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Pvt. Pirate

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Everything posted by Pvt. Pirate

  1. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Cool stuff... god damn your sig is mesmerizing !prank for me, they're dancing to "scorpions - wind of change" :-D me: "I cant wait to get OA and play dayZ with you." a friend: "yes you can." me: "Oh, maybe you're right."
  2. lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Awesome mod, really awesome, but it needs some objective system like claf man, i mean you can have fun for some days (or at least is my situation), regrouping with VG and moving as a good team through the map taking stuff and making the group stronger, but in the end, after some towns, after going from "here" to "there" you dont really know what to do, it needs objectives like "recon this town" or "save this group of AI survivers and move them here"... i have only seen a few videos and played arma2 and i can add 1 +1 and so i cant wait to get OA to be able to join the server :) about those missions, i think they could be made semi-random... almost like in "Dead Rising2". also maybe it would be great to have some crafting in the game, to be able to get selfmade weapons. i think about the lawnmower from the movie "braindead". thats it for now, got to go ;)
  3. AirborneAlways LAN_WROTE ... Look in to KVM switches which is the common way to have multiple computers but single keyboard/video/mouse. i just google'd "KVM switches" and only found products of 200 EURO and above... if i had 200 EURO at hand, i would solche many problems and none of those has to do with computers !crying might aswell grab a guitar and play songs in the city !russian then my renown would be completely ruined... hope that problem is solved next month ;-)
  4. hehe, what you are talking about, terremer, is what we called "rambo-catching". we chose a vanilla mission and leave the server open. thats fine sometimes, but doesnt work on a "special event". after having had some trainign events and a special, we should for sure make some open events for everyone free to join and catch some ramboes ;)
  5. SavageCDN =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Pvt. Pirate LAN_WROTE ... maybe just plan the event weeks ahead and have people sign in for the event and know their teams and objectives already before everything starts. also make the eventserver password protected, so noone joins late or uninvited. that might make everything a bit smoother. Well we weren't really set on one mission so that is hard to do. Also since this was our first event I didn't want anything too serious or rigid as I think that scares off a lot of new players or those that don't play MP often. I do understand what you are saying though and I think as we get more events under our belt it will become more 'disciplined'. We will also discuss password-protecting the server for future events (also forces players on TS which is a bonus). lupago =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Great rounds, as i said i am going to be more active in ArmA II, i wish we can keep doing something like this every weekend. Think one of the best tonight was the one with the German army and the lost supplies! Well they do require a bit of work/planning and my wife will actually kill me if I do this every weekend!! That being said if there are members who want to help out in the setup and testing they are more than welcome!! Yes that 20 player mission was actually well done (despite the night/day issue) I'd like to try that one again at some point. Airborne and Pirate - good posts I didn't quote it but I'm thinking along the same lines. The organization/squad tactics/etc will come over time. Your other points are noted and will be up for discussion as well. I would like as much input as possible as to what members want for these events so keep it coming (we must get Pirate a copy of OA!!). Speirs =VG= LAN_WROTE ... - Less or no communication between squads - Not much tactical movement as squad - No warmup-round / basic-training for beginners - No multiplayer mission with objectives and end - Endless Insurgency, boring - No ACRE/ACE mod Suggestion for the next event: - Missions - Predefined squads with task distribution - Communication on the battlefield! - Tactical movement on urban terrain - Training before event Good points Speirs. We actually did start with missions but so many people showed up we had to switch to Insurgency. I also like your idea of having training sessions before the event (like an hour or two before) - we can easily make a 'training' map where new players can break shit and not get chewed out !yes well, we had events of similiar playercounts in "vietcong- Fist Alpha" and it was always much work for the admins to organize those. having a main base for the briefing and preparing the teams/squads would be great. for big events its always important to only have players who are willing to cooperate and communicate, so handing out the Password gives that there are only those palyers on the server. having a password is definitely not needed for general training. also i understand you cant be building a new mission every week !hi
  6. i just remember, there once was afirefox plugin with clocks... i'll look for it later
  7. AirborneAlways LAN_WROTE ... From my understanding, this was one of the first in sometime to be scheduled so it is understandable that there are some issues........ I think this go was more about just getting the numbers on the server and getting some new unknown people to join. I know for some that this was the first time in ages they had been on an ARMA server and other who had never been around VG before. Now that isn't to say a few douche-bags didn't join, that happens. Given what I feel this event was for, I would be inclined to not lock the server. If this was a big highly drawn out event with required sign or required to be on TS to join at all, then I could see locking the server. Form squads??? As Veterans Gaming is mostly a community with a dash of tactical realism in there. Given everyone's various locations that was at the event, to try to get assigned squads for practices would "no joy" to say the least. Now that is not to say that there isn't a core group of people here in the community that shouldn't take up assigned roles such as pilots, squad leaders, snipers. That way those positions at least have some constant to them and will over time be able to function well together. Now that isn't to say that a group can't get together, practice and, then at an event be in the same squad to work together. But in my opinion, for VG members to try and require squad practice on community members would push some people away. If it was say, just open training time to learn some basic tactics and range time you might have some luck. Cause one of the things that make good team work is just hanging out with the team. i agree with you, that for just "looking how many people will come and have a little training and learning the basics" it seems to have been a success. but for some serious action, we should have predefined squads each event. the squads dont have to be defined weeks ahead, but atleast before the mission begins. also the training in a squad is about teamplay and about having a reliable partner in your squad when the battle begins. hanging out with the squad is important, but most important is to know the tactics and learn basic stuff like commands and communication, moving as a team, giving eachother cover etc. and thats things that can be used with whoever you play with, as long as the others practiced it too. sure that might "push some people away", but its people who dont want real teamplay and arent reliable and wont give you cover. they want a medic in their squad, so they get fixed when hit, but they dont care if the medic gets into danger. i didnt want to rant about that. sorry. back to topic: locking the server and putting the password into the event thread an hour before the event starts is good to keep people out who are just stumbling about the server. maybe make open events (like this one / teamplay and basics training) and intern events (for people who already know whats going on / real teamplay and actual missions). even though i couldnt be there, i count this as a success (for the community).
