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Everything posted by PITN

  1. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117090-Clafghan-Map-20x20-Beta-Release It can be hard to do the simplest things on a smartphone. So far you can play this map and missions 0.942 on the serverCLIENT SIDE without any big issues. I am noticing some framerate drop but that may not be related to the update so I am still testing. I'll do a server side test soon if Sem has the new file uploaded already.
  2. Btw the next release of the map is out. It is a partial download. Think of it as a manual patch.
  3. We have been focusing on clafghan. I am not sure how much longer we will support Insurgency as I don't care for 1.50 that much and I need to do a massive edit. If I do the edit it will be primarily for the addon map Clafghan and not Takistan or Zargabad. With PR 0.15 beta being released this month then that is an option as well.
  4. All of you coding geeks should get a kick outta this one.
  5. Well, Taurus has lifetime wrranty. And I bet you'll use it. But in reality if your just plinking get whatever you want. But if you want it to work reliably for years then go name brand like S&W or Colt. And don't get that fancy lightweight material in a .357 Magnum. You need the weight or real steel to help manage the recoil and save the nerve endings in your hand.
  6. Permissions can be adjusted for ANYTHING. The permissions for i_client_max_channel_subscriptions was not set for Friends and that has been corrected now. Friends can now see all cleints in the channels. btw. With permissions any channel can be opened to the public independent of the other. THe problem with a pw is you have to do each channel sperately or lock down the enitre server. @Sweet With your current permissions you can simply move a the Guest back to the lobby and leave him there.
  7. A copy of the post here. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/ea-praises-call-of-duty-elite-battlefield-subscription-next EA Praises Call of Duty Elite, Battlefield Subscription Next? Posted February 1, 2012 by Steve Peterson Electronic Arts, in their earnings call today, talked at length about their digital revenue which reached over $1 billion dollars for the calendar year. For the entire fiscal year, EA projects their digital revenue to be over $1.2 billion, which will account for more than 25% of their total revenue. EA CEO John Riccitiello said this was due in part to EA's continuing search for best practices; they look at all the different ways they've tried to acquire digital revenue, and take the best ones and apply them to other products and services. This continuing search for the best practices is not confined to EA's own products, Riccitiello noted. He said ?Frankly, I give a compliment to one of our competitors, who's got a subscription on the back end of an FPS title. I think that's a best-in-class performance.? Clearly he was referring to Activision's Call of Duty Elite subscription service that offers CoD players extra functionality for a monthly price. The Call of Duty Elite service very quickly acquired more than 1 million users, and we'll probably hear more about it when Activision announces its Q3 results soon. Does this mean we may see a Battlefield 3 subscription service in the future? It seems like something EA would definitely consider, given their growing digital sales. With Battlefield 3 selling more than 11 million copies, it should be no problem getting an audience. It might be smaller than CoD's audience, but it would still be profitable. Don't be surprised if we see an announcement in the near future about a subscription service. * Steve Peterson has been in the game business for 30 years now, as a designer (co-designer of the Champions RPG among others) and a marketer (for various software companies), and a lecturer. You can read his thoughts on games and marketing at http://20thlevelmarketing.blogspot.com/, or follow him on Twitter @20thLevel.
  8. Insurgency uses an older version of CBA on the server side and it is not required on the client side to be able to play. As for the sound mods they wont work since signature checks are enabled. You are welcome to use those mods on the Clafghan server though.
  9. PITN

