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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. Try this to be shure that not the way to your router... run "CMD". ( search for "CMD" in the prompt. ) Type "ping -t yourgateway" (you find your gateway, if you go to your networkapdater at details. should be someting like 192.168.01 or, leave the window in the background and play pr. the next time you get connection problems go back to the cmd and press ctrl + c to stop ping. see if you get at this time "connection timeouts". if you get lost packages or timeouts then it is up to your computer or router. if everything goes well it's up to your isp or you have dns-problems. you can change your dns to and or and to test it. https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/15037-dns-addressing-how-change-windows-7-a.html
  2. something went wrong. Ramiel is running now...
  3. i do not want to hurt your feelings;) i3 8300 look quite good. I've just looked at cpus and currently amd is apparently even more expensive. For a real gaming pc of 2019, I do not know if the 8300 is enough. I also do not know what you want to play ... so it will be enough for simcity or PR, for battlefield 5-12 it is probably too weak. here are a few alternatives that do not cost much more but have more power, but also no high-end pcs: http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i3-8350K-vs-Intel-Core-i3-8300/3935vsm484077 http://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i5-7640X-vs-Intel-Core-i3-8300/m310543vsm484077 look at the games that interest you according to the hardware requirements, then you get an idea what you need. and I would also rather take a strong i3 or i5 than a average i7. they are not necessarily faster in everything ...
  4. If you want to make high-end gaming, an i3 might be too weak. but for pr, multimedia and not necessarily recent games it should definitely be enough. but it has a 4k graphics onboard. if you really want to buy a nvidia, maybe an AMD without graphics card would make more sense because it is just cheaper or you may get more kernels. to the video card: I personally would rather a 1050 TI (!) than a 1060 but there are so many differences that you have to look at the data sheets and benchmarks. 8GB memory are minimum if you want to make gaming. then you buy in any case brand memory in which you can still upgrade to 16gb afterwards. ssd: if you want win7 dont take kingston-ssds... kingston dont support win7 anymore. with samsung you dont have problems in this direction. ... and xenalight is right. not just buy but you have to check exactly if everything fits together. jersens had no fun with it ..
  5. 40 minutes download time via mobile phone with 1 mbit. will probably be there in time ... ;p
  6. I'm not sure if Hater is currently available. Of course it would be nice to have him involved, but if he has other things to do, it should be understandable. and even if he forget the event ...
  7. could you upload the map as early as possible? In the worst case, I only have internet over the phone. works well while playing but the downloads last forever. if you are afraid we could look at the maps before, you can take a password-protected archive ... I'm only interested in the download itself, so I'm not getting too late;)
  8. speechless. it was a pleasure to play with you, mr H8CrazyVet67. You leave a big gap. Ruhe in Frieden!
  9. nice job. Thank you. but maybe it makes sense to add something like "your time" so you do not get confused. I know it now but anyone who does not see this threat might be confused there. no criticism, just a thought. I can handle it ^^
  10. 13 * 2 it could also hit you .. ^^ I'm more for a good raider...
  11. I have no problem with that. except for grenadier because I'm very bad at it. and i have never played sniper / marksman / anti-personal ... What is an operator doing exactly? is he a girl for everything or is there a special task? I assume that he has no specific kit but the kit that is needed right now, correct?
  12. after the update the clock has disappeared, it would be good to have another time to convert. cet or gmt plus / minus what? I think prt was cet plus 2 hours, right?
  13. copy that. I do not know yet if I have to work. if not, it would be an honor to be AR, MG or 2. MEDIC in your squad. I'll let you know as soon as I know that. if skirmisher wants to take 2. Medic, I take AR, if he would prefer AR I take medic;) everything else is ok too ... except for grenadier.
  14. jap, BF:PR:Hardliner on 1500 disks, with all updates since 0.9 to install manually. then we need pure 8 man engineer squads ^^ sounds like fun too. I meant that with chaotic. but I think that's really good. on the other maps you have a very fast routine and it is already clear how to tackle something. on this map, most of the work is not so typical and you have to rethink. at war you never know what you get ....;) I found it great to see how pro-players come to their limits because they could not predict what's happening. this map breaks many structures and you have to work together with other squads... or you are cut off from your squad and have to work with other squads for a short time. maybe this "blueberry"-bashing gets a little less and you take something from this to the other maps ...;) this is like Vietnam only without trees ^^
  15. I can only agree with that. is a really good map, but really, really hard to play. I played them yesterday with ranger and skirmisher with only 20 people and it was a massacre for us. I had 16 deaths and 15 kills. today with many good players it was different. I still found it quite chaotic but that will settle down if we know how the enemy works an this map. However, I do not know if you should put the map in the normal rotaion, I can imagine that they would empty the server, if hardly any good players are online. I think you can work on the map a lot with mines and c4. at least that worked out pretty well for me yesterday... Hats off, really good job.
  16. Jap, maybe you have the ability to hang another computer on your internet connection to see if it is the computer or your router/isp? or vice versa, you could also hang your computer on another connection to see what happens. I get a feeling that it has something to do with the update and / or perf beta. did you update from 1.3 or did you install 1.5? here could be the problem somewhere ... it could be a performance problem ... maybe your graphics card or your cpu will be too hot or overload. it could also be a memory problem. but it could also firewall, router, cable, antivirus, proxies (if used), other programs, driver problems or anything. Therefore, it would make sense step by step to narrow down the error. that could take some time ... if you have no other Internet line or another computer available I would perhaps completely uninstall PR once and reinstall 1.5. but before I would delete all (!) settings and only when it is running and the error is fixed copy them back. if you need help to find the hidden folders of pr, let me know. there are still some data hidden in system folders of windows ... edit: have you ever defragmented your hard drive?
  17. that looks familiar;) thanks, that's much clearer and better to look at ..
  18. jap, same here ... I have to use sunglasses to read or may not look more than 5 seconds on the screen because my retina otherwise burns;)
  19. Here are a few approaches that may help: this sounds stupid but apparently it helped a few people: it could also be due to your router or windows firewall: but you should turn back on the firewall as soon as possible. all out of this thread: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18371 It could also be that your cpu is sometimes overloaded and has peaks in which it comes to connnection problems. You could try to look in the task manager when it comes back or you get a program that records the cpu-usage.
  20. sometimes i have that too. on three different computers, with three different types of good internet connections. (mobile, 400mbit UM, 16mbit T). That must be the game itself or the server.
  21. sometimes i have that too. i think the masterserver is somehow disturbed then. but you can still join the server via the ip-address.
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