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=VG= 0100011000101

VG Clan Member
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Everything posted by =VG= 0100011000101

  1. if your dx9 drivers are broken a reinstall maybe helps against some bluescreens too...
  2. dont take a curved one...take a nearfield-monitor https://www.adam-audio.com/en/t-serie/t8v/ sorry...i coulnd help it...^^
  3. was ist ein bolt click sound von einem schrei? meint bolt click nur den trigger (wann der schrei losgehen soll) oder möchtest du einen wirklichen schrei evtl mit clickgeräusch von den detonator? was mechanische geräusche angeht kann man evtl schon vorhandene PR-sounds nehmen und sie verändern, dann sollte es wahrscheinlich keine copyright probleme geben, oder? klingt aber generell nach einer ziemlich geilen idee...das wird für viel panik sorgen^^
  4. that depends on the source. you can get copyright problems if you take the sound from a fmovie eg. But if you tinker with it or build it so that you can't figure out where the sound comes from anyway, you won't get any trouble with it. it probably makes sense to combine several sounds... can you give me examples from eg movies? only in german to get the details: du meinst das geräusch wenn der kolben zurückfährt oder die waffe leer ist und nicht den schuss? sehe ich das richtig? ich hätte vielleicht noch etwas zu dem link sagen sollen... es gibt solche archive wo man sounds bekommt die man in unterschiedlicher art und weise frei benutzen kann. wahrscheinlich macht es sinn sich dort mehrere sounds zu suchen und diese zu kombinieren und zu mischen. ähnlich mit den "ambient sounds". was wäre das genau? also was für ein sound zu welcher situation? was meinst du damit genau? sind wir immernoch bei der waffe?^^ wenn du schon sounds hast, die aber nicht gut klingen macht es vielleicht trotzdem sinn sie mal zu hören um eine vorstellung zu bekommen. manchmal findest du die richtigen sounds ganz woanders.
  5. what for ambient sound do you mean? maybe i can help...got some hard- and softwaresynthies. https://www.zapsplat.com/sound-effect-category/guns/page/3/
  6. I've had that too. I'm not sure whether this has something to do with the update, but before the update you could play dovre summer with "!setnext dov co std" and dovre winter with "!setnext wint co std". now dovre winter is loading with both. in the last week i played almost 10 hours with various mapchanges and there wasn't a single crash.
  7. if it helps...i got some pics of volod using his MG not AR... and here is one pic with a very rare situation where he very tactically covers the left with the MG and the right with the pistol: and here he is moving his mg to a tactically position inside of a caprange but outside of the trouble to rape some spawnpoints:
  8. i never had anything to do with gta... so help me guys, what's wrong with claude? why doesn't he have a last name like the others? ^^
  9. lol, sorry the "spoiler"-function is broken and for some reason I can't edit it anymore. ^^ //edit: i can edit normal posts but i cant edit anything in the spoiler test:
  10. I wouldn't be so sure about that...;) but thank you for this information. he definitely has the potential to do so. Usually we do not select admins based on applications, but rather observe players who we think might fit. you will not get a yes or no to this post, but such information helps a lot to focus on individual players. the head administrators will then decide if necessary, even if there is no public discussion about it. in any case, many thanks for your point of view.
  11. i try to be there but i forgot everything. so just use me as a bullet catcher...^^
  12. nothing...;p if the server is loading a new map or crashed you got a ping of 2500. try again, i think it was bad timing... you have to donate first ;p nice that you are back. hope to see you soon on the server
  13. declined. you will be punished for deserting. back in line soldier! if you are really leaving, you have to come back! thats an order!
  14. Jap, it was not on the list. We played it in the morning and it worked fine. but as i set muttrah as next map the server gave the message "added to rotation list". dont know if its back on the list now...
  15. networking needs a few math skills... you can of course have everything calculated using "apps" but it makes sense to know how many network addresses are available at It's similar with programming. you rarely need math, but you follow a logic similar to math and sometimes have to think in binary logic for hardware-related matters. with java or flash you have less math... So networking needs an understanding of math. programming depending on which language and in which area. internet authoring I think has to do the least with math. but that should perhaps be confirmed by an professional...
  16. Unfortunately, I won't make it today... and if I do, I'll get to it later. ;(
  17. lol if you work 10 meters away from there and that for over 20 years, then that's nothing special anymore. ^^ let's see if there will be "dönninghaus" next year... the 3eck is slowly dying out.
  18. in not sure if you can call a 15 year old game "young man game". I would rather say this is the "old man version" of bf2.^^ anyway dont mess with the number-guy! ;p
  19. lol, why? every other city has more sights or is generally more attractive... you are tougher than i thought..;p and yes, we don't like cyclists. that is the ruhrpott. you need a lowered prollo car or a borrowed BMW.
  20. its not that easy... sure you can chosse maps like muttrah alt or maps that dont start at the water but you have also to change the spawnpoints and movment of the bots. another thing is that the bots have different vehicles. air assets dont need a warmup, they are autorearming without crates or helipads, bots dont need a crewman-kit... so its not that easy. on the other hand you dont need another server for this because if you got templates and maps you can just restart the server and load another maplist. if im not mistaken. if we have two servers for coop the mainproblem is that we divide the serverpopulation. and opfor with 12 player should be very hard. and finally what m8 already said. Many players don't want to play 5 maps in a row without a scope and tend to feel stressed. opfor is similar to some nam maps such as ghost train you start with 35 players and at the end there are 16 left. and then you can only win via tickets, which takes three hours...
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