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Everything posted by CptHawk

  1. My old man and I play the hell out of it on PC, if your looking for a group to run with. We may have to figure something out about he time difference however lol.
  2. The Rotor systems on the Helicopters I'm flying keep spinning in a ground idle state when i get out of them now... But no sound bug as of yet. I also don't see vehicle fires anymore and can somehow see vehicle damage smoke through buildings now...
  3. But this isn't happening on a map with an uncappable main, this issue is on Kashan STD, with the canadians, the final flag IS their main where this problem occurs.
  4. I was talking of the airfield on Kashan, not Khami. And I don't think more fog will help, no one really starts lagging until they get close enough that everything inside renders.
  5. Khami? never heard of or experienced that myself, but I do know that Kashan Std lags the fuck out when getting close to the Airfield, and not attacking the main on that one is a moot point as its the last flag.
  6. As long as the game is currently available on the steam store, you should be able to use any physical copy key.
  7. If you have steam, you can try activating it there and it will allow you download and use it off steam. DCS A10c is on steam, so it should work. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5414-tfbn-1352
  8. I only get the disappearing flags after I play about three to five maps with always running PR as Admin and never cleaning my cache, buuuuuut, The other thing I usually get after playing three or five maps is a crash... some overflow shit if I remember correctly, not sure if that would be related to it. Gotta be a VooDoo witch doctor to figure PR problems out sometimes. Speaking of which, if you'll excuse me, I need to sacrifice a chicken to the PR gods so I can play today.
  9. BWAHAHAHA, Ach mein gott. I've been laughing like an idiot for ten minutes now. Spending two years in Bavaria give me a real appreciation of the Polizei one.
  10. I've noticed the bots have almost become asset dumb, like with the SPAA, they sometimes don't even have gunners. Yesterday on Kashan I came across two Gophers in an armored column, which normally would be a death sentence for any CAS asset, but nether had gunners and I got them both in one run. It's also gotten to the point where I find myself able to fly into the enemy base when their base AA is active, I just pop a flare every five seconds and it never touches me. Where as it used to dump missiles at me ignoring all ammo capacity, and it never mattered if I did flares or not as I couldn't defeat eight different missiles in a five second time span. I also miss the enemy CAS actually being a little bit more aggressive toward ground assets, as it stands now, they are simply flying targets for our CAS and don't really pose any real tactical threat. But the other contributing factor into the difficulty is the experience people accumulate playing the same layers on the same maps for months to years at a time. Alot of us play so much we know where to set up fobs or where we can hold up and lock down the enemy with only a hand full of people. So while I absolutely agree about the bots seemingly becoming more lack luster, It also doesn't help that every map has almost become routine for alot of the older guys against bots that always think the same way.
  11. Falcon BMS 4 my dude.... this was posted under the help section in the BMS 4 section.
  12. Looks like it, this is one landing on the Queen Elizabeth. Looking good.
  13. I've seen maps where we had around 20 some odd people on the server and could only get one hat kit between us all.
  14. eehhhhhhhhh lets put this back on topic seeing how no one actually knows anything unless they have personally been on the ground there. I'm not huge on the Wounded warrior project as they tend to spend a shit load more on things other then veterans. I'm not saying they don't help veterans, just that they don't spend as much as I would hope for someone that takes in the amount of money they do. People, Veterans included, tend to forget the America Legion, and its pretty easy to do as some can be hit or miss, but they have always been there to help me or any one I've know. When I got out, I went to the Legion just to talk really, but they ended up setting me up with all the paper work I would ever need to make claims to the VA for service related injuries, and they helped me fill it all out.... for free mind you. So the Legion has personally earned my donations just because I've actually seen them help people out going through tough times. However, in the same light, I would never donate to the Legion up in flagstaff, as they usually don't do shit outside of getting plastered at the hall (Granted, this was several years ago, it may have changed, who knows). I just recommend looking into a service before you put your money into it, the Legion included(each post operates independent and differently from each other), as some may not be up to the standard when it comes to actually helping veterans.
  15. That's what I'm saying. In the video he uses his index finger to hit the Z and X keys, he even makes a point of how dumb it is, but in normal typing, you would use the finger that would be in line with it. Normally that would be the pinky for Z and the ring for X, however, if your using WASD, it would be your ring for Z and middle for X, or use your thumb. I was just making a point on how a major gripe of his about using WASD is having to use his index finger to hit Z and X, but I suppose that's all up to how he learned to type in the first place. Also, if you move to the TFGH, do you not have the same problem with the CVBN keys now that he first had with the (backslash key for him) and ZXC keys?
  16. I think Arma is the only FPS that has used a million and a half different key bindings, but normal FPS, like the Battlefield series or insurgency? Even competitive FPS like CSGO and Siege have super simplistic controls that hardly go past F on the keyboard. I wouldn't say that I'm "wasting" half the keyboard when they don't have commands to fill the whole keyboard in the first place. (Also, why would you ever use your index finger to press Z or X? Is it not normal typing to use the finger on line with the key? Hell, I even catch myself using my thumb to get those keys)
  17. I didn't mean to offend you and I apologize if I did so, But I also do not know the back ground of everyone that comes on here and trouble shooting common problems first is a standard. I speak out of playing almost everyday since the update and I have not seen this issue when I use any asset. My experience on the server tends to be on the Aviation side of it as well as heavy armor assets and in the last several days I've had drivers leave the vehicles while the gun was still active and myself nor my fellow crewmen have experienced this issue. On Operation Merlin as well as Wanda shan, myself and a friend took a tank, he wanted to drive, so when I got to the tank I jumped in and switch to gunner with no issue. The same with Attack Helicopters, I prefer to fly and he guns, he got to the bird first and switch to the gun and had no issues (Muttrah and Al Basrah) . myself and Chickenjason can also confirm that soloing the SPAA on black gold will not reproduce this issue either. And I have not seen the issue with the F15 on Khami or the Chinese equivalent on black gold. I can also pull from a few regular players on VG and double check if they have had any issues, but so far they have only reported the FOB assets. And to the point of trans helicopters, you cannot have a pilot kit and be in any of the passenger seats of the bird, that has been apart of the game for awhile now. That being said, are you on a specific map that this occurs, or does this effect you on every map or server you play on.
  18. As far as I'm aware, the FOB assets are the only ones giving off the bugged warning. I have not seen nor heard of the issue being replicated on any normal vehicle assets on any map so far, are you sure your in a squad with the right kit and not trying to use a bot specific asset?
  19. The flags disappearing on the map has been a problem before the update. It tends to happen to me about three or four maps in, but restarting the game fixes it for me.
  20. It appears that all of the FOB emplacements are broken at the moment, I haven't found one that worked on any map so far.
  21. ah bugger, I Ctrl-F'ed all the line items to make sure, I don't know how I missed that lol.
  22. The server population already has issues hitting 40 on most normal days, if the population would be split between two servers, it would end up with two low pop servers and people already shy away from the server when it has a low population.
  23. CptHawk

    PR school

    I agree with practicing everything you do to become proficient at it, but practicing alone won't tell you why you failed in a task and can not give you pointers on how to improve upon something. like I said up top, if you are having problems or just want some pointers, a few admins make beginner squads. But if you don't ever get the chance to get on with them, then just hit me up around the times I'm on (2200-0400ish zulu) and I'd be more then willing to get on and rock it with you and get you proficient. I'm just not sure your going to get anyone to actually set up a server or time for a course or lesson that maybe only two or three people would attend, It's easier to just run in a squad in game and learn as you go.
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