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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Warrent Officer added to new Moderator TS3 Permission set. Use it wisely.
  2. Didn't realize this was an issue... It must happen randomly or at late hours. If you see me online when this happens, poke me, I'll liquefy them. We'll get a moderator TS3 set made up asap. Had not been an issue that I know of until now, and if it was, y'all should have made some noise sooner. Those trolls are the worst.
  3. We did! Had to make a postcard of Tankmaster - I should mail it to him:
  4. One of the most Epic B-17 Events: FRIENDS TO THE END - Painting by Ron Weil
  5. Click to go to Album: Evergreen Air and Space Museum with Tankmaster and Airbats
  6. @Sillymoose - this game is ancient, if you can run PR, you can run BMS on your toaster... @Meiz - went out on a strike just to get some bomb and missile attack screenshots, but about midnight last night, checked the screenshot folder and EMPTY! Forgot I changed the button so "Joystick Recenter" is on a different key (so the text don't show)... Will try again ;)
  7. Flying on the VG BMS Server with CobaltUK, landed heavy in CatIII with a crosswind A-OK (click photo for HD Res) More training, night landing while heavy: Looks like I need to straighten out, right? BUT - the pic can't show I am heading straight down runway 02 Right - this is me forgetting to turn off Drift C/O and trimmed to counter the crosswind with full aircraft weight (CatIII) with 2 600lb Fuel Drop Tanks on the wings, and 6 500lb bombs. I continue to touchdown in this angle, only turning straight at touchdown... (click photo for HD Res) Watching Cowboy 6-1 land just before I takeoff on a night time Strike Mission: (click photo for HD Res) Missile Threat Reaction Re-Training for this (v)Pilot; caught a beautiful sunset on the Yellow Sea over Seosan, and the clouds were near true to life in their beauty! (click photo for HD Res)
  8. Nice! Can we also get some screenshots from the cockpit, maybe a view of something blowing up? !lol
  9. Fastjack =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Also, (ironicmode on) i ask me why MS will overwatch my pornsite clicks?? hahaha! * I dare them to overwatch my pornsite clicks. Some technician will definitely go home crying, and will need to shower at least three times. !lol (j/k)
  10. Jesus tap-dancing Christ! !shok Time to get super-geek on this OS! I had no idea! I've copied that "Removal Instructions" to notepad, in the even the page mysteriously goes blank. I hope this doesn't break anything - but, damn - This OS has IE11! Already, I'm in too deep....
  11. Today, I'm gonna edit the keys for my Nostromo Speedpad to mimic the ICP - it's a gaming keypad I use for most every other PC game, but here it matches the ICP layout near perfectly, and makes it able to be accessed without the mouse, or looking at the keyboard numpad, and without looking at the controller (palm rest controllers like this have every button within reach, negating the need to look at it); I don't need to take eyes off to interact with the ICP this way. It's modes/shift key alters it to work either as an ICP or a Comms (wingman,Tower,FAC,etc.) interface. Yea, I hate a QWERTY keyboard for games. !hi here's a slapped together example of the n52 as an ICP in BMS:
  12. Well, after spending the last 3 days setting up my own controllers for Falcon BMS (again) I ran into issues myself, trying to re-use keyfiles I had created for my old PC. Nothing has changed, still use 2 MFD's, TrackIR, and X52 with NO rudder pedals - but keyfile loaded did not work. You may have issues if someone used Madcatz programming instead of Saitek's programming suite to make those profiles you're trying - or vice versa; the key files are different, as are possibly their location in My Documents or AppData. Using the Flight Stick Software to create a game profile is one way people share controller profiles, and can add more depth with different modes, the other is sharing the keyfile from the BMS game itself as the Flight Stick is still a DirectX controller, each "button" is recognized by BMS (or most any game) and gets a number value (my trigger is '96'). Each button can have several functions using shift-states (like pinky-switch), just not all the "modes" of the X52 (green/orange/red). All without using Saitek/Madcatz software. DirectX key bindings with shift states is my preferred method, but my keys no longer work. Here is why(from reddit article): "I found many profiles for the X55 on the Falcon BMS forums. I had problems loading every key file because the mapping of the key is dependent of the order of your devices in the windows game controller configuration panel. I had to remap all keys." In this example, on my old PC, the Nostromo was listed at the top, above the MFD's and this list is their order in any given system, where top is 0, down is 1, 2, 3 and so on: (under Control Panel, 'Set up USB game controllers') so.... in