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=VG= SemlerPDX

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= SemlerPDX

  1. Okay, this is uncanny - I pressed shift-k ingame, and the exact same watch (not the above model, but one with bearings that I decided not to use) is THE VERY SAME watch already integrated into ACE! OMG! Well, scrap that project - it's already done. Great minds stink alike... !lol
  2. For HALO ParaJumping: I need an altimeter. I guess I'm just not "hardcore"...lol So... it seems it's not quite so hard to use C++ and GIMP (thanks to Iffn for the tip!) to define a new custom image with a variable text box to display data, in this case, player posATL (altitude above terrain level) and to display that resource during a HALO jump for instance. Personally, I need something like this - at the very least, a text output of my Altitude while I'm falling from the sky. It's no big deal to make a hint format to display that in text, I've done it before in the CLAfghan Mission, but where's the fun in that?? I think this will be very cool to have an actual OpsGear Suunto Altimeter Watch to display the data like every other piece of equipment we have in Arma and in ACE. Should be done by tomorrow or Sunday.... !cheers (if this gives anyone ideas for any other system, let me know - this is not too difficult to create...)
  3. banned. Saw that crap in the logs - what a liar... /locked
  4. Yea, the other standard i44 missions run AMAZING! I suggest we use those till i44 Domi has received some dev luv. !cheers
  5. TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ... and aren't you not supposed/allowed to mod Dayz...? The deal is that you have to run a private HIVE - it cannot be part of the public HIVE that governs all the public DayZ games on Chernarus. This is fully allowed, and approved by the DayZ devs - else we wouldn't do it. Private HIVE means that our database is our own, not connected elsewhere. @Murderface: See? Not easy to choose between two very cool missions - much better to find a way to have your cake and eat it, too. Today I'm adding an Ammo Crate Request GUI to the ACE/ACRE Domi, as well as a CAS Pilot System GUI, and some kind of turbo for tanks so they can go uphill faster than 8 km/h. According to Renainn (a.k.a. Davestrike), who was a loader in an Abrams during the Gulf War (2nd I believe) - the Abrams has a massive engine and can propel it up greater than 15 percent grades at ~40 km/h regardless of it's weight and terrain. That's why the Abrams rocks! AMERICA FUCK YEA! Come test later this afternoon! !cheers (oh, and BTW, that poll was made wrong. I just copied this link to another browser where I'm not signed into VG, and as an annonymous non-registered user, I was able to vote for the "something else" vote - NOT my vote, but proves that POLL Posters need to select a proper vote/storage method i.e User ID (only members can vote) - please use that option for ALL polls. Thanks!)
  6. I'll play with you - I know it's kinda last minute, and middle of the week, but I'm always down for a little Invasion 1944. Someone should go over to their website forums and post up the event - we will get a full server, trust me. !cheers
  7. 4 servers could be run, and yes, we still need numbers to see, cuz if each server were as populated as Insurgency is most the time, we may have to scale it down. Point stands though, we can run several of our ideas at once, and that we shouldn't feel like we have to lose one server (DayZ) to work on another (MSO) - My point was that they both could be up, but we have only 3 people + Solar doing the PHP/other coding server and website side. Hope that point is understood..