  8. sounds nice, but i just read: "Einige Features sind erst nach dem Kauf des Programms anw?hlbar." which means "some features are only available after puchasing the program" so this is only a demo. and as i read further, i'm sure i dont want it from that developer company. but thanks for your idea ;) we sure need a solution for the timezone problem. how about we force the governments all around the world to accept the remulanian 36-hours-day? all timezones would have the same time and everyone in each timezone would at some point have a dark and sometimes have a bright night... just kidding ;)
  9. maybe just plan the event weeks ahead and have people sign in for the event and know their teams and objectives already before everything starts. also make the eventserver password protected, so noone joins late or uninvited. that might make everything a bit smoother. also i hope i can be there on the next event.
  10. I only got Arma and Arma2 from my brother when he bought the complete package including OA. so i dont have any addons or so. maybe i'll buy OA next month, when i get my monthly money again.
  11. well, i remember the first date that got posted. i reckoned it to be 0900 GMT+1 (norway, germany, swiss, southafrica). (military 24hour system so the am/pm bullshiRt doesnt confuse between US and other countries.) i thought wow, thats early in the morning for playing on a saturday. then, i read it got delayed by one hour, thus being 1000 GMT+1 and i was happy to have one hour more sleep. now i find it all changed again... and also my brother informed me, that the ADDON Operation Arrowhead and some mods will be required to play. I'm disappointed, as of a few things: - I thought it was clearly spoken by many, we should play vanilla arma/arma2 and see how many come to join. now I cant be there, because i dont have OA and the mods you built the missions with. - the time/date got changed in the last minute. you cant expect people to check this page every day and i guess many who werent on here after 2000 yesterday are disappointed today, as they did get up early to play and now they find out, you delayed it so its late in the evening now (GMT+1). so, now the time should be 3pmEDT which is 8pmGMT+1 the event shall last 4 hours and i'm either forced to walk into the city to the games-shop and buy OA though i dont have even the money to buy cigarettes, or i can sit in teamspeak and listen to you playing arma. thanks.
  12. Robotfungus =VG= LAN_WROTE ... Fun is very much a dynamic variable, like taste in music or art, everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion. Which is why the rules exist to ensure that most people can have fun in their own way. Having detailed rules for each map is just too much, for admins to enforce and players to learn. we just need to use our common sense (if any still exists on this planet) to keep things balanced. Melon you make a good point about how easy the maps are. absolutely my thoughts there. and Melon: thats a good idea about the cap-zones. when you got only 3 infantry squads on muttrah, its most of the time necessary to keep one squad at the mosque while others go to south city. thats how it should be in most maps... add more diversity in where the bots come from and everyone has to keep their eyes open instead of just running from A to B and capping.
  13. I agree with you yoda. when you play a map its not always about making a perfect run without casualties into the enemy main and taking the last flag within 20 minutes. that really ruins the fun. also it can be a fun-killer if you get stuck for 30 minutes to the same spot. but thats up to the team to find away out of it. i personally dont prefer those fast tactics, but a slow and steady gameplay. i even sometimes pretend not knowing the bot-routes and spawn points -> in reality you dont know every enemy foxhole. after all there should be some challange it it. otherwise i could aswell play against 6 year olds.
  14. although that will be 0900 (GMT+1) for me, i'll be there :)
  15. nice little box :) i thought of having such a switchbox for VGA monitor. my desk is too small for two monitors and i would love to have a second computer for playing old DOS-games and maybe it would be great as you said for research while playing. so my idea was having both PCs connected to one screen and switch between them if needed :) same for keyboard and PS2 mouse.
  16. i also think its best to first get all people together ona server and play vanilla arma/arma2 and i know i have a lot to learn there. we could then add mods to it and teach everyone how to use them properly. then we can go out on missions with mods :)
  17. wow, devastating... :O erm, great videos rockape :) but its not the same - well, its a big explosion and they fire it from a barrel, so its definitely something different. *edit* i just realized, the second video definitely is the same ;) my fault here.
  18. ok, i'll see if i can buy OA somewhere. about the arcade: i tried it once, but those games arent made for me ;)
  19. i'm also in for it :) but i cant use anything that uses MBG as it requires OA.
  20. currently downloading. i hope it wont break my install too :O
  21. i hope it also allows the same great (as i hope slow-paced) teamplay we have in PR and "Vietcong - Fist Alpha"
  22. i'm not so firm with using paypal (only bought minecraft for me and my brother that way). today i thought "damn, its time to contribute to this great server and community, which gave me the possibility to have some great gaming experiences." so i just donated an amount i can afford: 10 USD :) I'll see when i can do that the next time ;)
  23. i dont have much time today and i bet the download will take like forever as so many will want BF:PR-Vietnam so bad :) i'll download it the next days :)
  24. yes, the first official news about "BF:PR vietnam" was on the first april too, but they really started working on it - its like a double-bluff :D many will think its only april fools, but they are really going to release it.
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