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=VG= The_Polish_Guy

VG Clan Member
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Posts posted by =VG= The_Polish_Guy

  1. I don't think there's a need for a "noob" modifier. It's still just a suggestion and we should be able to tell if that suggestion is good for the current team or not. Also if we find that the suggested maps are too hard or too easy, we can just ask for suggestions for a map with 5 players less for example. 

  2. Arma 3 Event

    Player count: 16 sign-ups

    Operation Desert Turtle

    SATURDAY February 25 2023 - 1900hrs GMT (PRT)

    Server name: VETERANS-GAMING | Test Server | TS3.VETERANS-GAMING.COM

    IP: : 2402

    Password: sand


    MAP: Shapur


    It's 1991 in the deserts of Middle East. As a part of Operation Desert Storm your unit is tasked with pushing back Saddam's forces back and destroying every enemy vehicle and installation in your AO. The enemy is weak after weeks of highly successful coalition air campaign. The enemy air-force is gone, conscript units are deserting and enemy armor force is having problems not exploding. The ground campaign has been very successful so far but now it's time to face the best of Iraq's army.


    A large group of enemy forces has been spotted close to your AO. While the main force keeps the enemy in place your unit, being a small detachment, is tasked with capturing a forward base close to some oil storage facilities and a small military airport. Tactically important positions have been weakened by air and arty support and the airport's runway has been bombed and mined by coalition air-forces.


    BLUFOR assets:

    M1A1 Abrams Tanks

    M2 Bradley IFVs

    4 men infantry dismount

    RRR vehicles

    REDFOR assets:

    Infantry mechanized/motorized

    Tanks / IFVs / Light vehicles / emplacements


    Rules: standard VG arma rules





    Technical stuff:


    - MODS have to be downloaded to be able to play while SUGGESTED MODS are not necessary.

    - The command structure is up for debate but without any of the TLs stepping up, all of the teams will work like in PR with Alpha 1-3 being the tanks lead.

    - If one of the vehicle commanders or the inf TL wants to step up and lead the operation that will be great.

    - A plan is for the vehicle crews to be 3-man but if there's not enough players I'll allow 2-man crews (driver+gunner), if someone wants to there are loader sits in the M1s that can be taken (if someone wants a 4 man crew let me know in advance)

    - RRR squad is not very important but if someone wants to do it, good

    - op is partially suggested by:



    =VG= The_Polish_Guy

    Raptor (Alpha 1-1)

    Team Leader:


    AT Rifleman:


    Phantom (Alpha 1-2 Bradley)


    Gunner: =VG= Deathdealer

    Driver: =VG= Sausag3

    Anvil 1 (Alpha 1-3 Abrams)

    Commander: dogenamite

    Gunner: =VG= Batmeme

    Driver: =VG= XOR

    Anvil 2 (Alpha 1-4 Abrams)

    Commander: =VG= System

    Gunner: Spartanish


    RRR (Alpha 1-6)




    • Upvote 5
  3. Hey everyone,

    I am back to having way too much free time. Thanks to that I can make some more Arma missions. I have some ideas of my own but I am also interested in what you want to see and play. I made a quick poll using google forms. I tried using the forum poll option but it doesn't have some of the functionalities I think are useful.

    It'd be great if everyone interested in playing Arma events fills out the form. If you have any other/specific ideas or just don't want to fill it out, let me know in this thread.

    Poll Link


    Naturally none of your data will be collected.

    After some time I will publish the results so other mission makers can see use it too.

    • Like 2
    • VG Spirit 1
    • Upvote 5
  4. Arma 3 Event

    Player count: 15 sign-ups

    Operation Pierogi

    SATURDAY 14th JANUARY 2023 - 1900hrs GMT (PRT)



    Password: stinky


    MAP: Bystrica



    Russian forces have attacked NATO countries in eastern Europe. Defenders were able to stop the Russian offensive. However, after a long stalemate on the front in SE Poland, a Russian unit with support of a local separatist militia has successfully crossed a river and set up a bridgehead awaiting for reinforcements to cross the bridge. NATO units in the area are tasked with stopping the new threat and eliminating the bridgehead.