the end, you may have to get a little technical if you want your system to work as you desire. First, for any analog DirectX controller input, you should open BMS, go to Setup, Controllers, click Advanced, and set the axis for each of your analog items (pitch/roll/yaw/ant.elevation/manual range/throttle with AB setting/zoom) - this will at least get your rudder working. Later, you will need to map your controller keys to the functions you desire, or alter the functions from an existing keyfile to match your controller assignments. How I did it: Opened up the Falcon manual, to pages showing HOTAS and their button uses in the sim. Opened up Falcon to create "TEST" keyfile - identified each controller (0,1,2,3) (LMFD,RMFD,Nostromo Speedpad,Saitek X52) To do this, I just pressed the trigger on X52 under the First Trigger Detent in the controls setup, applied, and saved as "TEST" Opened up the TEST.key in Notepad++ and found the Trigger command, noted that it's key value is 96 and not 1 like in my old profile... Now, I could have manually changed each key to correspond with the new values, but that smacks of effort.... Much easier to start with a well structured keyfile, and begin editing it - it has no joystick commands yet programmed, so you can just load it, and set your buttons in the Controller Setup in BMS's setup menu. I don't use Keyboard commands in this game when I can avoid it, and only one shift state for HOTAS, so if you want to use Modes and Madcatz software to program, you're on your own - but it should follow the Structured BMS Keyfile in the link below for ease of use. Better way(start from scratch bravely): Blu3wolf's Keyfile Editing Instruction Manual "It should be easily possible, to navigate through the key file and to find things quick. Therefore the description of each callback is following some rules which will be described below." -blu3wolf blu3wolf's Great Structured and Alterable Keyfile + all other reference files needed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/55pwvwq5vc2wkrv/blu3wolf%20key%20files.rar?dl=0 Alternate way: Use the above alterable keyfile and map your X55 yourself in the Saitek/Madcatz program suite *I prefer to doubt that Windows 10 is the issue, even in this early roll-out. Let's talk... **life is being interesting for me right now, but as I try to escape it, I can be found in our TeamSpeak 3 server where you can feel free to join any channel I'm in, and I'd be happy to help you do this or any method to get your controls working; it's not as complex as it seems when first skimming through that guide I linked - trust me, it's do-able, and ya only gotta do it once. I just did...actually, for the second time, so, maybe years later ya gotta do it once again. ;) ***if you're new to TeamSpeak 3, it's a voice-over-internet program we use to talk online. It can be downloaded and installed for free from their website, and when you open this program on your computer, you can find the "Connect" tab at the top left, there you can enter our teamspeak address at ts3.veterans-gaming.com This TeamSpeak 3 program has settings you should review - be sure to follow the Setup Wizard when installing to help you, and if you missed it, open TeamSpeak 3 and run the Setup Wizard found under the 'Settings' tab near the top. [Edited for content additions]
  13. Nice to meet you! Hoping to get into BMS myself soon - used to fly in Falcon 4 AF, and just built a more modern computer. Still have the falcon.exe after all these years, and our download section has issues right now, so here it is... Falcon exe (mpr.dll is not needed if installing BMS): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bt1n5n9lvy4rlo/falcon4.zip?dl=0
  14. Really? They used to be the bane of my CAS existence - any trying to convey their location to anyone but my regular gunner (Raven800) was near impossible. It was the biggest part of the challenge, them respawning quad cannons... !eatmyuzi
  15. And you have apologized. Thank you for posting; your ban appeal has been denied for reasons stated above. This is an international cooperation server and community - we have zero tolerance for these kinds of behaviors. Please enjoy Project Reality on other servers from now on. /locked [edit: one of my closest friends in VG is Russian. Cold war is over, bro. Surprise: they are good people, just like everybody else.]
  16. Great score!! As a former CAS nut, I can appreciate that!! What map is that?
  17. To the OP - we can have the PR COOP Server flip-flop between BLUFOR and OPFOR, and we should every so often - but we already have some upcoming plans to possibly spin up two more BF2-mod servers. These would include Forgotten Hope 2 and PR COOP Insurgency (if all goes as planned). BLuD made the good point already: It is not the best idea to make a duplicate PR COOP server (even if one is OPFOR 24/7) as it would split the player base, and the admin base, in those servers too far. Be patient...good things are right around the corner!
