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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. I think he means falcon bms. otherwise he probably would have posted it somewhere else. who is my?^^ sounds like a split personality. maybe that helps: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv ;p I have no idea of falcon but if its not a split personality, maybe it could be because you're online with the same serial number? if the game does not like 2 installations over one ip, maybe it works if you go through a vpn with one of the PCs...
  2. =VG= 0100011000101

    New PC

    why not 32 or 64 gb ram on such a machine? In any case, that sounds like fun ...;)
  3. I can not really vote because I like all the game modes, or it would be fun to play all of these. only Extraction I do not find so interesting because I think it does not work so well. I also find it very interesting to test new maps or new layouts. but you need experienced players and a good team - like the last time with jabal - otherwise it goes down in choas. In any case, I like such events because they reduce the daily routine a bit and create new incentives. Therefore, many players still have problems with shadhahahahahaha (or something similar ^ ^) because this map does not work normal and you have to work together, if you do it the map is not difficult. but if you have 5 sqds that do not talk to each other and you deduct your thing, you will not have any anti-tanks after 10 minutes and you will not get your old kits. If you do not hold flags and just run to the next one, you are constantly overrun by the bots and the game lasts 2 hours. if you talk to each other and have teamplay the game take not much more than a half hour. But you learn something like that at events and special maps. all the pros also play differently and do not do their thing, most of them are open to help others, and the non-pros accept that because it's an event. I can not explain that well, but I have the feeling that events are much more game oriented than in normal games. pros and new players are more "together" to play. and in the best case you take that into the normal game. Anyway ... I think it would be cool if there were more such events and I think it's great that you're working so hard with it. but above all: mUtTrAh 24/7 !!! ;p
  4. it is not turned off but you need a lot of ammo or knife stitches ^^
  5. ok, i've tried all four. inf and alt have no sawnpoints on both sides. std is running normally. and on large there is only on the Canadian side a spawnpoint. edit: on large you get spawnpoints on rebel-side when you tked the first peron^^ and you can spawn on the carrier but not use helis. the crates there are also canadian.
  6. jap, I just tried it again. on the mec side I could only spawn at a sqd leader. at alt-layout the same on both sides. no spawn point. You also need 2 AR-magazines to make a TK.
  7. yes, was a good round. was fun but quite difficult.
  8. i dont see the server in the list... on local it works...but inf layout has no spawnpoint. EDIT: scratch that. Wrong timezone ^^
  9. if it is the fractions problem, you should can start with this map ... only has to make sure that it does not come after a map with American fraction.
  10. assault on grozny inf is brocken. you spawn with an american-kit and die immediately. dropping is not possible. There are also "ghosts". so kits run around without the player inside. edit: there was something like that certain factions can not play after other. that should be it.
  11. ok, deal. But watch out, if I do not see you online so often, then I'll apply for admin rights and then you'll be banned.
  12. lol then I kick you for the abusive kick of an abusive admin. no fear, sometimes at night (cet) it would be helpful to have an admin there but in general that would be too much for me. I want to play, not take care for order ... and double will you do it?^^ that was actually a joke. I also feel like "part of the whole". and the VG in the tag would mean that I start again at zero points. I can not do that as long as I have not overtaken ranger ;p
  13. then, wehre is my tag? ; P just kidding...
  14. i think its normal...but they will kick oder ban if you are not a member and using this tag... I noticed that a few days ago when a relatively unknown user had taken a "=-VG-=" tag. double warned and kicked him ....
  15. what exactly happens there? Does that mean you need cpu-power? if it helps I can "borrow" 16 cores, 32 threats, 4ghz ^ ^ ... unless we are rendering ...
  16. I know that too well ^^ ... Since I process several TB of data in the month I have a lot to do with hard drives, and unfortunately I've already killed many. the most important thing about dealing with defective / deleted / formatted hard disks is always: switch off the computer immediately and do not shut down. The best way is remove the hard drive and think carefully what to do next. and in no case make anything that triggers a write operation. if there is no harwaredefct you can restore the data in 95% of the cases. except many raid systems. curse and blessing at the same time.^^
  17. @Risiko94: that was a joke ... I hope that xena did not understand that wrong. I think it's great job what he coded, just that means that we will play less muttrah.
  18. https://www.engadget.com/2017/07/12/us-government-removes-kaspersky-approved-vendors-cybersecurity/ kaspersky is so good that the american government had used it. as the software also recognizes and classifies there goverments trojans as such, it is currently being discredited by the american government. kaspersky does everything to be transparent and open and has even moved their data center from russia to switzerland, but still they are attacked with "russian potential enemy". all bullshit. btw... iphones come from china, samsung from vietnam ...
  19. just for understanding: if it goes on the vpn it can only be the provider, or did i miss something?
  20. jap. In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women. ...I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
  21. Yes he did. we were both online. and apparently there were no big changes to the ping. Kavelenko is right. I saw it at his speed test. the vogtland is really far away from kassel and from me ^ ^ but these speed tests are always pretty inaccurate with locations no problem;) I'm not an IT professional but in my job I have a lot to do with such things ... I see it just like you, it is frustrating when you have to spend hours dealing with something and you have no clues and does not really know what to looking for. and i have many people around me who are able to handle surfaces but do not know what happens under the surface. but thank you for the flowers. (Is there such a saying in English? ^^) @WarGhost That's why I attacked your text that way. it might have been a little aggressive, but I did not want to attack you with that. we have spent quite a lot of time with the problem of ranger and your solutions would have probably made more problems than fix it. antivirus software is often responsible for the fact that something is not working. that it tells you to switch off upnp is a general safety tip. in rangers case it would even make more sense to turn upnp on to see if pr works better. but it will not be up to that ... yes and no. These are professionals who know what they are doing. But these are general solutions for thousands of users. But here we have a special case and there are general solutions rather harmful. avast knows neither ranger nor his setup. if you have no idea, such complete solutions are often of advantage. but if something does not work then you need another professional who will help you... semler is right. there is always more than one way in IT and often what is right for one, is wrong for the other. my internet is not different than yours. I would even say we use the same internet are you sure? sure, we may have different ISPs but what is so different about your settings? how are you wire things? we use cat.5 to cat.7 cable, fiber or coaxial cable ... and I do not think your router are different than ours. but I will like to learn ... so that the whole thing does not become tooftopic: @ranger_12 What kind of (antivirus) software do you run in the background? a suite? do you have the possibility to try another router? but for this you need your access data ... it could not only be due to the configuration but maybe just a hardware defect (heat, dry capacitors, etc ...)
  22. Rangers did a pingtest yesterday and there were no problems. ping has never lost packs or had timeouts. So everything is ok until the router. either the router has problems with the internet connection or the provider itself. of course it could have a virus but this would not be responsible for the crashes. that, or open the ports could help. only if he uses adsl... I can not imagine that UDP is responsible for that. that would have been seen on the ping. can not hurt, but that would have been seen on the ping too. he also tried ... but crashed anyway. that's a really cool idea ^^ I have a ping between 10 and 50 with dsl and mobile 38-80 ... I do not think its high ^ ^ only if I do other things at the same time with the mobile it goes up ...
  23. did not know that the server is in Kassel. that is 150 km away from me ^^ That sounds like it's a bad internet connection. the only thing that could possibly help would be another router. If you can borrow one somewhere and have your access data I would give it a try. The port shares of kavelenko could also be tried but if it ran before, I do not think thats the problem. your provider will probably be the reason or bad and/or congested internet lines.
  24. I have it too. I assume that pr just needs some time to realize that you have no connection to the server anymore and therefore it is not displayed. I think that has nothing to do with your problem.
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