    Polish 6th Airborne Brigade is tasked with clearing the town of Chernogorsk and keeping the bridge secure until reinforcements can arrive. USMC detachment is tasked with direct and recon support of the Polish troops. More details will be revealed during the event briefing.



    6 Brygada Powietrznodesantowa


    1st Reconnaissance Battalion

    BLUFOR assets:

    Light Infantry

    4x HMMWVs

    Transport Truck

    Logistics Truck

    One mortar tube for the logi squad

    USMC fire team


    REDFOR assets:

    Infantry mechanized/motorized

    APCs and IFVs / Light vehicles / emplacements


    Rules: standard VG arma rules





    hopefully the final version

    ***Important stuff***

    The Alpha SL will be leading the entire team with a little help from hi command if needed - please choose it wisely

    The event has been prepared for 15 players but if there are more people interested in participating I will tweak the mission in a way to let them play too. (Maybe even add a cas squad if you're nice)

    We will use TFAR, ACE and simple ACE medical so everyone who wants to polish (hehe) their skills is welcome to join us in TS about an hour early for some extra training.


    [High Command]

    Commander - zeus: =VG= The_Polish_Guy

    [Alpha 1]

    Squad Leader - Ground Commander:

    Medic: dogenamite

    Machinegunner: =VG= GRNANDGLD

    Rifleman: NikSRB

    [Alpha 2]

    Team Leader: =VG= Deathdealer


    AT Specialist: =VG= Batmeme

    AT Assistant / Rifleman: Spartanish

    [Bravo 1] - USMC

    Team Leader: =VG= System

    Medic: =VG= XOR

    Auto Rifleman: Sniper_Igor

    Marksman:  =VG= Stixon

    [Charlie 1] - logi

    Technician: =VG= keed

    Technician: chickenjason123

    • Like 2
    • VG Seal of Approval 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
    • Upvote 3
  5. I didn't think I was going to add anything but...

    Of course I noticed there is less players playing during the day. There is also less players from the pacific, asian or american time zones. The last one might be connected to relatively new servers located outside of Europe which are not so tempting for EU players but are for Pacific because of the ping. That being said I still see a lot of well known faces on VG. In the past weeks a few more veteran players showed up again after a while, which is also a good sign. 

    I truly believe this is just one of the many fazes PR has been through (or maybe I just hope so).

    Also we can keep talking about how the new players are not good at team play and so on, but to be fair a lot of regulars are also not that good at team play. Sadly no matter how bad we want it, team play is not the only important thing in becoming a good player.

    That being said we should try to make the best out of every player that shows up. If he is not good at team play maybe he can be a great shot with an AT kit or a great trans pilot. We don't have to judge ppl just by their below average communication skills (of course not everyone can or want to learn but let's try to at least find the good players in the stack of noobs).

    Idk if this makes any sense to anyone but it just came out like this.

    • Like 4
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  6. 23 hours ago, whtz said:

    No, cas should use skill.

    16 hours ago, Boriis said:


    Please read the entire thread because I explained everything there and no, no flares.

    18 hours ago, =VG= Zeee said:

    Should just go back to the days where cas had 300+ kills on each map unimpeded 😄


    Well it's basically the same now but it's tanks and apcs getting huge amount of kills sitting on hills. And they can't be damaged by small arms, the lats and hats don't have the range to hit them, enemy armor has no chance of destroying them unless it does some PR bot magic and there is no enemy cas to kill them because the bots almost don't use it now that they have off map airfields. So we end up with even less team-play as all the armor assets (and on many maps soloed crows hmmwvs) sit on hills instead of helping infantry cap flags.

    Also I don't want CAS to get 300 kills on every map. Even before it happened rarely and on maps that are still very easy and CAS still gets the most kills on them. Also it is and has been helicopters getting a ton of kills not jets and now helicopters still have a way easier job than planes. Combine that with bugs like not counting bomb kills and every jet at the end of round has -300 points even if he bombs the entire enemy team.

    Thank you for the poll. Let's see what people that didn't write anything want. Also I should point out that I think if there is a way to nerf the manpads either by lowering the amount of them or some other PR magic, we should try that instead of removing them.

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