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VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Did you just say "It wont's" LMAO!
  2. I use Mozilla Firefox only. It rocks! Blud
  3. Eclipse I think it's safe to say you're in, but stand by for the voting to end! Let you know soon man.
  4. Don't put links in the Chat, its makes it go nuts for some viewers on lower resolutions
  5. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    @Day...lmao! Can your Dog see?
  6. looks fine to me, put your desktop resolution higher! Blud
  7. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    Just click on add attachment > Browse to location on your computer > post thread and you images will appear (unless too big) Add them as attachments and they will load fine. @Dman she is a Green Wing Macaw. @Day you don't need to link them from another site man. Attach them with the "Attachment" button...Do you see it?
  8. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    My Bird Kady and my Dogs Amber & Trinity
  9. =VG= BLuDKLoT


    How about you take ur lazy ass outside and rake those leaves?
  10. Bozzz create your own with the custom sig makers dood. Its simple. Blud
  11. Google custom sig maker and you'll find what you seek. Blud
  12. oh no, lol. I was with K/3/5 when they crashed at WTI, I lost several friends. Still not a fan of them, should have bought choppers. What say you?
  13. Whats your MOS Joey? WB guys, look forward to seeing you back!
  14. For those of you interested in joining VETERANS-GAMING, this is our Recruiting Policy: To be considered for Membership: 1. Join us on Teamspeak and get to know us. 2. Join our squads and game with us. (All of us) 3. Join our sites and groups, contribute to our community and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. 4. You must not be a member of any other gaming clan or group. 5. You must be sponsored by active member(s) to be eligible for a Vote. 6. Must have at least 80 hours of total gaming time in our servers. Once a Player is nominated and meets the above criteria, we place a poll in the forums. All active VG members vote in the poll. You must get at least 20 yes votes (from active members) or you're not accepted. You could be eligible for a re-vote if the situation permits. If you have any other questions please join us on Teamspeak 3
  15. Granted and deserved! Good job BP. Blud
  16. Hello guys, Below you will find a list of some VETERANS-GAMING Sites and Groups. As you can see there are a few, most have little content or upkeep AND REQUIRE YOUR SUPPORT! If you're a clan member or friend of VG with any of the below sites, please join up with us as! Share your content on our other outlets, we could use the love. Most times our social media looks weak, but could have tremendous impact on membership if we can get more love on those various social sites, pages, etc.. Post something, Like something, post a comment, post a vid, etc.. It all matters! Thanks again for supporting our efforts to conquer the World. This is all optional of course, but would be very welcomed! *For those without the financial means to donate, this is great way to support our awesome community! http://www.realitymod.com/forum/members/45319.html http://www.youtube.com/user/VeteransGaming http://www.xfire.com/communities/vetsgaming/ https://www.facebook.com/veteransgaming https://www.facebook.com/VGPage https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/114041383797402479442/114041383797402479442/posts https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/114041383797402479442/communities/101068093837995377249 http://www.twitch.tv/veteransgaming http://steamcommunity.com/groups/veterans-gaming Please add links to your stuff here as well. Blud
  17. Also, the scoring is automatic for certain points. READ THE CONDITIONS on the Rank Tab for details. I set it as equal as I could, those of you with lower Ranks need to be more active to reclaim your positions. Blud
  18. Ok guys, yes there have been many changes with with the Ranks. I had to set everything back a bit so we can grow into it. I also changed the points for certain awards which affected the Ranks. I am leaving it alone now and we'll go with this and see how it goes. The thing we need to figure out is how to award the manual points fairly and obdurately. Any ideas? Blud
  19. If you have been awarded the wrong ribbons/medals, or if you still rate some you haven't been given, please let me know. It is still changing, but for now I think I am missing a couple. I know there is another person that rates the site supporter, what about other members, etc..? Thanks, Blud
  20. =VG= BLuDKLoT

    New Gaming Rig

    Very nice man! Congrats!! :D
  21. Solar try it. "Mayor" or "Major" you morons! :p
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