  8. I don't understand the poll. You do know that we have an i7 2600 CPU with 8 cores and 32GB of RAM, right? It can run at the same time DayZ, MSO, ACE/ACRE Domi, and Insurgency + a dev server or two that remain off most the time, without running into performance issues. We can host several servers, and though the current focus of the VG Arma 2 devs is not on DayZ at the moment, I don't think it, or MSO, are on the chopping block or even the editing floor. We ran into complications with MSO, but liked many things about it. DayZ is no easy mission to modify, and as for the "somethings else", we try here and there to have some fun as we go - like ACE/ACRE Domi. That was really hard for me to find, the 2.60 ACE Domi - not gonna let that one go. Plus, I promised PITN that I would read through Insurgency (line by line!) and understand it, so we can overhaul it a bit. We do not run 1.5 Ins because of bugs I guess, but I am a true Armaholic and should be able to apply myself in a positive way to improve our Insurgency server that is currenly the Flag Ship of VETERANS-GAMING. I am just one man, though, coming out of a shitty flu I caught from ridDle somehow. My 2 cents, semi-off topic, meh: I've been seeing a lot of great polls lately, but as one of the VG Arma Dev team, I'd like to throw in my 2 cents on the entire concept of the workload involved and call out for more peeps. We have a team of only 3 people familiar with Arma 2 scripting, with Solar as a fourth dev on website/PHP end(which is where all those cool test leaderboards come from) and there is only so much we can do at any moment. Trust me, we are not lacking in focus - and our direction is one that has put a lot of new tools in our toolboxes. If it weren't for our experiments with MSO, we wouldn't know what we do now about SQL Database systems working with Arma, and if not for the DayZ - we would not know so much as we do now about HIVE Database (if we know anything about it). One thing that finally got me into Arma development was that I was always sitting around waiting for Savage or Poff to, for example, fix a bug we had identified, or an implement an improvement we had all agreed on. It was easier than I thought, and now we all can help any new scripters cuz we have the "knowledge". Back before I could script in Arma 2, I felt kinda selfish when I would be impatient with one of them(Savage/Poff), cuz I wanted to play so bad. I understand not everyone has the time to learn a complex thing like that, and not everyone is even capable (say, if they hate math and the lot). I started learning Arma 2 scripting exactly one year ago now, and only now do I have the skills to quickly read and write these things - knowing where to get info online, and have all the tools installed on my PC to do it. And I spent over 8 hours a day dedicated to learning these skills. Time for someone else to step up and join the dev team, your curve won't be as bad as mine, cuz we can help like I said. For now, know that we (Solar, Savage, Poffadder schedule permitting, and myself) have long discussions nearly daily about the direction we want to go in, and the servers that we could run. These discussions don't make it here to the forums, but rest assured, we are not sitting on our hands for lack of a whip being cracked on us. Believe me - we are plugging away at the VG dream, and we have a full plate most all the time. (no offense, but I did not vote - cannot, because I'd add the choice "None of the Above")
  9. Wow! All I can say is, those looks amazing! BMS is beautiful! !2cool
  10. CASTOR AND FASTJACK BOTH! GO TO YOUR CORNERS, THE BELL HAS RUNG! !beatdown I have or will talk to both of you, as I'm sure BLuDKLoT will as well. Let's stop the negativity, I DON'T CARE WHERE IT STARTED, and try to be constructive with our brainstorming. We're all a bunch of gun loving war jockey's here - it's only natural that we can clash from time to time. Lets get back ON TOPIC and OFF of each other right now. As to TvT vs COOP - YES, VETERANS-GAMING is the premier COOP Gaming Clan and we specialize and prefer to fight AI over our comrades. This in no way means we cannot or will not utilize a game in it's default PvP or TvT manner from time to time, and DayZ is a great example of that. My opinions were too difficult, but without even playing our DayZ, I can understand how without the element of PvP danger, the mission is almost boring and lacking depth. We should never give up on trying to get our version of a game populated at a discussion stage. Sure, we have no long term direction for what Arma server will be what because we (the button pushers behind the curtains of our servers) are still trying out and testing different things to see what is: Stable, Playable, Modify-able, "Could-Be-Popular", and sorting out the crap that doesn't work, or cannot be fixed. There is a shitload of content out there, and we've just scratched the surface. Great things are coming soon to all VG Arma servers, but keep the suggestions and CONSTRUCTIVE opinions coming!!! !cheers But if I had time, a lot of it, like months, I would fashion an AI DayZ faction other than Zombies, and they would have guns and choppers and boats. And they would collect shit (not literal 'shit', but you know, shit...) and collect zombies randomly, with they're awesome assets and tip top guns, and kill/capture the players if they didn't hide or defend themselves from these AI "Umbrella" like forces. Maybe someone else will do that for us.....could shit in one hand, and wish in the other, too. !lol (oh yea, and I voted for the bottom one, also with strictly enforced rules for bandits if we were to do it) (and, and, I want ACRE!!! Perhaps a custom "CB Radio" styled version? and "findable" linear amplified antenna?)
