program that works with open files?
  16. Topic hasn't got much about 3rd person - let it indeed be the end of that discussion in this thread. Make separate discussion thread for any further points, perhaps filling first post with quoted parts from this thread. !offtopic SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... I'd like to put together a set list of mods that we will use at VG. This will simplify things for mission makers as well as players. Any mods that you want added to the list must be tested by VG first before being included in the pack... mostly to prevent conflicts between mods. I'm not sure if maps should be included here - thoughts? Any mods we use must have the following: - thread on BIS forums for feedback and questions - proper working key file for the server (I'm looking at you, ACRE) - testing approval to avoid conflicts and other mod-related issues Here's what I'm thinking: SERVER ONLY<br />@VTS_Ballistic        adds bullet drop and wind effects<br /><br /><br />SERVER AND CLIENT<br />@CBA_A3                core mod<br />@African_Conflit    units<br />@ALiVE                Pure Win<br />@BaBe_midTex        mid-range texture replacement<br />@bCombat            AI mod<br />@CAF                units - requires @HiddenIdentityPack<br />@cTab                commander tablet<br />@FA18_A3            F18<br />@HiddenIdentityPack required for @CAF<br />@mcc_sandbox_a3        Win<br />@mbg_killhouses_a3    adds enterable/breachable houses (Cinder City)<br />@RH_M4_A3            RobertHammer M4/M16 pack<br />@NATO_RUSSIAN_SF_Weapons   required by unit packs<br />@TaskForceRadio        the new ACRE<br />@TMR_Alt            weapon resting and other 'realism' features<br /><br /><br />CLIENT ONLY<br />@Blastcore_A3<br />@JSRS2<br />@sthud_a3<br /><br /><br />MAPS<br />@A3MP                a2 map pack<br />@Fallujah<br /><br />-if other A2 maps work by just having @A3MP running... *HAPPYHAPPY, JOYJOY*<br /> Any thoughts / suggestions?
  17. 21 Jan : 07:00am SavageCDN =VG= wrote ... Temp teamspeak server is back up and running same IP and login info ts3.veterans-gaming.com or is the IP (same as before) Also it may go down a few times today as things get installed, restarted, etc. No game services yet, need to install, configure and restore TCAdmin first.
  18. From Chatbox: =VG= SavageCDN wrote ... Hetzner server has a failed disk which is probably causing those disconnects. I've opened a ticket with them not sure how long it will take to fix, sorry. ... I need to perform full backups before the disk is replaced.. just in case. All should be back to normal by tomorrow morning. =VG= Robotfungus wrote ... PR and teamspeak both keep dropping out =VG= SavageCDN wrote ... Yep I've asked them to replace the failed hard drive.. they say 3-4 hours to complete. If TS3 and games go down completely that is why... sorry for the inconvenience. !dash ... I can't even access the server remotely now so hopefully the Hetzner techs are working on it. =VG= Solarflame wrote ... Well the hard drives are raid 1 right? We shouldn't have lost any data... I'm not even sure why the server is down... The drives should be hot swappable. All it should need to do is swap in a blank drive and let it rebuild the array. Not sure what sort of weird set up they're running if one disk on raided hard drives cause the server to down.. I'd be tempted to ask them why, exactly, do we have any downtime... This is exactly the sort of thing that raid is supposed to prevent.. ... On another note, nice job savage. =VG= SavageCDN wrote ... It's Windows software RAID (yuck) and apparently they have to power down the server in order to swap the drive. I had to agree to this before they would do the work: "Furthermore, I understand that the server needs to be switched off and disconnected from the mains for the hard disk to be exchanged" OMG - thanks for the update - TS3 did indeed go down just now, and I was worried it was something I did! hah! had logged into TCAdmin and had to enter password - thought some other browser captured my keys and went and fucked shit. ugh !suicide Nice to know it's just that our awesomeness over the years fried a drive. That hard drive (if dead from use and not inherent defect) is like Deep Space 9, when they wore out the Defiant's phaser power cells often during the war: "Take a good look at this, people. It says something about this ship. It says that we will fight, and we will keep on fighting, until we can't fight any more!", places spent cell on display next to the others, "You don't just throw something like this away!" !fans Wish we could have the dead drive to mount on the VG Lounge wall. Ha!
  19. I know I have the logins around here somewhere - I will find them and get it done(as of writing, they may be in my phone chat messages...) - should be up and running before too long, I am currently busy (audio driver fun stuff, I have no sound right now). !hi
  20. I like the look of that Gnomoria game... interesting concept, and well done it looks.
  21. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... As FYI we are using the 'other' radio mod - Task Force Radio. definitely gonna have to join that test server to get this one sorted and learned...
  22. Thanks for the heads up! Campaign restarted - DPRK are a little farther north this time, let's see how their Southern attack gets repelled. !cp !cheers
  23. I will be there!! !2cool FTL prefered - put Tortia with me if not with Savage, maybe Savage too...
  24. And I was super surprised when, after a little fiddling and .lua editing, I got the MFCD's onto my second monitor (with the Thrustmaster MFD USB controllers), and then push LMFCD OSB 13 and TGP comes up - I didn't even go to the controls of the game yet! It already works! No 20 OSB's to program - ahhhh - DCS... I'm in love! !giveheart
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