    Beretta ARX160

    @ Tortilla I was looking at an ACR too but after some investigation I think the SCAR-L is a better rifle system. As for a bullpup design I like the TAR-21 but no word on getting those here yet. My second choice is the F2000. Grant you it is a little funny looking but I think it would be something neat to play with. I like the SCAR-H too but if i am gonna spend 2-3k on a .308 it's gonna be a M1A / M21. @ Inquisitor The M9 is a decent gun and if the US Gov didn't punk GLOCK during testing I think we would have had G17's issued to our troops. I like the .45 and I have one but I prefer a 10mm myself. By the way. I'll take a rifle round over a pistol anyday. I'd carry and SBR if I could find one with excellent stats but I haven't seen one yet. Hence the bullpup. And if we get on the subject of the Bug Out Bag then an AK or AR is primary over these toys. As for SHTF end of days moments the most prevelent rounds will be 7.62x39, 5.56 and 9mm. Plan accordingly.
  10. Two different articles just the warning was posted twice from second article to the first. Consoles are not affected.
  11. UPDATE! DO NOT PLAY BF3 and JOIN A PUNKBUSTER ENABLED SERVER UNTIL THEY FIX THE SECURITY EXPLOIT. Apperently hackers are spoofing player GUIDS. Best way to avoid it is to not play on a PB enabled server which of course logs GUIDS. Read the article here. Hackers Attack Punkbuster At The Expense of Battlefield 3 Players David Veselka January 24, 2012 Errors of PC players being kicked from playing Battlefield 3 by Punkbuster are currently being looked into, but it turns out that there could me more to the situation than meets the eye. ?Game disconnected: you were kicked by Punkbuster errors are being looked into right now.? Stated Community Manager, Daniel Matros recently. He added that it ?looks like it has something to do with Kaspersky, Avira and Norton AV.? For those who don?t know, Punkbuster is an anti-cheat system used for the PC platform to help keep hackers and cheaters from doing what they do. Speaking of which, Matros also mentioned that a ?new PB version [is] out today. If you haven?t updated, it?s worth doing so as well.? At least it might help. Interestingly, and most unfortunately, the problem seems to go much deeper than these surface issues, however. Looking at the Battlelog profiles of those claiming to have been unrightfully banned by PB, you?ll notice that they are, indeed, clean and do not use hacks or are not cheating. The real problem is that it looks like the ban itself could be a hacking attempt. According to these forums, a group of hackers have found a ?security hole? in the PB system and are now trying to bring it to the attention of those in charge of security by banning players on the Battlelog. So far, they claim to have already banned over 150 Battlefield 3 players. Upon discovering his account has been unrightfully banned, one user explains his situation on the Battlelog forums and warns others: ?My account name has TWO GUID?s, which is impossible. I also run two servers that stream to GGC, and the MD5 tool hack that is linked to my account was caught from the UK and Austria with IP?s that do not match mine. Someone out there is using some sort of GUID scanner and using it for cheats/hacks.? This is obviously a lose-lose situation and it is truly unfortunate that it had to come to this. While flaws in the system should be brought to the attention of those in charge, doing so at the expense of innocent gamers is certainly not the right way to do it. Let?s hope that the situation can be resolved quickly and those who have been banned unjustly will receive their accounts back. Have you been affected by this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
  12. UPDATE! DO NOT PLAY BF3 and JOIN A PUNKBUSTER ENABLED SERVER UNTIL THEY FIX THE SECURITY EXPLOIT. Apparently hackers are spoofing player GUIDS. Best way to avoid it is to not play on a PB enabled server which of course logs GUIDS. Read the article here. Battlefield 3 hackers use exploit to ban innocent players Tom Senior at 05:26pm January 25 2012 Like every competitive shooter, Battlefield 3 has a problem with hackers and cheats who use exploits and aimbots to boost their stats. Recently the problem seems to have become more serious. The unofficial BF3 blog mentions an instance in which one of DICE?s own moderators was uncovered as a hacker. Now a group of hackers are advertising an exploit that allows them to get innocent players banned. The author of this Reddit post got in touch yesterday with links to hacker forum discussions revealing exploits that would trick Punkbuster into ejecting honest players. A number of threads on the Battlelog forums have been started by players claiming to have been banned from Battlefield 3 games without cause. There are plenty of reports of servers and leaderboards dominated by bots racking up hundreds of kills. DICE have recently said that they?re ramping up anti-cheat measures and have been issuing bans en-mass to cheaters they?ve been catching, but among Battlefield 3 players there?s increasing skepticism over the levels of security offered by anti-cheat program, Punkbuster. Battlefield 3 community manager crash7800 responded to the Reddit post saying ?we?re absolutely looking into this issue.? They?re currently looking into the hackers? claims to establish how much of what they say is true. ?We definitely know that something isn?t right and we?re working to fix it ASAP.? DICE?s most recent Battlelog post recognizes that some players have been having problems dropping from Punkbuster servers. Their advice to affected players is to ?join servers that are not running PunkBuster.? If you encounter a cheater in Battlefield 3, DICE recommend reporting them through Battlelog. To do this, you can ?enter the profile page of the person you suspect and click the triangle in the top right corner of his name.? This will lead to a report screen where the devs encourage players to ?enter as much detail as possible, describing what specifically makes you believe this player has used unfair methods, and preferably include a link to the Battle Report for the match in question.? We?ve contacted DICE for comment on the hackers? claims and more detail on their plans to counter cheaters. It?s not just hackers that Battlefield 3 fans have to contend with. Many players, including ourselves, have constant difficulty getting into games. Once in, disconnections are a regular annoyance. I wrote about why Battlefield 3 deserved our Online Game of the Year award. I still think the game underneath the connection problems and cheating scandals is world class, but with so many problems three months after release, player patience will understandably be wearing thin.
  13. @poff A partial GLT misslebox is included with the F16 mod and I believe the best all inclusive air mod I have seen to date.. That is why I chose it. My intention is to keep any mod as small as possible and without any unecessary fluff. @Jarema Um, no.
  14. Civillians are already listed and are not supported currently in Clafghan. Until the map makers update the map this feature is just a wish.
  15. Keep thread on topic. This thread is to ask for things that you would like to see in the mission. Wether it will be included in the mission is another matter. Please discuss the pros and cons in a seperate thread. i.e. How high can a lynx fly? As for the F16 I have had the files for several months. So I don''t see a problem using the older 1.01 version. I see that some people had a falling out and that resulted in people not wanting to share their toys anymore which is unfortunate. Frankly good mods get tossed in the trash over hurt feelings and personally if you released it to an open commmunity then it becomes open source as long as you do not plagerize it. END OF RANT. However, the JAS39 may be a valid replacement. AS such I will add the F18 and JAS39 to the wishlist as considerations that MAY be implemented in the future.
  16. Good to know who your friends are. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2012/01/04/the-esa-supports-sopa-and-the-rest-of-the-industry-follows/?partner=yahootix ESA MEMBERS! http://www.theesa.com/about/members.asp
  17. The mission or map is looking for files that are not there. Either the mission or the addons are from different intended versions. i.e. one is older than the other. It may not break gameplay unless that file is critical.
  18. Germans are pissed at EA. So far the US media hasn't picked up on it.
  19. PITN


