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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. that is not only in the direction of Coop but also with each other. but you are right that we are perceived more as annoying and stupid. this is also true for most of the other coop servers, which is why i only played at vg for years because the other servers are kindergarten. but i have to say my deployment experiences weren't better... ^^ it's more chaos and it's much more toxic. I think because the elitist feeling is very high. you can define it very well by devaluing others. whether noob, coop, sniper,... trigger words that can be used to enhance yourself. because you are better. your squad is better than the guy with the sniper kit that's why people laugh at him, deployment feels better and more tactical than coop and laughs at us. but with a sniper kit on kokan i am often number 1 and can secure a flag almost on my own. and with coop it is sometimes more tactical because there is no chaos and confusion on both sides. maximum on one side...^^ and I also think at deployment you are often "against each other" in groups... because you fight against each other. we play together... as a team against bots. the inner attitude is a little different. we have nothing to loose because that are bots... they have pride and glory that has to be defendet against other humans...sounds stupid but I see many rivalries in PR... but at coop they are much lower.
  2. lol, I have one but they don't like me there... I posted there once and it backfired extremely. ^^
  3. I cant say. it came a few times every 3-5 maps... I will pay attention to it and report.
  4. but there is a real bug...does not appear on every map.
  5. did you delete the cache, shader and personal data from pr after de-installing 1.2? Im not sure, but maybe your new pr won't cope with the ancient settings because a lot has changed. __________ at realitymod someone had the same error: https://www.realitymod.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2211726#post2211726 a dev told him to install this: (original link/I can't say anything about this file/there was no feedback either!) maybe its the same like this: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/download/details.aspx?id=48145 but i dont know if it helps... if it doesn't help, I would uninstall PR again, delete all pr data and then install the last full version again, update it and try it again.
  6. hi, i don't know why i'm here. i hate computer (games) and PR really sucks... i was forced to join this clan and since then i have had to play PR on their server. the last year was ok, because we were all in a lockdown here and i hardly had to work but now that the cinemas are open again next week, i don't know how to manage all of this...;( i have known PR from the beginning. Back then I was a really good engineer in BF2 and spent half my life there. Unfortunately, I was always annoyed by the lack of team play. At the time, I found PR boring and rather slow... 5 years ago I checked if BF2 is still alive. was fun but it was the same nonsense as always: spawning, killing, dying then I stumbled upon PR again and was amazed that this minimod has 9GB... and of course I had to look inside. because i'm only a number in this clan i had to use this strange binary code as a name. this has led to me being given various names in the game. number guy, zero-one, one-ziro, hans, hey you, VG, binary-code, bob, 0100011000101, Numbers, 94 62 01, 148 98 1, 46 05, 70 5, f, f (, [9] 2245 to name a few. ...last year I managed to break free as you can read here: what can I say, it didn't work out and now I have to work for VG as admin again. so, i am happy to be here see you on the battlefield or on discord.
  7. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i love to see the surprised players when the bots keep spawning when the flag is neutral... ^^
  8. how was the old saying again? ...never run a changing system..no wait, never chase a running system...
  9. welcome to my life!^^ I've cut samples for the last few days and brought them to the right pitch. When I was done I found a mail in my mailbox from my colleague that he had just cut and edited the samples... the last special event in the cinema cost me almost a week of my life. when everything was finished the next lockdown came... and the same with pr... in the last few days i had no time to play. now i have a lot of time and the server is down. it will probably run again soon but then there will be a new update... and from tomorrow on I will probably not have time again... ^^
  10. normally there is a bugfix update for the update a few hours after the update. ^^
  11. great, now it's your fault if a new update comes out in a few hours...;p
  12. maybe you should post that at realitymod...^^
  13. why? the vacuum cleaner moves the dust in one direction, creating friction. the air from the can pushes the dust into the other and creating friction... in which direction is no static charge?^^ when vacuuming or blowing, this static can arise. hardly a difference. of course you should ground yourself before you open a computer, but you should also stay grounded, or it doesn't make so much sense... I would still advise everyone beforehand. but whether he blows or sucks makes no difference. ^^ btw, in the past, minefields computers were much more susceptible to static influences. ^^maybe i don't have enough common sense but i haven't yet found an explanation why one should be better than the other. just because something is repeated a thousand times doesn't make it any better/more correct.
  14. that was bad in the 80s... but today virtually every IT service employee vacuums or blows the computer clean. of course, theoretically, something can happen... but it is more likely that you destroy something yourself by touching it than that too much static builds up... this is a fallacy. static is formed by friction. static does not matter whether it is vacuum or blown. would work both ways. So if you don't vacuum, you also shouldn't blow... ^^
  15. and why should he leave his computer dusty? take care of the fan and vacuum as much as you want...
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