  18. Unfortunately, if I make it hack into any data in game, it violates the EULA - at this point, it's more like a voice command macro controller on steroids. *meaning there's no way for him to know the shields current status, or any current status, unless I tell him. Gave him variables to track cursor movement position, and module status on/off, but I could turn it off and he wouldn't know I did it... Got the menu navigation done, about 4000 lines for each VPOS cursor, but as there is no real game data going to "Malcolm", my voice controlled slave, he could lose place if I move the cursor manually, so I have "Reset Menu Cursor" commands, too. Also, just added command code authorization - can make any command get a query for a voice code before the keypress - will be handy for such in-game functions as "Self Destruct" or "Reboot". For now, he's responding to "Riker-Omega-3" (yea, I'm a star trek geek, hence my passion for voice control PC)
  19. well, bout to write a block of instructions (over 256 actually) to give the voice control knowledge of the cursor position in the modules menu - it would be a simple 10 line code with C# or VB but I don't know either of those languages (if anyone here does, I'd love the help). The voice control can access external plugins written in VB or C#, but I'm gonna go the long route for now with a >256 part block of conditions and global variables, and see if we can make it more concise and modifiable later using actual programming, for a spaceship other than mine (with it's 18 modules) as the cursor move routine wouldn't work with a different ship or loadout. This may sound like gibberish to most people, so I'll get a demonstration video up this week. It's one thing to have minor voice control, but I'm not satisfied with that when this thing can do so much more, like the computer in the Star Trek series. I want that, and I want it to control my game when I have a hand off the controller for some random reason...whatever that may be !puffpass
  20. So, I've been playing this Elite: Dangerous Space Sim that models our real galaxy pretty well, has good physics, textures, and the default controls are so concise and intuitive that mouse and keyboard are easy, but the X52 is the actual flight stick in the cockpit of these ships. With it, and perhaps a head tracker to negate the need to slave one of the X52 hat switches to POV, it is a near perfect melding of man and machine (or game, in this case). So much so, that one doesn't feel the need to use multiple modes (green/orange/red) on the stick to cram all the keybindings onto the stick - it's pretty well HOTAS to the core if you merely select the default joystick option under "controls", but it gets much deeper... After watching many YouTube vids for training and tips on this game, I noticed some of them "talking" to their ship. Being a Star Trek geek at heart, I had to investigate, and I talked with the most watch pilot using that on Twitch. His ship "a.i." is Amy, and using a variety of pre-programmed commands and responses, "she" gives the illusion of an artificial intelligence operating autonomously. It is a great program, one of the best I've seen on Twitch, but I looked into the software behind it, and became even more intrigued. Voice Attack is a simple GUI (free to try for 21 days, or $8) to work with Windows Speech Recognition Module and give simple function editing to the less than literate computer users that want to use speech to activate button presses on their computer. First of all, it's way awesome to just say out loud, "Start Fraps" or "Close Fraps", or "Start Recording" or "Take a Screenshot" without having to bind any keys to my flight stick, or go press a button. Simply cool! On the surface, it is easy to program the phrase, "Lights On" to make Voice Attack press the "L" key on your computer, thereby doing so in your game, turning the lights on, for example. The fun bit comes in when you also make it respond to either "Lights On" or "Lights Off" to press the "L" key. It can even respond with "roger", or any number of random responses if you write them in separated by a semi-colon. Problem is that "Malcolm" will turn the lights off (if they are on) when you say, "Lights On" - no difference. But what is really useful is the use of variables, which gets into the advanced realm but still able to be implemented by a novice thanks to the Voice Attack GUI. I've been working with my software for a few days now, and for Elite: Dangerous, I've programmed several useful functions to be activated by voice, including docking request that is much faster than I could possibly input the keystrokes/joystick buttons. So, now my ship's voice activated computer "Malcolm" knows whether the lights are on or off, and can even tell me if they are already on when I request them on (and they are already in that state). Yes, this is time consuming, but the commands are easy to export, the name "Malcolm" in the entire code set is easy to swap out for a different name, and the final product I create can be shared with anyone who'd like to work with this kind of interface. Here's a snippet showing some of the code I did today for some of the standard on/off or opened/closed functions of a ship in Elite:Dangerous to be controlled by many variations of the same command to add flexibility (kill the lights, lights off, shut off the lights, turn off lights, turn off the lights, etc.). next thing I'm gonna do is give him full "knowledge" and control of the state of modules and functions under the ship's right hand console - I'll be able to tell him to activate self destruct, he'll ask for authorization, I can program it to respond to a verbal code (Riker Omega 3), and that will change a variable thereby authorizing the first command to execute. lol
  21. ...and on the fourth match, the VIP was finally captured and brought back to the base... AND WE BEAT THE MONKEY PISS OUT OF HIM! Thanks TED! That was fun!
  22. I'll be around - this is my first post from the new i5 system I build today. Setting up software now, capped a few bots in arma2 insurgency, I'll pop in A3 tomorrow. Gotta figure out those 15 crouch modes, controls are over the top in A3 !dash
  23. Dilli - does it have a button that you hold down and you're in a different speed, and let go and back to previous "normal" speed? I know there are different DPI levels, and profiles to set, all Logi's kinda have that - but a "hold for different profile" button, is that the "DPI Shift" on your thumb? Tortia said his mouse has one, wondered bout the proteus...
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