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=VG= The_Polish_Guy

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= The_Polish_Guy

  1. Arma 3 Event

    Player count: 13 sign-ups + 6 reserve

    Operation Déjà vu

    SATURDAY 22nd JULY 2023 - 1900hrs GMT (PRT)

    Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Operation Deja vu | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM


    Password: prsux


    MAP: al Basrah



    As British Army soldiers face a Middle Eastern Militia. Capture  and hold objectives.

    The map should be very familiar to some of you.


    We will be hosting a training map for an hour before the event. I really encourage everyone who isn't confident with ACE Medical or anything else, to join.

    BLUFOR assets:

    Land Rovers

    Transport Trucks

    RRR Trucks

    FV 510 Warrior

    Merlin & Wildcat helicopters

    OPFOR assets:


    Light vehicles



    MODS (shouldn't change):

    Arma 3 Preset BAF.htmlArma 3 Preset optional_BAF.html

    [Alpha 1]

    Squad Leader: =VG= The_Polish_Guy

    Machine Gunner: =VG= keed

    Sharpshooter: =VG= Batmeme

    Medic: dogenamite

    [Alpha 2]

    Team Leader: =VG= Deathdealer

    Rifleman AT: Pew_Pew

    Automatic Rifleman: Enfield-101

    Medic: chickenjason123


    Pilot Merlin: =VG= Sausag3

    Pilot Wildcat: 


    Vic Commander:

    Gunner: System

    Driver: Sniper_Igor

    [Reserve squad]

    Team Leader:

    Medic: SerEvergreen

    4x Rilfeman: =VG= XOR, =VG= Alucardednoc, Charlie-Kilo, =VG= GRNANDGLD, =VG= Stixon

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  2. I suggest checking your anti-virus options. Some just quarantine the files and don't let you play. Happened to me a few times, just quarantined my Launcher. So before you do a reinstall I'd suggest just making sure it can't be 'unquarantined'

    • Thanks 1
  3. wow that's a lot. I didn't spend a ton of time with him but when we did talk it was always a pleasure. I really don't know what else to say, it's just so overwhelming. The one thing I want everyone to remember is that he was a great man, player and clan-mate.

    We will always remember you Skiddles! Rest in peace 

    • Like 12
    • VG Spirit 1
  4. Squad, just like PR is a team oriented game. If you don't play with your team and squad members, you don't experience the game as supposed to. Especially if you don't use a microphone. I believe in mic players supremacy. With similar level of skill and knowledge every player will be better when communicating with a mic.

    Also this thread is dead for years now, and no one here plays squad regularly.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 11 hours ago, =VG= Melon Muncher said:

    If they need tweaks or are too hard post up here so I can do it.

    I've noticed that the maps are generally very cool in design, they are very hard. It's ok when we play them at an event or when we have 20 experienced players on the server but in some time when the post-update player number bumb stops, no one will play them in their current shape as they will be impossible to finish in a reasonable time.

    Haven't played all of the new maps yet but those are the ones I think are too challenging:

    - Korbach (both layers, the american one overall [the huge cap zones don't help], the german one at the end)

    - Kunar (also broken I guess)

    - Gaza alt

    - new Ras el Masri (very hard at the end if I recall correctly but overall ok)

    - Burning Sands lrg (gets very difficult in the middle of the city, also the havoc's rangefinder is broken)

    all of those are very hard because the bots spawn very quickly and in large numbers so the infantry even with heavy asset support has problems to cap flags or even get to them. Also I've noticed that on Korbach lrg bots rarely used any vehicles even though they have a bunch of them.

    After all all of those are good maps in principle, just need some tweaking imo. In general great update

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