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=VG= poffadder

VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= poffadder

  1. No problem man, glad to help. Tell him to check out Corsair Vengeance aswell. Dominator is made for overclockers so its a bit over priced for what it is at stock speeds. I can get 16GB of Vengeance 1600MHz CL9 for 95 euros at the moment. !swoon Let us know how it goes.
  2. Sounds like a bad stick. Corsair are usually very good for replacing faulty parts, especially RAM. Is it new RAM? If it is try and return the whole lot and get a dual channel Dominator kit that runs at 1.5 V because that is better suited to sandy bridge's internal memory controller. Most triple channel kits run at 1.65 V. This is important in the long run as it will increase his pc's lifetime. Oh also looking back at your pics, your RAM was already in dual channel. So for you slots 1 and 2 are paired and slots 3 and 4 are paired. Gigabyte loves to be different.
  3. I'll get back to you on this in the morning. (like 10 hours) Did he purchace a triple channel kit? The Sandy Bridge chips and mobos only support dual channel. Any chance you could get links to the RAM and motherboard that he got? Sounds like a nice system, the 2600k is a beast.
  4. What Semler said was correct, slots 1 and 3 are paired and slots 2 and 4 are paired. By putting your RAM into slots of same colour(color) you are running them in dual-channel. Dual-channel memory theoretically doubles the data transfer rate between the RAM and the memory controller. Do not know how much performance increase you will see though. I will dust off my CPU cooler and snap some pics of my rig. Time to find my air in a can.
  5. Do you use an anti-virus? AVG in particular. If you do try uninstalling it and then play.. Apparently AVG hates BF3 along with a few other anti-virus programs.
  6. Yeh I dont trust mobos made before the tech is relesed, its like the whole sata 6 GB/s stuff up with the lga 1155 boards.. I was planning on upgrading my dusty parts to the unlocked version of your cpu (2500k) but I think il wait for ivy bridge and shiny new tri gate transistors and for them to hammer out all the kinks in the new process. Also you have a very fast system but have you considered sticking in another 4 GB of RAM? I think this would benefit your system because as it stands its your system's only bottleneck especially when multi tasking.
  7. I posted a load of crap so I removed it.. Still stick with intel, they will always be ahead in terms of performance and innovation. Also look out for ivy bridge, it will stomp on anything AMD is planning in their performance computing cpus.
  8. What sound mod do you like to use Ingo? I can play around with the allowed addons and see if it works.. If it does I will also allow the use of the WarFX Blastcore and JTD FireAndSmoke addons. But only if people who dont have the addons can still join the server.
  9. I spent an hour working on the mission today. I've added the ACRE radios to the PMC and BAF ammo crates. I also gave the CH-47 the ability to lift the LAV-25. Some things in the mission got broken some how so I will be on all day tomorrow to fix, add and test stuff.
  10. Disable punk buster on the server.. Only way around i think. Also korengal coop? That should be a tough one. Is Bi ming the night version or the day version?
  11. The separate HDD will make things a lot easier to install. You don't need to set up partitions and a dual boot. When installing Xp onto your new HDD make sure that you have your raptors disconnected and your motherboards boot priority set to your new HDD. Once you got XP configured and running on that drive, shut down your pc and reconnect your raptors.. Start it up again and let the pc boot into XP. Once in make sure that you see all of your drives in My Computer and can access and use them (your pc should configure this for you as there will be conflicts between the two OS's as all the files will be visible to the pc but it should do this automatically as you log in) finally restart your pc and change your boot priority to the raptors and boot into Win 7 and make sure that you can see your new hdd and its contents(again it should configure this automatically) There is a possibility that every time you want to start with the other OS, you will need to go into your BIOS to change your boot priority to the other drive. But apparently Win 7 has an automatic boot manager that will prompt you at start up to choose your OS when it detects more than 1 OS on the system, even when they are on separate drives.
  12. Has to be the PR sound bug. Coz that damn huey never comes over the horizon.
  13. =VG= poffadder

    i7 CPUs

    The i7 2600k may not have 6 phyisical cores but it still runs 6 threads because of its 2 logical cores. I've also heard of people reaching nearly 5 Ghz on air cooling and a small increase in voltage which is quite amazing. Unless you are very into folding or or other multi-threading intensive apps there is really no point in 6 cores. The sandy bridge is very much an all rounder and it copes very well in all modern games and simulations, especially with a healthy overclock. The only problem is that it does not support triple channel memory or real SLI and you would also need to get ddr3 memory running at 1.5v instead of 1.6v. The sandy bridge also draws alot less power. Core for core the 2600k beats the 990x and the forthcoming 995x and does better in benchmarks for most games including Arma 2 with 10km view distance. I recenlty helped a friend built a sandybridge rig, its lightning quick and was relatively affordable. He was very impressed with the 2600k's performace and mentioned that he probably wouldn't bother overclocking because the chip is overkill even at stock speeds. You can also use the money you save on the 2600k to get a beast of a graphics card.
  14. Ruined my fun..heh But any way that goes for all mods like POE, AIX and FH
  15. Heh FS 2000. I think i still have the massive manual for this somewhere.
  16. Well it seems a Project reality mod for BF3 is going to be unlikly since Dice is not releasing mod tools with the games release. They claim this is due to the Frostbite engine being too complicated and that they want to develope a good core game before they move onto mod tools and DLC. So while the possibility of a PR BF3 is looks bleak there is still a chance for it as Dice said they are still considering the release of mod tools a few months after release but again they state that they will not deliver mod tools in the way that they delivered them for Battlefield 2. Resource
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