  11. TortiaBoy =VG= LAN_WROTE ... my only question is..why would you film a ((seemingly)) high school, PE dodge ball game? if it were high school dodgeball, I would be asking the same question! haha! Was at Kean University, and you can hear the guy talking to the camera man before he heads out around the ring, and gets a ball - apparently so he could get his sick ass Funk KU on video !lol
  12. In todays Event at one point, Poffadder had manned a Stryker, with Iffn on the gun, and 2 Fire Teams in the back. Kinda cool to look down the rows and see everyone with their personal rifle - very Spec Ops! We investigated a reported IED outside the Green Zone, and met some contacts there. We then proceeded to the site of an ambushed friendly convoy, and were attacked by guerillas who had stolen 2 Strykers - a M2 and a Mk19 variant. Needless to say, chaos ensued when we came under fire from what sounded like BLUFOR weaponry. If those ex-farmers had any idea how to use them with any effectiveness, we might not have survived such a 'surprise'. My AT4 made short work of the Mk19 Stryker, once we had shaken off the fog of war, and Poff finished off the M2 one with an RPG he stole off a dead OPFOR - Now that's poetic justice! Views from inside the Stryker: The Team on the perimeter before we came under 'friendly' fire from the stolen Strykers: (check the wheels on the Stryker - apparently they came from "South Park's Canadian Wheels Mod" or something! haha) Poffadder lead us through hell, and came out looking like it: (dare I say, 'slashed up like medical malpractice') You know how when you're taking pictures, and there's always that one guy who pops into the photo yelling "WOOOOO!" ? Gotta love that lean in, and what looks like a smirk on the dudes face, as I photograph Poffadder's lacerated mug... Good games today! Can't wait till the next ACRE Event! Thanks to all who participated! OORAH! !2cool
  13. (an amazing find by =VG= ridDle) ...because one day, in a KU Gym, those 20 years of intense Kung Fu training overseas will finally pay off.
  14. Great songs, Outlanders! Since we're all "coming out" of the classical closet, here is my very favorite Violin piece. I used to play the CD for my daughter back in '02 when I'd drive her from Brown Deer all the way to Waukesha for daycare - she called the allegro part the "funny song" as if it were a different song altogether. Always asked me to play the "funny song" when we got into a car. Now she's 13 and is in middle school Orchestra, and plays Violin. I am the proud Dad. !medal
  15. Yea, I'll be there - hopefully feeling better than I have today so far. Thanks for throwing this together - I need my weekend ACRE fix! !2cool (btw - love the sig, poff!)
  16. Very awesome! Please, anyone who can take the few minutes to do so, there are already several pre-made postcards there for you to choose from, many by =VG= and fans of =VG=. Show them the VETERANS-GAMING love! Send a postcard to Ivan and Martin: http://postcard.helpivanmartin.org/
  17. @Echo - we won't be able to do anything at all to the DayZ server until Solar gets back, and/or Poffadder has time to mess with it, as his college has started back up.
  18. Ooh! I see they already have all of ours! Sweet!! Unfortunately, it has the Takistan copy that I changed to Fallujah as well. *sigh* !cheers
  19. I have sent 5 of the postcards to the email address just now. They have been submitted. Thank you all and lets hope this puts a smile on some faces far away! !cheers
  20. They have been dealt with. Thank you for the reports! /locked
  21. LOL! ...it can be difficult to operate the compu-box thingy when you're sauced out of your gourd !alcoh
  22. Wow! I love that one, Murderface!!! !2cool Since we've had a lack of submissions, I've gone ahead and made another one as well: If anyone else was working on one of these, you should wrap it up asap and get it posted here. Today is the final day... Awesome pics, everyone!
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