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Website Updates and Upgrades are still underway! We don't expect any further downtime, but we thank you for your patience as we restore themes and other elements including the Chatbox.


VG Clan Member (Administrator)
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Everything posted by =VG= BLuDKLoT

  1. Flags aren't an option unless you incorporate it into your siggy or avatar, or pic that you can now upload onto your profile page. So sorry if we haven't provided a place for you flag specifically :p but you have space, use it! Blud
  2. Well as you can see we are trying a new Medal system. I have added some and set up others. Most of it is automated but I need to set values. For example: If I set iffn and ingo with the same values, their scores/ranks could still be different because it is also keeping track of their visits, posts, comments, etc... All the stuff you do here. I can't control that, or that value. I was trying to arrange the Ranks so they are in order of seniority but it's hard. I think I have a good start going but I need some input from you fools to help dial it in? Skill Team Play Involvement These are settings that I/we as main admins need to set for our users. If you run your cursor over them on your profile you can see the total value. What should we use for settings here? How do we determine this fairly? Any ideas? These will promote and demote people based on their points, these values are a major part of the Rank Structure. As for Ribbons and Medals, we can create and award our own manually as well. What are your ideas for these and how to award them? Be specific please. There is more, but we'll start with this, lol. Blud
  3. =VG= BLuDKLoT


  4. We dont have mumble right now, how is it?
  5. You bring that spirit with you as well BP! Thanks everyone! Blud
  6. Forget it man, I am going to buy some website software that I know how to use so I don't have to rely on anyone when I want something fixed, changed, etc...I can do everything but these few things and its making me nuts The site won't look as nice but its better than the alternative Blud
  7. Nice. If only everyone was around to play and keep it going. There is only a few of us left. Oh well, time to start recruiting! Blud
  8. =VG= BLuDKLoT


  9. Bummer man, if you need help we're here from 9-5 Mon-Fri Just submit support ticket
  10. Thanks man. I posted a Vote, you will know shortly. :) Blud
  11. Good idea fellas with this thread. Again, if you use !runnext, !setnext it WILL crash the Server. Just let the maps run their order or you will crash it. There is a post I made referencing this. Blud
  12. We've tried and it failed. OPFOR is boring on almost all maps. They way it is now is the best of both worlds. We'll see how it goes.
  13. like I said, you can switch sides.
  14. On the other one you can now play either side and bots are split
  15. I swapped the BF2 Ranked Server for a VETERANS-GAMING BFBC2 Server. Should be ready later. For those with some hours in, what are some good rules? Blud
  16. Banner dude, standard size. The font needs another color and it needs more stuff from the map in game, like mech, air, etc...
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