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VG Clan Alumni
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Everything posted by PITN

  1. Backup the songs or miror the drive before you try and change the account. Apple is anal about d/l content.
  2. Three weapons are currently bugged in my latest version G. DMR m249 TWS Mk17 Sniper I removed most of the TWS weapons because they were being overused during daylight hours. I was trying to balance the game a bit.
  3. Modding a case? You need to cool the HDD, the Graphics, and the CPU. Airflow is the real key. New CPUs and GPUs are very hot. Even the HDD run hot these days.
  4. If the game works you should be able to manually connect to a server. If you can't manually connect then something is blocking the program. Buying a new proram won't fix it. How did you come buy the copy that you have?
  5. Is your firewall software or hardware? Are you using a router? If software. Turn it off. If hardware, verify that the ports for arma are open or being forwarded. If you have Norton or one of those other carpola software firewalls, they leave restrictions in your registry even if you uninstall them. just fyi Oh and have you tried this yet? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Troubleshooting#Can.27t_find_servers
  6. Are you using a firewall or router? Maybe an anti-virus program or firewall program?
  7. Sling loading is kewl. I'd like to restrict movements to roads. Make the insurgents ambush your ass.
  8. Some info on video cards. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-graphics-card-game-performance-radeon-hd-6670,2935.html My brother had issues with that model MSI board. Your CPU pick is very good. For video I'd go Radeon 6950. My pick has the latest chipset. Just double check the ram compatability. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131754
  9. Make sure the PSU has the correct amp/watt rating on the rail for the video card. The card you chose should be fed about 24amps ON ONE RAIL on a 400w+ PSU for a bare minimum system. btw, that card is on sale for $135 on the EVGA website. http://www.evga.com/products/moreInfo.asp?pn=01G-P3-1557-KR&family=GeForce 500 Series Family&sw= I have to logoff soon. If you give me a day or so I'll look it over and make a recommendation. General rule tho is if going AMD then choose a Radeon card. I recomend a factory Radeon card and not a knockoff. But EVGA is a great company and my choice if going with an nVidia.
  10. You have to laze and then tell him to Target the Laser target. You laze. Tell AI attack LASER TARGET. Tell AI Engage. Laze until AI completes the action.
  11. Have them check their arma2oa.rpt file for errors.
  12. btw, AI is default to keep the noobs and griefers out of the plane. You can't level the cache AO if you don't understanding how the AI works.
  13. Call the A10. Tell the AI the target. Tell the AI to engage. Stay out of the way.
  14. PITN

    Insurgency 0.80

    What? I tell people to board all the time and I haven't seen this issue. We're going have to test it.
  15. Post #1 updated with the following. Insurgency 0.80 SOAR Edited for VETERANS-GAMING.com Version e Changes made by PITN. Added MH6J Little Bird (Night Stalker) on a call system similar to the A10. -Default menu. Select 0, 8, request SOAR, SL approves, and select a spawn point on map. -Fly to your destination. When the player pilot ejects the AI pilot will take over and fly away to despawn. Changed all BLUFOR slots to Delta Force Soldiers. Changed weapons to reflect Delta and U.S. Army. -Suppressed weapons, SAW/HMG and some variants of sniper rifles. All Hummers are SOVs. Replaced ATVs with Bicycles as a placeholder. Changed helicopter to CH-47 Chinook. Changed some grammar and code names for CAS/SOAR (Lightning/Night Stalker). -Changes made to the Default Parameters. --Civilians = Off ( I manually turn this on depending on server population.) --AI Accuracy = 0.4 --OPFOR Ratio is set to COOP Only. --Number of caches = 5 --HeliRC = Off --A10mode = AI --CAS Timer = 120 seconds --SOAR enabled = Yes --Players needed to clear a square, 1. Instead of 2 or 3. --Number of AI Vehicles = 9 --MHQ protection ring = 400m --MHQ Deployment Timer = 300 minutes. Server admin notes. -Known issues. --Changing AI accuracy to anything but 0.4 creates an error in the script. (Fix scheduled for 0.81) Use Veteran more instead. --Civilians can severely slow down a full server. (It is fine with lower player populations.) If you are having problems reduce the AI to 50%, turn off civilians, or get a faster server. --I run the caches at 5 for a short game and to increase server restart frequency to help solve lag issues with wrecks and destroyed buildings, etc. --If you stay in the MH6 after the AI is in control you must eject or respawn. Unless, of course, you like flying into infinity. I hope you enjoy it. PITN
  16. pic #4, the nice colorful LZ extract. That one is sweet. You should post that one as the GAMERTRACKER map image. #3 is second but the GPS breaks up the flow.
  17. Windows restore to an erlier date and see if that helps. Check the temps of your vid card and cpu as well.
  18. What is the new port number for this server? Can we get a marker in the server name like #1 and #2? This will make it easier to know which server to rcon into. Is RCON active on the new server with previous settings?
  19. PITN


    A very clever marketing tool. Props to BIS.
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