    First post in this thread updated. SWTOR has been opened for pre-release and on Dec. 20th the public will be allowed ingame aswell. I am already ingame with a few characters on the side of Light. Bennu, Pitn and Bastet. My Dark side characters will come later. !butcher You can find me on the West Coast PVE server "Wall of Light". See you there!
  20. Placeholder. WIP This thread is for the everyone to post ideas and wishes that you would like to see added/removed from the mission TFOR Clafghan =VG=. Do not post unless you have an idea to be added or removed from the VG version of the TFOR mission we are developing for the Clafghan map. Please keep all discussions about these ideas in the South Airbase thread. We will be updating the first post reqularly to keep everyone informed. Gameplay Mission is currently based on the OA, BAF, and PMC units. Combined Ops/Vanilla A2 willl be supported later. Factions BLUFOR US US:SF ACR KSK RU OPFOR Taki Militia Taki Insurgents Civillians Currently broken Vehicles US Taki MIssions A high level meeting is taking place in _town. Locate the meeting place and call in an airstrike. After the strike secure the area, search for intel, and collect DNA samples. Move to extraction point and return to main. Enemy patrols will respond. (Pilot Only) Transport supplies from main to static FOB/Base. Wishlist F16 from addon GLT_F16_v1.01 (Or it's future replacement.) GLT JAS39 (Low detail model. Will not be considered.) F18 mar_2MAW_V1.8 (I am looking for a good model. The 2MAW model isn't all that great.) MRAP from addon Maxxpro_v1.9999 -Need to test issues with AI not firing RPGs. C130 cargo Squad management system like Domination Fastropes from addon ad_helos_arma2_v1.5 PMC units BAF Vehicles/Aircraft Crazy Ideas Clafghan life done the VG way. Pilot missions seperate from Infantry main AO missions. Air Traffic Control
  21. PITN

    Getting Arma

    Arma 2 Combined Ops. (Arma 2 + Arma2:OA) or Arma 2:X (everything Arma 2 related released to date).
  22. Betrayed. !fuk http://bf3blog.com/2011/11/battlefield-3-lead-platform-was-on-consoles-after-all/ Battlefield 3 lead platform was on consoles after all 145 On November 2nd, 2011 in News Throughout the marketing and promotion of Battlefield 3, developer DICE insisted that the PC was the lead platform for Battlefield 3 development, but now that the game is out, we?ve gotten the truth: according to DICE?s Karl-Magnus Troedsson in a new interview, the lead platform for Battlefield 3 was switched to consoles in ?mid development?, in order to meet the release date. ?We said originally that the PC was the lead SKU of the game, but in mid-production we switched to console as lead platform to make sure we could get all the versions done for release,? This explains many of the odd design decisions in the PC version, for example, the game menu and load-out layout is identical to consoles but looks too compressed and unintuitive on the PC ? a result of it being developed for consoles and ported to the PC. Despite what the ?lead platform? was, Battlefield 3 was released on time and was well received from critics, gathering positive reviews from most publications. ByDavid Nielsen
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